Variation Law and Influencing Factors of Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Jianghan Plain
摘要: 目前对影响土壤饱和渗透系数规律的机理缺乏深刻认识.以不同沉积环境、不同岩性及不同土地利用方式的江汉平原汉江下游浅层土壤为对象,采用改进的TST-55型土壤渗透仪开展室内变水头达西实验.结果表明,研究区内土壤饱和渗透系数平均值为4.94×10-5cm/s,服从对数-正态分布;粉砂壤土冲积物和湖积物的饱和渗透系数平均值为3.53×10-5cm/s和1.98×10-5cm/s,粉砂质粘壤土中,两者分别为8.13×10-7cm/s和5.88×10-7cm/s,同一岩性冲积物的饱和渗透系数较湖积物大;冲积物中,砂壤土、粉砂壤土和粉砂质粘壤土饱和渗透系数平均值为1.98×10-5 cm/s、3.53×10-5 cm/s和8.13×10-7 cm/s,表现为砂壤土>粉砂壤土>粉砂质粘壤土;耕作土壤中,粉砂壤土、粉砂质粘壤土的饱和渗透系数平均值为3.75×10-5 cm/s和8.11×10-7cm/s,非耕作土壤中,两者分别为1.88×10-6cm/s、5.93×10-7cm/s,同一岩性耕作土壤饱和渗透系数较非耕作土壤大.Abstract: At present,there is no deep understanding of the mechanism that affects the law of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity. The shallow soils in the lower reaches of Hanjiang River in Jianghan Plain from different sedimentary environment,lithologies and land use were sampled to carry out the variable head Darcy experiment by improved soil permeation instrument (TST-55).The results show that the mean soil saturated hydraulic conductivity is 4.94×10-5cm/s with log-normal distribution. In silty loam,the mean value of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity for alluvium and lacustrine deposits are 3.53×10-5cm/s and 1.98×10-5cm/s respectively,and the mean value for them is 8.13×10-7cm/s and 5.88×10-7cm/s in silty clay loam. For the same lithology,soil saturated hydraulic conductivity of alluvial sediments is obviously larger than that of lacustrine sediment. The average soil saturated hydraulic conductivity of sandy loam,silty loam and silty clay loam from high to low are 1.98×10-5cm/s,3.53×10-5cm/s and 8.13×10-7cm/s,respectively. The mean soil saturated hydraulic conductivities of silty loam and silty clay loam in cultivated soil are 3.75×10-5cm/s and 8.11×10-7cm/s,while the mean value of them are 1.88×10-6cm/s and 5.93×10-7cm/s in non-cultivated soil. The soil saturated hydraulic conductivity of cultivated soils is also higher than that of non-cultivated soils.
表 1 研究区实验点分布情况
Table 1. Basic information of the study area
沉积类型 样品数(个) 土地利用类型 样品数(个) 冲积物 100 耕地 11 非耕地 89 湖积物 20 耕地 15 非耕地 5 表 2 实验成果统计
Table 2. The statistical experiment results
最小值 最大值 平均值 CV(%) 粘粒含量(%) 0.04 26.51 5.77 105.1 粉粒含量(%) 10.70 95.11 70.51 24.9 砂粒含量(%) 3.27 84.66 23.55 76.5 孔隙度 0.40 0.59 0.48 6.4 干密度(g/cm3) 1.05 1.62 1.37 8.5 饱和渗透系数(cm/s) 3.21×10-7 1.28×10-3 4.94×10-5 270.5 注:CV为变异系数. 表 3 耕作与非耕作土壤饱和渗透系数与各影响因素的相关性
Table 3. The correlation between saturated hydraulic conductivity of cultivated and non-cultivated soils and influencing factors
影响因素 非耕作土壤饱和渗透系数(n=16) 耕作土壤饱和渗透系数(n=104) 孔隙度 0.63* (0.016) -0.02 (0.79) 干密度 -0.70* (0.048) -0.22 (0.08) 孔隙比 0.68** (0.007) -0.01 (0.93) 注:*、**分别表示变量在5%、1%的统计水平上显著. -
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