Adsorption Characteristics of Cd in Alluvial and Lacustrine Soils: A Case Study in Dangtu County, Anhui Province
摘要: 为揭示冲积与湖积成因土壤镉的吸附特征,以安徽省当涂县冲积成因的江心洲和冲积、湖积成因的大陇乡根际土壤为研究对象,开展土壤镉的等温吸附实验和吸附动力学实验.等温吸附实验结果表明,冲积土壤镉的吸附量(S)、等温吸附常数(K)和固液分配系数(Kd)均较湖积土壤明显偏大,显示冲积土壤对镉的吸附能力较湖积土壤强;吸附动力学实验表明,冲积土壤的最大吸附量、平衡吸附量均较湖积土壤大,吸附速率也明显偏大,尤其在吸附实验早期更为显著;等温吸附常数K和平衡吸附速率Vb与土壤理化性质的分析表明,土壤pH是造成研究区土壤镉吸附能力差异的主要原因,其次为物理性粘粒含量;土壤pH是影响研究区冲积土壤镉吸附能力的主要因素;湖积土壤镉的吸附能力受土壤pH、有机质含量、Cd含量、物理性粘粒含量等因素的综合影响.研究对于揭示Cd在水土系统的迁移转化规律以及土壤Cd的污染防治具有重要的指导意义.Abstract: In order to reveal the adsorption characteristics of alluvial and lacustrine soil cadmium,in this paper it takes alluvial soils of Jiangxin Town and alluvial,lacustrine soils of Dalong Town as the research object in Dangtu County,Anhui Province. The isothermal adsorption experiment and adsorption kinetics experiment of soil cadmium were carried out. The results of isothermal adsorption experiments show that the soil cadmium adsorbance (S),the isothermal adsorption constant (K) and solid-liquid partition coefficient (Kd) of alluvial soils are significantly greater than those of the lacustrine soils,which indicates that the cadmium adsorption capacity of alluvial soils is stronger than that of lacustrine soils. The adsorption kinetics experiment shows that the largest adsorbance,balance adsorbance of soil cadmium in alluvial soils are bigger than those of the lacustrine soils,and the adsorption rate of alluvial soils is also higher than that of lacustrine soils,especially in the early stage of adsorption experiments. The correlation analysis between isothermal adsorption constant K,balance adsorption rate Vb and soil physical and chemical properties shows that soil pH is the main factor for the adsorption capacity of soil cadmium in the study area,which is followed by the physical clay content. Soil pH is the main factor of cadmium adsorption capacity for alluvial soils in the study area. The cadmium adsorption capacity for lacustrine soils is affected by pH,organic matter content,Cd content and the physical clay content synthetically in the study area. It has great significance to reveal the law of Cd migration and transformation in soil and water system and the prevention and control of Cd pollution in soil.
Key words:
- alluvial soil /
- lacustrine soil /
- Cd /
- adsorption characteristics /
- geochemistry
表 1 供试样品基本情况
Table 1. Basic information of test samples
沉积物类型 野外编号 pH 有机质(%) Cd (mg·kg-1) 粘粒(%) 粉粒(%) 砂粒(%) 作物类型 土壤质地 (< 2 μm) (2~20 μm) (> 20 μm) 大陇乡湖积物 WDTZ-10 7.02 1.52 0.39 10.04 78.04 11.93 水稻 粉砂质壤土 WDTZ-11 6.55 1.20 0.64 3.47 82.99 13.54 水稻 粉砂质壤土 WDTZ-25 5.68 1.44 0.30 16.34 72.99 10.68 水稻 粉砂质粘壤土 平均值 / 6.42 1.39 0.44 9.95 78.01 12.05 水稻 / 大陇乡冲积物 WDTZ-08 7.32 1.47 0.31 1.99 55.00 43.01 水稻 粉砂质壤土 WDTZ-09 8.13 0.95 0.28 1.11 70.34 28.55 水稻 粉砂质壤土 平均值 / 7.73 1.21 0.30 1.55 62.67 35.78 水稻 / 江心洲冲积物 WDTZ-02 8.30 0.76 0.28 1.83 58.07 40.10 玉米 粉砂质壤土 WDTZ-04 8.19 0.90 0.34 3.05 73.31 23.64 玉米 粉砂质壤土 WDTZ-05 7.12 1.52 0.46 6.44 76.40 17.16 玉米 粉砂质壤土 平均值 / 7.87 1.06 0.36 3.77 69.26 26.97 玉米 / 表 2 冲积和湖积土壤镉的等温吸附实验Freundlich方程拟合结果
Table 2. The fitting results of the isothermal adsorption by Freundlich model in alluvial and lacustrine soils
沉积物类型 野外编号 K 1/n R2 大陇乡湖积物 WDTZ-10 664.66 0.96 0.939 7** WDTZ-11 442.08 1.02 0.967 1** WDTZ-25 539.01 1.04 0.960 9** 平均值 548.58 1.00 0.955 9 大陇乡冲积物 WDTZ-08 796.71 0.99 0.911 6** WDTZ-09 942.11 1.00 0.913 0** 平均值 869.41 0.99 0.912 3 江心洲冲积物 WDTZ-02 956.31 0.97 0.887 9** WDTZ-04 948.20 0.98 0.927 7** WDTZ-05 785.78 1.01 0.926 1** 平均值 896.76 0.98 0.913 9 注:**在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关;*在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关,下表同. 表 3 冲积与湖积土壤镉的吸附动力学方程
Table 3. Adsorption kinetics equation of Cd2+ on alluvial and lacustrine soils
沉积物类型 模型 Elovich模型:S(t)=(1/β)lnαβ+(1/β)lnt 参数 α(mg·(kg·h)-1) β(kg·mg-1) R2 江心洲冲积物 WDTZ-02 1.37×1034 0.043 6 0.878 2** WDTZ-04 2.87×1024 0.030 3 0.760 0** WDTZ-05 3.37×1038 0.049 2 0.966 7** 大陇乡冲积物 WDTZ-08 4.65×1078 0.099 0 0.764 6** WDTZ-09 4.71×1069 0.087 2 0.700 2** 大陇乡湖积物 WDTZ-10 9.19×1025 0.034 5 0.871 3** WDTZ-11 2.25×1021 0.030 3 0.869 3** WDTZ-25 3.00×1022 0.031 8 0.922 5** 表 4 K和Vb与土壤理化性质之间的Pearson相关系数
Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficient between K, Vb and soil physical and chemical properties
参数 pH 有机质(%) Cd(mg·kg-1) 物理性粘粒(%) 等温吸附常数K 0.911** -0.595 -0.661 -0.721* 平衡吸附速率Vb 0.858** -0.370 -0.525 -0.717* -
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