Geochemical Characteristics and Metallogenic Significance of Lower Permian Shuangqiaozi Formation in Taiping Mountains, Heilongjiang Province
摘要: 太平岭成矿带是黑龙江省重要的铜金多金属成矿带,矿床类型主要为中温热液脉型,也发育斑岩型、浅成低温热液型和岩浆熔离型.区内广泛发育的下二叠统双桥子组(P1s)由泥质岩、粉砂岩及砂岩夹多层中酸性火山岩等组成.地层中Au、P、Fe等元素含量较高,近年来,在东宁县及穆棱市境内相继发现了陆角岭、五道沟-二十三公里等小型金矿床,金矿体均呈脉状产于P1s中,但品位较低,直接影响到下一步找矿决策.在野外调查的基础上,利用岩石地球化学、X射线粉晶衍射以及有机碳分析等手段,对该地层岩石类型、沉积物源以及Au等成矿元素来源进行了分析,结果表明:岩石主量元素含量稳定,与PAAS相比,轻度亏损Al2O3、P2O5、CaO和MnO2,中度亏损Na2O、MgO、TiO2和Fe2O3;微量元素除了Zn外,其他元素含量都较低;稀土元素总量与北美页岩相当,轻重稀土元素分异略低于北美页岩;主要矿物为粘土矿物(伊利石、绿泥石)和石英,另有不等量的钠长石、少量的碳酸盐矿物和黄铁矿,岩石TOC含量为0.22%~2.52%,平均值为1.10%;岩石中Au的含量与TOC和粘土矿物含量之间没有相关性.认为区内P1s为碳质砂板岩,沉积物主要来源于石英质沉积岩的风化产物,少量来源于镁铁质和长英质火成岩,沉积于近岸环境,地层中高含量的金并不是成岩之后由流体携带而来并被岩石中富含的有机物或粘土矿物所吸附,而是同样来源于陆源风化产物,指示该区产于P1s中的金矿并非层控型金矿床,而是受断层控制的热液脉型金矿床.Abstract: The metallogenic belt in the Taiping Mountains is one of the most important copper-gold polymetallic metallogenic belts in Heilongjiang Province,in which mesothermal hydrothermal vein dominates,followed by porphyry,epithermal and magmatic type deposits. The Lower Permian Shuangqiaozi Formation (P1s) is widely developed in this region,and is composed of pelite,siltstone,and sandstone,with multiple layers of intermediate-felsic volcanic rocks. The contents of Au,P,and Fe are relatively high in this stratum. In recent years,small scale gold deposits such as Lujiaoling,Wudaogou-23 Gongli have been found in Dongning County and Muleng City. The gold ore bodies are developed in P1s as veins,but the grade of gold is low,which directly affects the next step of exploration. Based on field investigations,in this paper it uses rock geochemistry,X-ray powder diffraction,and organic carbon analysis to determine the rock types,sedimentary sources,and sources of ore-forming elements such as Au. The contents of major elements display small variations. Compared with PAAS,the rocks are slightly depleted in Al2O3,P2O5,CaO,and MnO2,and moderately depleted in Na2O,MgO,TiO2,and Fe2O3. All trace elements except Zn yield lower contents. The total amount of rare earth elements is equivalent to that of North American shale,and the differentiation of light and heavy rare earth elements is slightly lower than that of North American shale. The rocks are dominated by clay minerals (illite,chlorite) and quartz,with various amounts of albite and minor carbonate minerals and pyrite. The TOC contents of the rock range from 0.22% to 2.52%,with an average of 1.10%. There is no correlation between the contents of Au and TOC and clay minerals. It is suggested that P1s in the area is composed of carbonaceous slate,and the sediments were mainly derived from the weathering products of quartzose sedimentary rocks,with a small amount derived from femic igneous rocks. The deposition environment is near-shore. The high contents of gold in the stratum were not brought by the fluids after diagenesis and adsorbed by the rich organic compounds or clay minerals,but derived from terrigenous weathering products. This indicates that the gold deposits developed in P1s in this area are not stratabound gold deposits,but hydrothermal vein type deposits controlled by faults.
图 1 东北地区区域地质图
Fig. 1. Regional geological map of Northeast China
图 6 双桥子组碳质板岩稀土元素北美页岩标准化配分模式
NASC数据来源于Haskin et al.(1968)
Fig. 6. PAAS-normalized REE patterns of carbonaceous slate for the study samples
图 10 碳质板岩lg(SiO2/Al2O3)-lg((CaO+Na2O)/K2O)图解
Fig. 10. Bivariate lg(SiO2/Al2O3) versus lg((CaO+Na2O)/K2O) sedimentary environment discrimination diagram
图 11 碳质板岩SiO2-Al2O3图解
Fig. 11. Bivariate SiO2 versus Al2O3 sedimentary environment discrimination diagram
表 1 研究区双桥子组(P1s)碳质板岩有机碳(TOC)含量分析
Table 1. The analytic data of total organic carbon (TOC) for the study samples
样品号 TOC(%) 样品号 TOC(%) 样品号 TOC(%) 样品号 TOC(%) EZK7201-3-1 0.45 WZK0902-1-30 0.58 EZK7401-2-2 1.88 LZK110-3-2-6 0.87 EZK7201-3-2 0.37 WZK0902-1-31 0.48 EZK7401-2-3 1.25 LZK110-3-2-7 0.62 EZK7201-3-3 0.98 WZK0902-1-33 0.95 EZK7401-2-4 1.05 LZK110-3-2-8 0.96 EZK7201-3-4 0.91 WZK0902-1-35 0.55 EZK7401-2-5 1.26 LZK110-3-2-9 1.49 EZK7201-4-1 1.16 WZK0902-1-37 1.01 EZK7401-2-6 2.07 LZK110-3-2-10 1.12 EZK7201-4-2 1.97 WZK0902-1-39 2.00 EZK7401-2-7 1.36 LZK110-3-2-11 1.14 EZK7201-4-3 1.27 WZK0902-1-41 1.88 EZK7401-2-8 1.71 LZK110-3-2-12 2.50 EZK7201-4-4 0.57 WZK0902-1-43 1.15 EZK7401-2-9 2.00 LZK110-3-2-13 1.93 EZK7502-2-2 0.62 WZK0902-1-44 0.93 WZK0902-1-1 0.44 LZK110-3-2-14 1.12 EZK7502-2-3 1.19 WZK0902-1-46 1.51 WZK0902-1-3 0.74 LZK110-3-2-15 1.56 EZK7502-2-4 0.43 WZK0902-1-47 2.36 WZK0902-1-4 0.60 LZK110-3-2-16 1.44 EZK7502-2-6 0.72 WZK0902-1-49 1.15 WZK0902-1-5 0.63 LZK110-3-2-17 0.80 EZK7502-2-7 0.25 WZK0902-1-51 1.08 WZK0902-1-7 1.16 LZK110-3-2-18 1.38 EZK7502-2-8 0.30 WZK0902-1-53 2.26 WZK0902-1-8 0.22 LZK110-3-2-19 1.07 EZK7502-2-10 0.79 WZK0902-1-54 1.41 WZK0902-1-9 0.35 LZK110-3-2-20 1.12 EZK7502-2-11 1.01 WZK0902-1-55 2.52 WZK0902-1-11 0.73 LZK110-3-2-21 0.83 EZK7502-2-13 0.32 WZK0902-1-57 2.31 WZK0902-1-14 0.35 LZK110-3-2-22 1.27 EZK7502-2-14 0.99 WZK0902-1-59 1.88 WZK0902-1-15 0.72 LZK110-3-2-23 1.05 EZK7502-2-15 0.30 WZK0902-1-60 1.61 WZK0902-1-17 0.71 LZK110-3-2-24 1.44 EZK7502-2-16 0.53 WZK0902-1-62 0.93 WZK0902-1-19 0.84 LZK110-3-2-26 1.73 EZK7502-2-17 0.61 LZK110-3-2-1 0.95 WZK0902-1-20 0.33 LZK110-3-2-27 1.46 EZK7502-2-18 0.45 LZK110-3-2-2 0.98 WZK0902-1-22 0.90 LZK110-3-2-28 1.26 EZK7502-2-19 1.35 LZK110-3-2-3 1.10 WZK0902-1-24 1.60 LZK110-3-2-29 1.17 EZK7502-2-20 1.55 LZK110-3-2-4 1.09 WZK0902-1-26 1.13 LZK110-3-2-30 1.22 EZK7502-2-21 1.30 LZK110-3-2-5 0.83 WZK0902-1-28 1.37 LZK110-3-2-31 0.62 EZK7502-2-22 1.32 EZK7401-2-1 0.85 表 2 双桥子组碳质板岩粉晶衍射分析结果(%)
Table 2. The analytic data of powder diffraction for the study samples (%)
样品编号 伊利石 绿泥石 石英 钾长石 钠长石 白云石 方解石 黄铁矿 样品编号 伊利石 绿泥石 石英 钾长石 钠长石 白云石 方解石 黄铁矿 EZK7201-3-3 44 15 34 3 3 1 LZK110-3-2-30 44 25 28 3 EZK7201-3-4 43 21 32 3 1 LZK110-3-2-31 52 6 38 4 EZK7201-4-3 44 16 32 7 1 WZK0902-1-4 42 29 24 5 EZK7201-4-4 45 11 38 5 1 WZK0902-1-5 49 5 37 7 1 1 EZK7401-2-1 51 14 31 2 1 1 WZK0902-1-7 42 8 40 9 1 EZK7401-2-2 51 20 27 2 WZK0902-1-8 35 7 46 3 8 1 EZK7401-2-3 41 19 33 6 1 WZK0902-1-9 30 7 40 21 1 1 EZK7401-2-4 43 23 31 2 1 WZK0902-1-14 34 9 41 15 1 EZK7401-2-7 37 26 32 5 WZK0902-1-15 48 2 38 11 1 EZK7401-2-8 38 25 31 6 WZK0902-1-17 55 9 30 5 1 EZK7502-2-8 35 14 41 1 8 1 WZK0902-1-19 55 9 32 4 EZK7502-2-14 53 14 28 3 1 1 WZK0902-1-20 39 13 37 10 1 EZK7502-2-17 22 9 52 15 1 1 WZK0902-1-30 53 9 34 3 1 EZK7502-2-20 44 12 37 5 1 1 WZK0902-1-31 45 8 35 11 1 EZK7502-2-21 44 6 41 7 1 1 WZK0902-1-39 68 4 19 7 1 1 EZK7502-2-22 46 23 26 4 1 WZK0902-1-43 53 8 32 6 1 LZK110-3-2-2 42 12 42 4 WZK0902-1-44 49 4 39 7 1 LZK110-3-2-3 57 11 29 3 WZK0902-1-47 36 26 21 16 1 LZK110-3-2-4 40 15 41 4 WZK0902-1-53 39 36 17 1 7 LZK110-3-2-5 50 18 28 4 WZK0902-1-54 40 28 20 12 LZK110-3-2-6 50 17 30 3 WZK0902-1-55 55 17 14 13 1 LZK110-3-2-28 32 25 38 4 1 WZK0902-1-60 37 27 23 1 11 1 LZK110-3-2-29 51 9 33 6 1 WZK0902-1-62 40 35 20 1 3 1 表 3 碳质板岩成矿元素含量分析结果
Table 3. The analytic data of ore-forming elements for the study samples
样号 Ag Mo As Sb Bi Hg Au 样号 Ag Mo As Sb Bi Hg Au μg/g ng/g μg/g ng/g EZK7201-3-1 0.27 1.35 44.42 8.36 0.12 0.02 4.83 WZK0902-1-28 0.20 1.03 56.45 2.99 0.90 0.01 3.54 EZK7201-3-2 0.19 1.06 73.16 6.32 0.21 0.01 21.59 WZK0902-1-30 0.15 1.39 165.82 2.53 0.41 0.01 21.62 EZK7201-3-3 0.25 2.30 50.95 5.84 0.23 0.02 2.54 WZK0902-1-31 0.09 2.60 608.46 3.33 0.34 0.01 92.26 EZK7201-3-4 0.23 2.72 71.52 5.90 0.43 0.01 2.14 WZK0902-1-33 0.12 1.44 49.82 2.11 0.53 0.01 20.19 EZK7201-4-1 0.60 0.95 647.35 13.00 0.52 0.02 598.70 WZK0902-1-35 0.14 2.48 87.15 2.18 0.24 0.01 5.36 EZK7201-4-2 0.26 1.04 199.63 9.07 0.18 0.01 189.30 WZK0902-1-37 0.13 1.66 37.79 1.72 0.54 0.01 2.47 EZK7201-4-3 0.36 0.83 160.22 6.66 0.11 0.01 35.91 WZK0902-1-39 0.99 1.93 2 516.32 20.56 0.44 0.03 2 203.00 EZK7201-4-4 0.04 0.33 9.11 0.89 0.03 0.01 0.52 WZK0902-1-41 0.57 1.69 1 185.75 6.72 0.26 0.03 118.90 EZK7502-2-2 0.21 2.07 83.91 6.47 0.49 0.02 9.72 WZK0902-1-43 0.40 2.07 445.77 6.07 0.37 0.01 225.90 EZK7502-2-3 0.10 1.10 28.82 3.10 0.43 0.01 1.11 WZK0902-1-44 0.39 1.47 1 776.95 6.62 0.18 0.01 762.90 EZK7502-2-4 0.09 0.70 28.80 3.85 0.42 0.01 1.90 WZK0902-1-46 0.14 1.28 200.34 1.46 0.30 0.01 10.27 EZK7502-2-6 0.57 1.23 145.05 16.26 0.45 0.04 27.78 WZK0902-1-47 0.07 0.95 42.53 1.76 0.26 0.00 0.95 EZK7502-2-7 0.09 0.38 26.97 2.23 0.17 0.00 1.35 WZK0902-1-49 0.21 1.34 891.08 9.01 0.93 0.01 36.78 EZK7502-2-8 0.21 0.94 34.94 4.89 0.51 0.01 5.76 WZK0902-1-51 0.13 1.43 1 293.40 3.87 0.24 0.01 15.19 EZK7502-2-10 0.27 1.42 44.45 7.83 0.53 0.01 4.71 WZK0902-1-53 0.13 1.10 43.49 0.87 0.21 0.00 0.79 EZK7502-2-11 0.10 1.24 36.88 12.87 0.57 0.01 3.93 WZK0902-1-54 0.12 1.38 169.33 1.62 0.53 0.01 12.94 EZK7502-2-13 0.10 0.50 28.92 9.37 0.20 0.00 6.76 WZK0902-1-55 0.25 1.55 183.13 5.25 0.41 0.01 3.67 EZK7502-2-14 0.38 0.77 65.34 11.57 0.46 0.01 23.76 WZK0902-1-57 0.09 1.37 194.29 2.92 0.24 0.00 3.85 EZK7502-2-15 0.88 1.02 3 913.41 75.91 0.29 0.02 2 911.00 WZK0902-1-59 0.11 1.44 752.12 1.73 0.39 0.00 3.64 EZK7502-2-16 0.66 0.89 1 697.05 67.02 0.33 0.02 725.30 WZK0902-1-60 0.10 1.13 144.71 0.41 0.14 0.00 1.70 EZK7502-2-17 0.52 1.30 699.60 24.73 0.20 0.02 202.40 WZK0902-1-62 0.33 0.69 26.89 1.87 0.58 0.01 2.84 EZK7502-2-18 0.07 0.81 212.15 0.99 0.10 0.01 3.70 LZK110-3-2-1 0.06 1.45 28.22 1.11 0.26 0.01 2.44 EZK7502-2-19 0.35 1.09 801.85 27.78 0.61 0.02 232.20 LZK110-3-2-2 0.04 0.92 35.40 0.61 0.14 0.01 3.41 EZK7502-2-20 0.15 0.68 40.42 7.19 0.19 0.01 9.70 LZK110-3-2-3 0.06 0.80 61.56 1.08 0.27 0.02 2.05 EZK7502-2-21 0.17 0.67 119.12 2.99 0.21 0.01 44.14 LZK110-3-2-4 0.05 0.83 80.79 1.00 0.33 0.02 7.90 EZK7502-2-22 0.18 1.38 161.79 8.98 0.58 0.10 3.39 LZK110-3-2-5 0.05 1.17 53.80 1.12 0.42 0.01 1.71 EZK7401-2-1 0.73 1.01 119.56 5.16 0.49 0.01 341.10 LZK110-3-2-6 0.04 2.37 26.48 0.56 0.56 0.01 1.23 EZK7401-2-2 0.18 0.86 76.16 6.61 0.25 0.01 8.07 LZK110-3-2-7 0.06 0.65 43.78 1.06 0.41 0.02 1.92 EZK7401-2-3 0.37 1.45 75.42 10.21 0.59 0.01 44.48 LZK110-3-2-8 0.04 1.24 52.39 0.31 0.18 0.01 1.52 EZK7401-2-4 0.11 0.80 99.17 6.97 0.21 0.01 99.79 LZK110-3-2-9 0.19 0.89 48.18 0.49 0.42 0.01 0.77 EZK7401-2-5 0.79 1.26 805.07 16.28 0.41 0.02 160.90 LZK110-3-2-10 0.07 0.56 35.08 0.46 0.20 0.01 0.74 EZK7401-2-6 0.18 0.96 96.03 3.35 0.25 0.02 9.00 LZK110-3-2-11 0.11 1.78 39.13 0.56 0.26 0.01 1.49 EZK7401-2-7 0.17 0.56 151.48 3.90 0.36 0.02 51.30 LZK110-3-2-12 0.31 1.61 18.39 0.35 2.16 0.01 1.64 EZK7401-2-8 0.26 1.02 26.11 2.01 0.49 0.01 1.90 LZK110-3-2-13 0.08 1.35 53.62 0.26 0.24 0.01 0.84 EZK7401-2-9 0.19 0.73 39.41 0.61 0.25 0.01 4.90 LZK110-3-2-14 0.05 1.25 45.52 0.40 0.13 0.01 3.53 WZK0902-1-1 0.18 0.59 1 161.85 6.11 0.52 0.01 177.40 LZK110-3-2-15 0.05 1.61 55.34 0.58 0.16 0.02 0.97 WZK0902-1-3 0.04 1.41 23.66 1.73 0.27 0.01 1.60 LZK110-3-2-16 0.06 1.37 36.56 0.43 0.16 0.01 0.69 WZK0902-1-4 0.26 0.73 198.32 2.42 1.19 0.01 9.66 LZK110-3-2-17 0.17 1.07 57.77 0.79 0.31 0.01 1.09 WZK0902-1-5 0.66 1.43 2 644.91 20.38 0.38 0.04 1 262.00 LZK110-3-2-18 0.04 0.89 32.49 0.39 0.13 0.01 0.48 WZK0902-1-7 0.42 1.47 1 205.04 11.49 0.35 0.02 271.40 LZK110-3-2-19 0.12 0.94 56.06 0.50 0.25 0.01 1.01 WZK0902-1-8 0.43 0.71 2 195.58 15.78 0.32 0.02 433.50 LZK110-3-2-20 0.07 1.37 31.22 0.39 0.12 0.01 0.44 WZK0902-1-9 0.36 3.16 1 698.57 10.46 0.38 0.02 211.00 LZK110-3-2-21 0.28 0.53 40.47 0.94 0.62 0.03 3.36 WZK0902-1-11 0.14 1.12 56.80 1.99 0.35 0.01 10.52 LZK110-3-2-22 0.06 0.89 43.16 0.43 0.25 0.00 4.70 WZK0902-1-14 0.10 0.80 33.95 1.90 0.36 0.01 4.00 LZK110-3-2-23 0.22 2.28 109.87 1.06 0.69 0.02 5.79 WZK0902-1-15 0.41 1.87 2 424.06 20.33 0.29 0.03 658.10 LZK110-3-2-24 0.10 1.03 79.72 0.67 0.32 0.01 1.40 WZK0902-1-17 0.25 1.41 943.60 5.88 0.47 0.01 107.60 LZK110-3-2-26 0.14 1.06 73.15 0.78 0.33 0.01 1.55 WZK0902-1-19 0.17 1.28 1 401.50 6.68 0.43 0.01 154.50 LZK110-3-2-27 1.05 1.05 44.08 0.55 1.26 0.02 0.71 WZK0902-1-20 0.13 0.99 64.59 2.44 0.35 0.01 12.90 LZK110-3-2-28 0.26 1.01 54.75 0.73 0.56 0.01 0.71 WZK0902-1-22 0.16 1.86 79.13 3.52 0.56 0.01 23.01 LZK110-3-2-29 0.25 2.16 56.51 1.82 0.63 0.01 8.02 WZK0902-1-24 0.13 1.31 76.62 2.18 0.53 0.01 26.65 LZK110-3-2-30 0.40 0.67 59.27 0.54 0.97 0.01 2.99 WZK0902-1-26 0.18 2.42 63.47 1.88 0.70 0.01 6.15 LZK110-3-2-31 0.10 1.26 45.30 0.36 0.33 0.01 2.65 表 4 碳质板岩成矿元素相关系数矩阵
Table 4. Correlation coefficient matrix of ore-forming elements for the study samples
Ag Mo As Sb Bi Hg Au Ag 1 Mo 0.06 1 As 0.59 0.15 1 Sb 0.60 -0.01 0.72 1 Bi 0.26 0.10 -0.06 -0.05 1 Hg 0.33 0.10 0.27 0.25 0.10 1 Au 0.64 0.06 0.84 0.75 -0.05 0.24 1 表 5 碳质板岩化学成分特征参数对比
Table 5. Characteristic of element concentration ratios of carbonaceous slate for the study samples
指标 特征区间及相应指示意义 矿区 五道沟 陆角岭 二十三公里 Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) < 0.35,存在热水的注入 > 0.5,来自陆源 0.66~0.78,平均值为0.71 0.55~0.83,平均值为0.72 0.67~0.79,平均值为0.72 SiO2/Al2O3 ≤3.6,完全由陆源提供 > 3.6,生物或热水作用的补充 2.14~4.88,平均值为3.68 2.71~6.61,平均值为3.73 3.71~5.85,平均值为4.55 Si/(Si+Al+Fe) < 0.9,更接近碎屑物源区 0.9~1,主要物源为生物硅 0.56~0.76,平均值为0.69 0.64~0.76,平均值为0.70 0.70~0.79,平均值为0.74 Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3) 0.1~0.4,洋脊海岭环境 0.4~0.7,远洋深海环境 0.75~0.94,平均值为0.86 0.78~0.95,平均值为0.85 0.75~0.94,平均值为0.86 0.83~0.97,平均值为0.91 MnO/TiO2 < 0.2,近岸浅海陆架内 > 0.5,靠近海沟和深海环境中 0~0.29,平均值为0.12 0.06~0.42,平均值为0.15 0.04~0.77,平均值为0.16 -
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