Paleoproterozoic Back-Arc Basin Opening and Closure: Evidence from the Structural Research of the Volcanic-Sedimentary Rocks in the Helan Town, Liaodong Peninsula
摘要: 前寒武纪盆地演化及造山作用一直是造山带研究中的热点和难点,通过对华北克拉通东部陆块胶-辽-吉构造带中辽东半岛河栏镇火山-沉积岩进行深入的野外及室内研究,反演该地区古元古代大地构造演化过程.通过对辽河群里尔峪组火山岩、高家峪组钙质泥岩以及大石桥组碳酸盐岩野外的详细构造解析,识别出各类岩石单元中发育同沉积伸展构造(D1-0),包括同沉积不对称褶皱、层间平卧褶皱和滑脱面理及线理,指示辽吉弧后盆地早期伸展张裂过程.通过对河栏镇蒲石河地区基性侵入岩及喷出枕状熔岩进行详细的野外构造填图及解析,提出伴随基性枕状熔岩的喷发,辽吉弧后盆地张裂到最大程度.此外,在各组相关岩石中观察到大量逆冲推覆构造及不对称断展褶皱,构造归为D1-1或者D1-2,指示辽吉弧后盆地受挤压应力影响发生收缩.锆石年代学研究指示高家峪组沉积物物源主要来自于~2.5 Ga基底,少量来自古元古代(2 172 Ma)火山弧.综合区域内已有岩石地球化学及年代学资料,研究表明辽吉弧后盆地的拉张及闭合过程伴随着古元古代增生造山作用,并暗示板块构造在古元古代已经开启.Abstract: Precambrian orogenesis has always been a hot and challenging issue in the study of accretionary and collisional orogenic belts. In this paper, we study the volcanic-sedimentary rocks in the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji orogenic belt at the Helan Town in the Liaodong Peninsula using methods of detailed mapping in the field and age dating indoors, and finally decipher the Paleoproterozoic evolution of this area in the eastern China Block of the North China Craton. Many syn-depositional structures such as asymmetric folds, isoclinal folds, and inter-bedding slip lineations were recognized and classified as syn-depositional structures based on our detailed field structural analysis of the volcanic rocks from the Li'eryu Formation, calcareous mudstones from the Gaojiayu Formation, and carbonates from the Dashiqiao Formation. We further classified these structures as D1-0, which formed in an extensional process at the early opening stage of the Liaoji back-arc basin. Based on detailed field mapping of the intrusive mafic rocks and its related eruption "pillow lava" in the Pushihe area of Helan Town, it was proposed that the eruption of the basic "pillow lava" indicates that the Liaoji back-arc basin turned into the maximum extension stage. Besides, a large number of thrust nappe structures and asymmetric fault-propagation folds were observed in the volcanic rocks of the Li'eryu Formation, the calcareous mudstones of the Gaojiayu Formation, and the carbonates of the Dashiqiao Formation in the Liaohe Group, and were defined as D1-1 or D1-2. These structures indicate the contraction of the Liaoji back-arc basin, also imply the beginning of the Paleoproterozoic orogenesis. Detrital zircon study of the Gaojiayu Formation indicates that the predominated provenance of the clastics was from a 2.5 Ga basement, and few of them were from the 2.17 Ga volcanic rocks. Combined with petro-geochemistry and geochronology data in our study area, it is concluded that the opening and closure of the Liaoji back-arc basin recorded a complete Paleoproterozoic orogenesis process and also indicated the plate tectonic initiation at the time.
图 1 华北克拉通大地构造划分区图(修改自Zhao et al., 2005)
Fig. 1. Tectonic subdivision of the North China Craton (modified after Zhao et al., 2005)
图 2 辽东半岛河栏镇地区地质图
图修改自辽宁省第一区域地质测量队二分队(1971)完成的中华人民共和国地质图 1:20万辽阳幅K-51-XXVII;剖面A-A’、B-B’、C-C’、D-D’和E-E’的位置标注于此图上.高家峪剖面(图 5a)也标注于此图上
Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of the Helan Town region, Liaodong Penisula
图 3 北辽河群柱状图
图中年代学数据引自Wang et al.(2016)和Xu et al.(2020)
Fig. 3. Simplified geological column map of the North Liaohe Group
图 4 辽东半岛河栏镇地区里尔峪组火山岩野外照片及构造变形特征
Fig. 4. Field photos and structural deformation characteristics of volcanic rocks in the Li'eryu Formation in the Helan Town, Liaodong Peninsula
图 5 辽东半岛河栏镇地区高家峪组野外照片及构造变形特征
Fig. 5. Field photos and structural deformation characteristics of the Gaojiayu Formation in the Helan Town, Liaodong Peninsula
图 6 辽东半岛河栏镇地区高家峪组碎屑锆石阴极发光图像、频率分布直方图、谐和图(谐和度≥90%),
Fig. 6. Representative cathodoluminescence (CL) images, probability density plot, concordia diagram (concordance ≥90%) of the Gaojiayu Formation at the northern part of Helan Town, Liaodong Peninsula
图 7 早期辉绿岩侵入大理岩中,将大理岩顶起呈穹窿状特征,其中辉绿岩侵入面上可见流动性线理,大理岩与辉绿岩侵入体接触面局部较为温和,局部呈切层侵入状(a);露头上可见辉绿岩岩浆上涌过程中吞噬大理岩的过程,可见大理岩捕虏体于辉绿岩中(b)
Fig. 7. Diabase intruded into the marbles, the marble shows dome-like feature because of intrusion, flow foliation can be observed on the surface of diabase. Between the marble and diabase, some local areas show gentle contact, some local areas show bedding crosscut contact (a); outcrop shows marble xenolith in diabase because of the mafic magma upwelling and intrusion (b)
图 8 辉绿岩侵入碳酸盐岩后,大理岩从A到C出现原生面理S0及平行S0面理S0-1产状变缓趋势,面理上早期的拉伸线理L0-1也趋于变缓,极射赤平投影图显示其变化产状特征(a);大理岩中背斜(c和d);碳酸盐岩中逆冲推覆构造发育,显示双冲构造特征(b)
Fig. 8. After intrusion of diabase, the dipping angle of original S0 and S0 parallel foliation S0-1 are getting lower from A to C, lineations L0-1 on S0-1 surface also show this feature, data are presented in the projection (a), fold in marble (c and d), duplexes developed in the marbles (b)
图 10 辽东半岛河栏镇地区五条典型构造剖面
剖面A-A’显示太古宙基底到高家峪组及构造,修改自Tian et al.(2020);剖面B-B’显示河栏镇地区里尔峪组与高家峪组之间关系;剖面C-C’显示河栏镇地区基性侵入岩与碳酸盐岩(大理岩)之间关系;剖面D-D’展示大理岩变形特征,修改自Tian et al.(2017);剖面E-E’显示盖县组片岩变形特征及其辽河群与辽吉花岗岩之间的关系,修改自Tian et al.(2017)
Fig. 10. Five typical cross-sections developed in the Helan Town, Liaodong Peninsula
表 1 辽河群各组岩石单元变质-变形特征及其变形时代
Table 1. Metamorphic-deformational feature of each formation in the Liaohe Group and its related deformational age
浪子山组 里尔峪组 高家峪组 大石桥组 盖县组 变形时代 岩性 石英岩含蓝晶石-十字石-石榴子石片岩、千枚岩 火山岩大理岩 板岩、钙质泥岩、碎屑灰岩、钙质砂岩 结晶灰岩、大理岩 片岩、变质粉砂岩 变形 D1-0 无痕迹 同沉积、同岩浆不对称褶皱 同沉积不对称褶皱、平卧褶皱、同斜褶皱 同沉积断层发育、滑脱型面理及线理 局部可见S0 2 200~ 2 115 Ma* D1-1 局部见F1、S1、L1 F1、S1发育 F1、S1发育、逆冲断层 F1、S1发育 S1、L1 2 115~ 1 950 Ma** D1-2 褶劈理S2发育、逆冲推覆构造发育,倒转褶皱F2发育, 倒转褶皱F2发育 直立褶皱F2发育 F2发育 S2发育、L2局部可见 1 950 Ma** D1-3 膝折发育 未见 未见 F3局部发育 1 950~ 1 840 Ma*** 变质 角闪岩相 整体较低 整体较低,局部未变质 整体较低,局部未变质 局部变质 侵入岩 见少量基性岩侵入 见少量基性岩侵入 见少量基性岩侵入 见大量基性岩侵入,枕状熔岩 未见基性侵入岩 注:*据 Wang et al.(2016) ;**据Liu et al.(2019) ;***据Tian et al.(2017) . -
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