Characteristics on Spatiotemporal Variations of Surface Water Environmental Quality in Tuojiang River in Upper Reaches of Yangtze River Basin
摘要: 沱江是长江流域上游最重要的支流之一,为了明晰沱江流域水质时空变化特征和防治重点,根据2010—2017年沱江流域36个监测断面水质监测数据,采用单因子评价法和秩相关系数法,从年份、月份、季度和水期4个时间段进行了分析.结果表明:沱江流域水质状况总体上污染较重,但有向好趋势,总磷(TP)为首要污染物,流域断面达标率呈先上升后下降复上升的趋势;水质指标浓度年内变化显著,水质指标浓度丰水期达到最小值,枯水期达到最大值;沱江干流监测断面水质类别好于支流;TP和氨氮(NH3-N)浓度空间变异性较弱,化学需氧量(COD)和生化需氧量(BOD5)浓度则存在较强空间变异性.虽然沱江流域水质有变好趋势,但沱江流域面临的污染问题依然严峻,今后要高度重视污染源治理,尤其是TP的防治工作.Abstract: Tuojiang River is one of the most important tributaries among the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River basin. In order to characterize of the water quality variations and the prevention focus of Tuojiang River basin,this paper presents analyses in its four periods of the year,month,quarter and water period using single factor evaluation and rank correlation coefficient method,based on the monitoring data of water quality in 36 monitoring sections in Tuojiang River Basin from 2010 to 2017, the results show that the water quality of Tuojiang River basin was generally in a polluted state,but has a positive trend. Total phosphorus (TP) was the primary pollutant. The standard rate of water quality monitoring sections in basin shows a trend of increasing first,then decreasing and then increasing again. The water quality index changed significantly during the year,which reached its minimum in wet season and reached the maximum in dry season. Besides,the water quality of the main stream was better than that of the tributary. The spatial variability of TP and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentrations were weak,and the spatial variability of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) concentrations were strong. Although the water environmental quality of Tuojiang River basin has changed,the pollution problem that Tuojiang River basin faced is still grim. Therefore,it is necessary to attach great importance to the control of pollution source,especially the prevention of TP in future.
表 1 沱江流域各断面编号
Table 1. Number of each monitoring section of Tuojiang River basin
断面编号 所在河流 断面名称 1 沱江 三皇庙 2 沱江 沱江大桥 3 沱江 大磨子 4 沱江 顺河场 5 沱江 高寺渡口 6 沱江 银山镇 7 沱江 拱城铺渡口 8 沱江 五凤鸣阳 9 沱江 幸福村(河东元坝) 10 沱江 宏缘 11 沱江 东兴龙门镇 12 沱江 临江寺 13 沱江 脚仙村 14 沱江 釜沱口前 15 沱江 李家湾 16 沱江 怀德渡口 17 绵远河 清平 18 绵远河 八角 19 北河 201医院 20 毗河 毗河二桥 21 青白江 三邑大桥 22 濑溪河 胡市大桥 23 中河 清江桥 24 石亭江 双江桥 25 鸭子河 三川 26 球溪河 发轮河口 27 球溪河 球溪河口 28 球溪河 北斗 29 阳化河 巷子口 30 九曲河 九曲河大桥 31 釜溪河 双河口 32 釜溪河 碳研所 33 釜溪河 邓关 34 威远河 廖家堰 35 中河 清江大桥 36 濑溪河 天竺寺大桥 表 2 沱江流域主要污染物指标变化趋势统计结果
Table 2. Statistical results of changes in main pollutants of Tuojiang River basin
评价项目 上升趋势 下降趋势 无变化趋势 断面数 比例(%) 断面数 比例(%) 断面数 比例(%) COD 17 47.22 19 52.78 0 0 BOD5 11 30.56 22 61.11 3 8.33 NH3-N 10 27.78 26 72.22 0 0 TP 23 63.89 13 36.11 0 0 -
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