Identification of Degradation Process of Chenhu Wetland over Last 50 Years
摘要: 沉湖湿地作为长江中下游平原典型湖泊湿地,1960s以来退化严重.收集1964、1975、1987、1997、1998、2007、2016、2018年8期航拍照片或遥感影像,运用遥感技术、动态度模型和转移矩阵模型分析,揭示武汉市沉湖湿地近50年退化过程及机理.结果表明,1964~2018年沉湖湿地由北向南退缩为鱼塘及耕地,总湿地面积缩小77%;湿地退化过程可分为3个阶段,1964~1975年围湖活动主导湿地湖泊向耕地退化,耕地面积以141%的年变幅扩张,1975~1997年湖泊改造工程迫使湖泊向沼泽退化,1997~2018年由湖泊退化而来的沼泽被进一步开垦为耕地或鱼塘;人口数量的增加及土地利用政策改变导致湿地生态服务功能退化,包括洪水调蓄、自净化功能衰退及生物多样性锐减,其退化模式可为长江中下游平原乃至全国湖泊湿地的退化提供类比参考.Abstract: Chenhu wetland is a typical freshwater lake-type wetland in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain, and has severely degraded since 1960s. In this study, aerial photographs or remote sensing images captured at eight different stages (i.e. 1964, 1975, 1987, 1997, 1998, 2007, 2016 and 2018) were analyzed to reveal the degradation processes and mechanisms of the Chenhu wetland in Wuhan over the past 50 years by the aid of remote sensing, dynamic degree models and transition matrix models.Our investigation reveals that the Chenhu wetland was gradually altered to fish ponds or agricultural lands from north to south, shrunk up to 77% in total between 1964 and 2018. Degradation of the Chenhu wetland by human impacts during this period can be divided into three stages: (i) between 1964 and 1975, degradation was dominated by filling of lakes into agricultural lands, with the rate of agricultural lands expansion exceeding 141%; (ii) between 1975 and 1994, artificial lake reconstruction projects has altered large areas of lakes into marshes; (iii) between 1997 and 2018, new marshes altered from lakes were further cultivated into agricultural lands or reserved as fish ponds. In general, population expansion and changes in land use policies have caused the degradation of ecosystem services, including impaired capacity in flood regulation and storage, natural self-purification and biodiversity losses. The degradation modes uncovered for the Chenhu wetland can also shed light on similar investigations on the degradation of other lake-type wetlands in Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain and even the whole China.
表 1 沉湖湿地用地类型分类
Table 1. Wetland cover types used in image classification and interpretation with their definitions
编号 名称 含义 航拍照片解译标志 卫星图像解译标志 1 湖泊 自然湖泊水域 2 河流 自然河流水域 3 沼泽 地表过湿,有常年薄层或季节性积水区域 4 耕地 指种植农作物的土地,包括熟耕地、新开垦地、闲置地、农林用地等类别 5 鱼塘 指发展水产品的土地,包括湖泊、沼泽围网区及水产养殖地等 6 裸地 生长有自然植物但还未利用的土地 表 2 精度样点验证
Table 2. The site for precision verification of interpretation
编号 地类 坐标 分类是否准确 2 耕地 113.861 9°E, 30.298 6°N 是 5 耕地 113.865 9°E, 30.284 9°N 是 6 湖泊 113.837 1°E, 30.329 4°N 是 8 沼泽 113.832 1°E, 30.336 4°N 是 10 鱼塘 113.869 2°E, 30.321 5°N 是 11 河流 113.871 1°E, 30.292 9°N 是 15 河流 113.868 2°E, 30.270 9°N 是 22 耕地 113.845 1°E, 30.281 2°N 是 26 鱼塘 113.815 6°E, 30.325 1°N 否 27 鱼塘 113.854 8°E, 30.336 7°N 是 表 3 1964~2018年沉湖湿地土地类型面积(Hm2)变化
Table 3. Land cover (Hm2) change of Chenhu Wetland in 1964-2018
年份 湖泊 沼泽 鱼塘 耕地 河流 湿地(包含湖泊、沼泽) 研究区总面积 1964 8 903.7 7 382.1 5 585.9 726.6 535.6 16 285.8 26 968.6 1975 4 966.5 3 037.7 6 354.5 11 997.5 656 8 004.2 1987 4 143.4 6 218.5 11 058.5 4 198.1 1 074.7 10 361.9 1997 1 534.4 7 747.5 8 155.6 9 065.8 480.1 9 281.9 1998 9 431.6 404.2 2 476.3 14 050 620.9 9 835.8 2007 1 299.1 4 445.6 14 941 5 737.5 555.8 8 744.7 2016 12 783.2 1 125.4 6 090.9 6 544.1 438.6 13 908.6 2018 1 332.7 2 451.5 13 843.2 8 688.6 677.1 3 784.2 表 4 1964~2018年沉湖湿地各土地类型的动态度
Table 4. Land type dynamics of Chenhu wetland in 1964-2018
研究时段 湖泊 沼泽 鱼塘 耕地 河流 1964~1975年 -4.02% -5.35% 1.25% 141.02% 2.04% 1975~1987年 -1.38% 8.73% 6.17% -5.42% 5.32% 1987~1997年 -6.30% 2.46% -2.63% 11.60% -5.53% 1997~2007年 -1.53% -4.26% 8.32% -3.67% 1.58% 2007~2018年 0.24% -4.08% -0.67% 4.68% 1.98% -
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