Formation Mechanism and Geological Construction Constraints of Metasilicate Mineral Water in Yudaokou, Hannuoba Basalt Area
摘要: 冀北坝上一带玄武岩地区广布富偏硅酸地下水,研究其形成机制及其水岩作用过程对矿泉水的合理开发利用与京津冀水源涵养功能具有重要意义.结合玄武岩地质建造地下水赋存特征,综合利用水化学分析,玄武岩岩石风化机制,水岩相互作用矿物平衡体系,δD、δ18O和δ13C同位素、14C放射性同位素测年等方法,剖析了汉诺坝玄武岩偏硅酸矿泉水形成的岩石地球化学风化和水文地球化学过程及地质建造制约因素.结果表明,研究区矿泉水为低矿化度的HCO3-Ca·Mg型与HCO3-Na·Ca型水,矿泉水形成类型有构造断裂深循环淋溶型和层状补给富集埋藏型2类.上层古风化壳地下水14C校正年龄约为4 050 a,地下水可溶性无机碳来源于土壤CO2与幔源CO2的混合作用.偏硅酸矿泉水的形成与分布受玄武岩地质建造制约,受岩石地球化学特征、岩石风化地表过程和水文地球化学响应过程控制.地下水中偏硅酸主要来源于玄武岩中斜长石、单斜辉石、镁橄榄石等硅酸盐矿物的风化水解;岩石矿物风化的水化学响应过程受溶滤作用控制,受阳离子交换作用影响.Abstract: Metasilicate mineral groundwater is widely distributed in basaltic area of Bashang area in North Hebei Province. It is of great significance to ascertain the formation mechanism and water-rock interaction process for the rational development and utilization of mineral water and the water conservation function of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Hydrochemical components statistical analysis, chemical weathering process of basaltic, mineral equilibrium phase of water-rock interaction process, δD, δ18O, δ13C isotopes and radioisotope dating by 14C were used to identify the geological construction constraints and ascertain the formation mechanism of metasilicate mineral groundwater. The results show that the mineral groundwater of study area is characterized by low mineralization while the main hydrochemical types of groundwater are HCO3- Ca·Mg and HCO3- Na·Ca. The outcropping mechanism of mineral water can be divided into two types:deep cyclic leaching of tectonic faults and stratified enrichment of recharge type. The age of groundwater in the upper paleoweathering crust is about 4 050 a, and the dissolved inorganic carbon of groundwater comes from the mixing of soil CO2 and mantle CO2. Metasilicic acid in groundwater originates from the weathering and hydrolysis of plagioclase, pyroxene and forsterite in basaltic. Hydrogeochemical response of rock weathering is controlled by rock mineral leaching and affected by hydrochemical parameters cation exchange. The formation and distribution of metasilicate mineral water are restricted by the basalt geological construction, and controlled by weathering mechanism of rocks and hydrogeochemical conditions.
Key words:
- metasilicate mineral water /
- basalt /
- hydrogeochemistry /
- weathering mechanism /
- geological construction /
- Yudaokou /
- geochemistry
图 1 研究区地质图与水质样品分布
Fig. 1. Geological sketch map and the sampling sites of study area
图 4 玄武岩典型剖面与岩石标本及镜下特征显微照片
Fig. 4. Typical basalt sections, basalt specimens and microtextures of basalt samples
图 6 玄武岩及其风化物稀土配分曲线与岩(土)CIA、IOL、MIA风化指数三元图
a.玄武岩及其风化物稀土配分曲线;b.Al2O3-CaO+Na2O-K2O (A-CN-K)化学蚀变指数(CIA)图;c.SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 (SAF)红土化指数(IOL); d.A-CNK-FM还原镁铁质蚀变指数(MIAR); e.A-L-F氧化镁铁质蚀变指数(MIAo);f.AF-CNK-M氧化镁铁质蚀变指数(MIAo)
Fig. 6. The rare earth distribution curve and the CIA, IOL and MIA weathering indexes of basalt rocks (soil)
表 1 研究区水化学参数统计
Table 1. Statistics of hydrochemical parameters of study area
类别 项目 TDS K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ HCO3- SO42- Cl- SiO2 TFe 游离CO2 pH 地下水 Min 122.00 0.52 6.96 1.65 0.78 74.77 0.05 2.31 10.90 0.01 ND 6.44 Max 795.57 19.58 73.29 128.20 53.32 263.00 90.95 61.09 31.93 37.54 84.66 9.24 Mean 303.81 3.16 19.24 38.84 14.40 141.50 18.86 15.31 23.78 3.15 26.70 7.52 Std. 169.78 3.98 14.98 29.86 11.43 53.19 23.98 18.14 5.23 8.01 26.17 0.60 Cv 0.56 1.26 0.78 0.77 0.79 0.38 1.27 1.18 0.22 2.54 0.98 0.08 泉 Min 128.00 0.65 6.13 15.98 2.83 64.93 0.39 1.75 16.78 0.01 2.07 6.72 Max 244.59 3.22 59.03 37.41 13.98 152.16 23.36 6.62 30.50 25.85 65.85 7.69 Mean 189.96 1.73 13.14 24.65 8.01 103.79 10.44 3.75 23.63 2.41 38.92 7.17 Std. 38.15 0.87 13.39 6.26 3.65 31.33 6.10 1.16 4.16 6.82 16.38 0.32 Cv 0.20 0.50 1.02 0.25 0.46 0.30 0.58 0.31 0.18 2.83 0.42 0.04 地表水 Min 76.00 1.09 6.64 13.23 3.98 52.47 0.02 3.34 5.87 0.30 20.70 6.92 Max 260.00 4.99 18.56 48.67 18.93 242.67 12.99 15.11 24.83 12.25 86.55 8.78 Mean 181.12 2.28 12.55 29.68 11.29 147.23 5.31 6.06 18.75 2.10 51.55 7.58 Std. 45.37 0.82 2.84 9.23 4.57 54.66 4.68 2.86 4.62 2.57 19.10 0.38 Cv 0.25 0.36 0.23 0.31 0.41 0.37 0.88 0.47 0.25 1.23 0.37 0.05 地热水 DR01 1 804.67 2.38 453.80 1.64 0.49 1 078.00 26.03 44.55 25.86 0.19 148.00 8.26 DR02 2 559.13 2.16 682.50 2.40 0.12 1 657.76 15.93 36.64 20.00 0.22 102.00 8.23 大气降水 JS01 11.38 0.37 0.26 2.01 0.19 5.64 2.35 0.41 0.16 ND 2.07 6.40 注:Min.最小值;Max.最大值;Mean.均值;Std.标准偏差;Cv.变异系数;ND.未检出;pH无量纲,其余单位为mg/L. 表 2 研究区水化学组分相关系数矩阵
Table 2. Correlation coefficients of hydrochemical parameters of study area
TDS K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ HCO3- SO42- Cl- SiO2 CO2 pH TFe TDS 1.000 K+ 0.261 1.000 Na+ 0.051 -0.060 1.000 Ca2+ 0.961** 0.202 -0.055 1.000 Mg2+ 0.945** 0.187 -0.078 0.933** 1.000 HCO3- 0.490 0.026 0.070 0.437 0.558 1.000 SO42- 0.790* 0.308 0.010 0.819** 0.737* -0.024 1.000 Cl- 0.858** 0.231 0.082 0.866** 0.799** 0.277 0.789** 1.000 SiO2 0.102 0.027 -0.305 0.172 0.059 -0.022 0.004 0.101 1.000 CO2 0.174 0.005 0.057 0.276 0.186 -0.270 0.476 0.323 -0.035 1.000 pH -0.223 -0.239 0.372 -0.331 -0.182 0.269 -0.475 -0.263 -0.293 -0.585 1.000 TFe -0.099 -0.085 -0.088 -0.171 -0.082 0.025 -0.166 -0.143 -0.160 0.011 -0.062 1.000 注:**表示在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关; *表示在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关. 表 3 矿物的溶解反应方程式
Table 3. Chemical equations of mineral dissolution
矿物 反应方程式 斜长石 Na0.62Ca0.38Al1.38Si2.62O8+1.38CO2+4.55H2O=0.69Al2Si2O5(OH)4+0.62Na++0.38Ca2++1.38HCO3-+1.24H2SiO42- 钙长石 CaA12Si2O8+2CO2+8H2O=A12O3+3H2O+Ca2++2H2SiO42-+2HCO3- 钠长石 2NaAlSi3O8+2CO2+11H2O= Al2Si2O5(OH)4+2Na++2HCO3-+4H4SiO4 辉石 [CaMg0.7Al0.6Si1.7]O6+3.4CO2+4.5H2O=0.3Al2Si2O5(OH)4+Ca2++0.7Mg2++1.1H4SiO4+ 3.4HCO3- 镁橄榄石 Mg2SiO4+4H2O=2Mg(OH)2+ H4SiO4 绿泥石 Mg5Al2Si3O10(OH)6+10H2O=5Mg2++ 2Al(OH)4-+3H4SiO4+8OH- 钙蒙脱石 6Ca0.167Al2.33Si3.67O10(OH)2+60H2O+12OH-=Ca2++14Al(OH)4-+22H4SiO4 镁蒙脱石 6Mg0.167Al2.33Si3.67O10(OH)2+60H2O+12OH-=Mg2++14Al(OH)4-+22H4SiO4 -
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