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    陆相致密油与页岩油藏特征差异性及勘探实践意义: 以渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷为例

    周立宏 陈长伟 韩国猛 杨飞

    周立宏, 陈长伟, 韩国猛, 杨飞, 2021. 陆相致密油与页岩油藏特征差异性及勘探实践意义: 以渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷为例. 地球科学, 46(2): 555-571. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.081
    引用本文: 周立宏, 陈长伟, 韩国猛, 杨飞, 2021. 陆相致密油与页岩油藏特征差异性及勘探实践意义: 以渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷为例. 地球科学, 46(2): 555-571. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.081
    Zhou Lihong, Chen Changwei, Han Guomeng, Yang Fei, 2021. Difference Characteristics between Continental Shale Oil and Tight Oil and Exploration Practice: A Case from Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. Earth Science, 46(2): 555-571. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.081
    Citation: Zhou Lihong, Chen Changwei, Han Guomeng, Yang Fei, 2021. Difference Characteristics between Continental Shale Oil and Tight Oil and Exploration Practice: A Case from Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. Earth Science, 46(2): 555-571. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.081

    陆相致密油与页岩油藏特征差异性及勘探实践意义: 以渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷为例

    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2020.081

    中国石油天然气股份有限公司科技重大专项 2018E-11-01


      周立宏(1968-), 男, 博士, 教授级高工, 主要从事油气勘探研究与生产管理工作.ORCID: 0000-0001-9323-4479.E-mail: zhoulh@petrochina.com.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618.13

    Difference Characteristics between Continental Shale Oil and Tight Oil and Exploration Practice: A Case from Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

    • 摘要: 陆相致密油和页岩油同属低孔低渗油气藏,二者具有很大相似性,常具有共生关系,然而其成藏特征存在较大的差异,不加区分极易误导油气勘探.利用系统取心、测井、录井和各类测试化验分析资料,综合分析渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷孔店组、沙河街组,梳理致密油和页岩油的成藏条件及其富集规律差异性,进一步探讨致密油与页岩油勘探选区评价方法.研究结果表明,从岩性上看,致密油储层岩石类型多样,包括致密砂岩、致密碳酸盐岩、致密火成岩等;页岩油气以细粒沉积为主,其矿物成分多样,岩性可细分为碳酸质页岩、长英质页岩、粘土质页岩、混合质页岩等.从物性上看,二者均为低孔低渗型储层,致密储层分先天致密和后天致密两类,主要发育粒间孔、晶间孔、溶蚀孔隙、裂缝等,多以微米级孔隙为主;页岩储层以先天致密为主,发育有机孔、粒间孔、页理缝、裂缝等,多以纳米级孔隙为主.从生烃运移过程来看,二者油气来源均与优质烃源岩密切相关,致密油岩层本身不生烃,原油依靠临近富有机质泥页岩干酪根生烃增压造成的源储压差,经历短距离运移与充注,源储压差高则充注程度高;页岩油本身即为生油岩,系已生成、尚未排出而滞留在页岩孔隙或裂缝之中的石油.从可压裂性上看,致密储层本身具有较好脆性,脆性条件不是致密油甜点的决定性因素,而页岩脆性因成分不同存在较大差异,是页岩油甜点评价的关键因素.从勘探选区来看,致密油优势储集相带、优质烃源岩及二者之间的匹配关系控制有利致密油富集区,"三明治"式最有利,源上源下次之;页岩油受成熟富有机质页岩及脆性岩相控制,强调在富含滞留烃中寻找具有较高脆性的页岩.


    • 图  1  黄骅坳陷构造简图(a)、地层综合柱状图(b)、沧东凹陷孔二段沉积体系图(c)及歧口凹陷沙一下沉积体系图(d)

      Fig.  1.  Structural diagram of Huanghua Depression (a), comprehensive stratigraphic histogram (b), sedimentary system diagram of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression (c) and sedimentary system diagram of the lower of the first member of Shahejie Formation in Qikou Sag (d)

      图  2  沧东凹陷孔二段半深湖-深湖区岩性及其组合特征(G108-8井)

      Fig.  2.  Lithology and assemblage characteristics of the semi-deep lake-deep lake area of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression (Well G108-8)

      图  3  沧东凹陷孔二段致密砂岩样品铸体薄片照片(a~d)及核磁共振T2谱分布(e)

      Fig.  3.  Photographs of casting thin sections of tight sandstone samples from the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression (a-d) and nuclear magnetic resonance T2 spectrum (e)

      图  4  沧东凹陷孔二段页岩储层孔隙结构特征

      Fig.  4.  Shale pore structure characteristics of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression

      图  5  沧东凹陷孔二段致密油与页岩油共生关系

      Fig.  5.  Symbiosis between tight oil and shale oil of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression

      图  6  黄骅坳陷细粒沉积岩矿物成分与TOC之间的关系

      Fig.  6.  The relationship between the mineral composition of fine-grained sedimentary rocks and TOC in Huanghua Depression

      图  7  沧东凹陷孔二段泥页岩TOC与热解S1、含油饱和指数关系

      Fig.  7.  The relationship between TOC and pyrolysis S1, oil saturation index of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression

      图  8  沧东凹陷孔二段岩性-地层对比

      Fig.  8.  Lithology-stratum comparison of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression

      图  9  歧口凹陷西南缘沙一下岩性-地层对比

      Fig.  9.  Lithology-stratigraphic comparison of the lower of the first Member of Shahejie Formation, the southwestern margin of Qikou Sag

      图  10  沧东凹陷孔二段C2致密油甜点综合评价

      Fig.  10.  Comprehensive evaluation of C2 tight oil dessert of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression

      图  11  沧东凹陷孔二段C3页岩油甜点综合评价

      Fig.  11.  Comprehensive evaluation of C3 shale oil dessert of the second member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Depression

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