Radiolarian Chert Strata in Middle Triassic from Changning-Menglian Suture Zone and Implications for Paleo-Tethys
摘要: 昌宁-孟连结合带中三叠世地层记录了古特提斯洋晚期演化信息,为正确认识古特提斯构造古地理格局提供了重要的解剖窗口.云南省沧源县团结地区原划泥盆系曼信组岩性为硅质岩与泥岩互层夹砂岩层(透镜体),对其中长石砂岩和硅质岩分别开展锆石U-Pb测年和地球化学分析,在限定该地层时代的基础上探讨其古特提斯演化意义.长石砂岩夹层和透镜体碎屑锆石定年显示其时代分别不早于237.8±1.3 Ma和237.7±1.4 Ma,赋存地层区域上可与牡音河组对比.本次中三叠世放射虫硅质岩地层的发现,填补了本区残余盆地沉积记录.该地层中硅质岩的地球化学特征反映其形成于大陆边缘环境,结合其中陆源碎屑岩碎屑组分和副矿物特征,表明古特提斯残余洋盆规模有限.研究区三岔河组磨拉石沉积角度不整合于早期地层之上标志着残余洋盆最终闭合.Abstract: The Middle Triassic strata in the Changning-Menglian suture zone record the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in the late stage, providing an important window for the better understanding of the structure and geography of the Paleo-Tethys. The original Devonian Manxin Formation composed of siliceous, mudstone and sandstone interlayer (lens bodies) in Tuanjie area, Cangyuan County, Yunnan Province. The zircon U-Pb dating of arkose and geochemical analysis of siliceous rocks were carried out, respectively, and the significance of the Paleo-Tethys evolution was explored on the basis of limiting the formation age. Zircon U-Pb dating of arkose lens bodies and interlayers shows that their ages are not earlier than 237.8±1.3 Ma and 237.7±1.4 Ma, respectively, the stratum can be compared with the Muyinhe Formation. The discovery of the Middle Triassic stratum fills the blank of the sedimentary records in this area. Geochemical analysis of the siliceous rock in this stratum indicates that it was formed in the continental marginal environment. Combining with composition of granule in sedimentary rock and para-mineral characteristics, it shows that the scale of the residual oceanic basin of Paleo-Tethys is limited. The angular inconsistency of the molassic-type deposition of the Sanchahe Formation above the early stratum indicates the final closure of the residual ocean basin.
Key words:
- zircon U-Pb dating /
- geochemistry /
- radiolarian chert /
- Muyinhe Formation /
- residual basin /
- geochronology
图 1 西南三江南段构造简图(a)和团结地区地质图(b)
图a据潘桂棠等(2013)修改;I.羌塘-三江造山系,I1.哀牢山结合带,I2.兰坪-思茅地块,I2-1.墨江-绿春陆缘弧,I2-2.兰坪-思茅盆地,I3.乌兰乌拉-澜沧江结合带,I3-1.临南澜沧江俯冲增生杂岩,I4.左贡-临沧地块,I4-1.临沧地块,II.昌宁-孟连对接带,II1.昌宁-孟连结合带,II2.双江-澜沧俯冲杂岩带,Ш.冈底斯-腾冲造山系,Ш1.保山-镇康地块,Ш2.腾冲-梁河岩浆弧.图b据云南省地质调查院, 2003, 1:25万临沧、滚龙幅(国内部分)区域地质报告. 1.早石炭世基性岩(平掌组);2.“泥盆纪硅质岩与泥岩互层夹砂岩(温泉组和曼信组)”;3.石炭-二叠纪灰岩(鱼塘寨组);4.中二叠世灰岩(大名山组);5.二叠纪浅变质碎屑岩(拉巴组);6.泥盆-石炭纪浅变质碎屑岩(南段组); 7.劈理产状;8.层理产状;9.整合接触接线;10.逆断层;11.不明性质断层;12.道路;13.锆石U-Pb采样点
Fig. 1. Tectonic map of southern Sanjiang in Southwest China (a) and geological map of the Tuanjie area (b)
图 5 昌宁-孟连结合带中三叠世硅质岩Al-Fe-Mn图解(a)和NASC(北美页岩)标准化稀土元素配分曲线(b)
图a据Adachi et al.(1986);图b标准化数据据Gromet et al.(1984)
Fig. 5. Al-Fe-Mn diagram (a) and NASC-normalized REE patterns (b) of the radiolarian cherts from Middle Triassic in the Changning-Menglian suture zone
表 1 昌宁-孟连结合带中三叠世硅质岩与典型硅质岩稀土元素特征对比
Table 1. Comparison of geochemical parameters of the rare earth elements between the Middle Triassic chert in the Changning-Menglian suture zone and other typical cherts
类型 环境 ∑REE(10-6) Ce/Ce* Eu/Eu* (La/Yb)N 文献来源 现代大洋硅质岩 太平洋洋盆 5~132 0.19~0.61 0.67~1.63 0.48~1.97 Murray et al., 1992 大西洋洋盆 9~189 0.47~1.12 0.91~1.18 0.76~1.86 南极周缘洋盆 35~160 0.98~1.17 0.78~0.88 1.27~1.56 古特提斯洋 大洋中脊 7.21~21.85 0.31~0.44 0.37~1.47 0.63~1.81 丁林和钟大赉,1995 大洋盆地 15.89~90.52 0.49~0.80 0.48~0.86 0.52~1.86 大陆边缘 8.46~63.32 0.72~0.98 0.57~0.84 0.59~2.27 研究区硅质岩 34.20~237.62 0.92~1.11 0.68~1.02 0.52~1.96 -
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