Study on Sliding-Shearing Deformation and Failure Mode of Rock Slope with Steep Weak Structural Plane
摘要: 斜坡变形破坏和稳定性分析是各类工程建设中高度关注的问题.采用实例调查、理论分析、数值计算等技术方法,以雅砻江某水电工程坝址区右岸顺层岩质斜坡为例,研究总结了斜坡发育滑移-剪损变形破坏的成因机理、发育特征以及与弱面倾角和发育深度的关系.研究表明,滑移-剪损变形破坏通常发育在力学性能相对较差的薄层、互层状结构的顺层岩质斜坡或斜坡强-弱风化带内.斜坡发育滑移-剪损变形破坏与陡倾坡外弱面的倾角和发育位置密切相关.倾角在45°~65°之间或距斜坡表部水平距离小于80 m的弱面对斜坡发育滑移-剪损变形破坏的影响控制作用明显,并且弱面距斜坡表部水平距离比弱面倾角对斜坡发育滑移-剪损变形破坏的影响控制作用更强.研究成果可补充完善岩质斜坡变形破坏类型,具有重要的工程意义和实践价值.Abstract: The deformation and stability of rock slope are very important to engineering construction. Taking the right bank bedding rock slope of a hydropower project on Yalongjiang River as an example, in this paper it studies and summarizes the formation mechanism, development characteristics and the relationship with weak structural plane dip and development depth of sliding-shearing deformation and failure mode by in-situ investigation, theoretical analysis and numerical calculation. The research results show that sliding-shearing deformation and failure mode usually occurs in the bedding rock slope with poor mechanical properties or in the strong-weak weathering rock masses. The sliding-shearing deformation and failure of rock mass slope are closely related to the dip and development position of steep weak structural plane. The weak structural plane with 45°-65° dip or horizontal distance of less than 80 m from the slope surface is obviously influence to sliding-shearing deformation and failure of slope, and the influence of the horizontal distance between the weak structural plane and the slope surface is stronger than dip of weak structural plane on sliding-shearing deformation and failure of slope. This study is of great engineering significance and practical value to supplement the deformation and failure types of rock slope.
表 1 数值模型材料参数
Table 1. Calculation parameters of FEM model
材料名称 E(GPa) γ(MN·m-3) C(MPa) Φ(°) T(MPa) μ 强风化岩体 3.5 0.025 0.80 39 0.05 0.24 弱风化岩体 10.0 0.026 1.20 47 0.60 0.22 微风化岩体 15.0 0.027 1.80 55 1.20 0.20 软弱结构面 1.0 0.022 0.15 25 0.00 0.30 注:E.变形模量; γ.密度; C.内聚力; φ.内摩擦角; T.抗拉强度; μ.泊松比. -
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