Short-Wavelength Infrared Characteristics and Indications of Exploration of the Demingding Copper-Molybdenum Deposit in Tibet
摘要: 德明顶矿区因交通不便、高寒缺氧、物理风化强烈、倒石堆覆盖严重等原因,找矿效果不理想.为进一步指导野外矿产勘查,在详细的野外观察的基础上,系统开展了短波红外光谱分析测试工作.结果显示,绢云母短波红外光谱标量在空间上呈现规律性变化,由浓集中心向外Al-OH吸收峰波长逐渐变长、Al-OH吸收峰深度逐渐降低、SWIR-IC值逐渐变小,且三者套合较好,表明该区域流体温度、压力高于外围,为热液蚀变矿化中心.结合蚀变规律、成矿岩体中锆石U-Pb年龄与辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄结果,在矿区内圈定了1处重点勘查靶区,为晚期铜矿化与早期(铜)钼矿化叠加的区域.该技术可以有效地指导野外矿产评价、降低勘查成本,是中国西部特殊景观区找矿勘查评价的重要方法之一.Abstract: The ore exploration of Demingding mining area of the Gangdese metallogenic belt has been challenging due to inconvenient transportation,high altitude and lack of oxygen,strong physical weathering and cover of the crushed stone. In order to further guide the field mineral exploration,we carried out systematic short-wave infrared spectroscopy analysis based on detailed field observation and cataloging. The scalars of sericite minerals in the short-wave infrared spectrum show a regular change in space. From the concentration center to periphery,the absorption peak wavelength of the Al-OH (Pos2200) gradually becomes longer,the depth of the Al-OH absorption peak (Dep2200) gradually decreases,and the SWIR-IC value gradually becomes smaller. And the three zones are well fitted,which indicates that the temperature of the altered sericite minerals formation is higher and the pressure is higher in the region. Combined with the zircon U-Pb age and the molybdenite Re-Os isotopic age in the ore-forming rocks,we estimate an exploration target area in the mining area where the late copper mineralization overlaps with the early (copper) molybdenum mineralization. Short-wave infrared spectroscopy can quickly and effectively guide mineral exploration and reduce exploration costs. Therefore,it can be used as one of the important methods for prospecting and evaluation of western special landscape areas.
Key words:
- short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) /
- hydrothermal mineralization center /
- Demingding /
- Tibet /
- ore deposit
图 1 青藏高原构造格架(a)和冈底斯成矿带斑岩型Cu-Mo(Au)矿床分布及研究区位置(b)
图a据Zhu et al.(2012);图b据Zheng et al.(2014)和Wu et al.(2014, 2016)
Fig. 1. Tectonic framework of the Tibetan Plateau (a) and the distribution of main porphyry Cu-Mo (Au) deposits in the Gangdese metallogenic belt and location of the study area (b)
图 6 德明顶铜钼矿区蚀变特征
Fig. 6. Photographs showing characteristics of the alteration at the Demingding deposit
表 1 德明顶矿区钻孔信息
Table 1. Information from drill holes in Demingding deposit
钻孔号 测量光谱数(条) 主要蚀变矿物分布特征(自上而下)(短波红外光谱识别) ZK001 321 绢云母→绢云母+石膏→绢云母+石膏+高岭石 ZK002 164 绿泥石+绿帘石→绢云母→绢云母+绿泥石→绢云母+绿泥石+石膏→绢云母+石膏→绢云母+绿泥石 ZK003 528 绢云母+绿泥石→绢云母+石膏+绿泥石→高岭石+绢云母+石膏→绿泥石+石膏+绢云母 ZK004 327 绢云母+蒙脱石+高岭石→绢云母+石膏+绿泥石→高岭石+绢云母→绢云母+绿泥石→绢云母+高岭石+石膏→绢云母+石膏+绿泥石 -
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