Methane Flux Characteristics and Its Relationship with Soil Microbial Community Composition of Dajiuhu Peatland in Shennongjia
摘要: 虽然神农架大九湖泥炭湿地的甲烷排放特征、土壤微生物群落组成已有一些研究,但是关于微生物群落与甲烷排放量的关系及影响的研究不多.采用涡度相关法和高通量测序技术,探讨2016年3月~2017年2月微生物对大九湖泥炭湿地CH4通量排放的影响.结果表明,大九湖泥炭湿地研究期间表现为CH4的源,年总排放量5 566.27 mg·m-2,日平均排放速率10.96 nmol·m-2·s-1;春、夏、秋、冬四季的平均通量分别为12.06、22.47、3.02、2.92 nmol·m-2·s-1;研究区优势菌为泉古菌(54.6%)、广古菌(18.9%)、酸杆菌(12.6%)等.对不同季节样品Shannon指数进行单因素分析,p值为0.000 127,分析结果表明:CH4月通量变化均呈明显的倒“U”型;夏季CH4通量最高,冬季最低;不同季节的微生物群落物种多样性存在显著差异;夏季、冬季微生物群落组成与CH4通量分别呈显著正相关、显著负相关;未鉴别出的菌群和俭菌总门与CH4通量呈极显著正相关关系,泉古菌门与CH4通量呈极显著负相关关系.Abstract: Although the methane flux characteristics and the composition of soil microbial community in the Dajiuhu peatland in Shennongjia have been studied to some extent, there are few studies on the relationship and impact of microbial community and methane flux. Using eddy covariance method and high throughput sequencing technology, methane flux and structure of microorganism were investigated at the Dajiuhu peatland from March 2016 to February 2017. The results show that the Dajiuhu peatland was the source of CH4 during the study period, with an annual total discharge of 5 566.27 mg·m-2 and a daily average emission rate of 10.96 nmol·m-2·s-1. The average fluxes of the four seasons were 12.06, 22.47, 3.02, 2.92 nmol·m-2·s-1, respectively. The dominant bacterium in the study area were Crenarchaecta (54.6%), Euryarchaeota (18.9%), and Acidobacteria (12.6%). Univariate analysis was performed on the Shannon index for different season samples with a p value of 0.000 127. The results showed that the change of the monthly methane emission flux during this year had clearly inverted " U" type curve, and CH4 emission rate in summer was the highest which was the lowest in winter. There were significant differences in soil microbial composition between different seasons. There was a strong positive correlation between the microbial community composition and the methane emission flux during summer and a strong negative correlation during winter. Abundance of Parcubacteria showed a significant positive correlation with CH4 flux, while abundance of Crenarchaecta showed a significant negative correlation with CH4 flux.
Key words:
- peatland /
- eddy covariance /
- methane flux /
- microbial community composition /
- Dajiuhu /
- ecology
表 1 大九湖泥炭湿地2016年全年不同时间尺度CH4排放量动态变化
Table 1. CH4 emission in different time scales during 2016 of Dajiuhu petland
季节 日期 日平均排放速率
(%)月 季节 月 季节 月 季节 春 2016-03 3.18 12.06 136.46 1 533.34 2.45 27.55 2016-04 11.24 466.06 8.37 2016-05 21.72 930.82 16.72 夏 2016-06 29.50 22.47 1 223.49 2 858.98 21.98 51.36 2016-07 24.43 1047.15 18.81 2016-08 13.73 588.34 10.57 秋 2016-09 12.10 3.02 501.91 380.21 9.02 6.83 2016-10 4.90 210.10 3.77 2016-11 -8.00 -331.81 -5.96 冬 2016-12 12.60 2.92 539.88 793.73 9.70 14.26 2017-01 3.82 163.66 2.94 2017-02 2.33 90.19 1.62 均值 10.96 10.96 463.96 1 391.57 - - 合计 5 566.27 5 566.27 100 100 表 2 各土壤样品微生物群落多样性指数
Table 2. Microbial community diversity index of soil samples
样品编号 多样性指数 丰富度指数 Simpson Shannon chao1 ACE DJH.E 0.86 4.42 334 419.71 DJH.S 0.89 4.38 323 404.19 DJH.W 0.91 4.64 347 488.85 DJH.N 0.93 4.72 335 449.88 DJH.E2 0.99 8.38 1 703 2 225.46 DJH.S2 0.99 8.55 1 985.33 2 996.64 DJH.W2 0.99 8.80 2 141.50 3 224.72 DJH.N2 0.94 5.55 518 725.58 DJH.E3 0.93 5.11 341 417.31 DJH.S3 0.93 5.09 429 542.13 DJH.W3 0.94 5.17 320 365.04 DJH.N3 0.93 5.02 348 437.06 DJH.E4 0.93 4.82 329 441.74 DJH.S4 0.87 4.13 236 282.35 DJH.W4 0.87 3.87 209 255.15 DJH.N4 0.79 3.63 239 318.59 表 3 门水平丰度前10的微生物群落与CH4通量的相关性
Table 3. Correlation between top 10 microbial Phyla and CH4 flux
微生物菌群(门) p值 Pearson相关系数 泉古菌 0.000 024*** -0.855 832 2 广古菌 0.465 400 -0.196 657 4 酸杆菌 0.491 600 0.185 482 2 No blast hit 0.000 185*** 0.802 241 6 俭菌总门 0.000 397*** 0.777 119 3 放线菌 0.490 300 -0.186 032 4 厚壁菌 0.384 700 -0.233 210 1 迷踪菌 0.973 700 -0.008 965 835 BRC1 0.765 300 0.081 082 91 NC10 0.438 600 -0.208 387 6 注:***表示p < 0.001,为极显著. 表 4 大九湖泥炭湿地CH4排放强度与其他湿地的比较
Table 4. Comparison of CH4 emission intensity between Dajiuhu peatland and other wetlands
研究区域 湿地类型 CH4平均排放速率(nmol·m-2·s-1) 参考文献 瑞典北部 湖泊 20.01 Podgrajsek et al., 2016 辽河口 蓬碱湿地 0.48 王慧等, 2012 鄱阳湖 湖泊 4.34 王佳佳等, 2015 扎龙湖 芦苇湿地 133.20 黄璞祎, 2010 胶州湾大沽河口 芦苇-盐地蓬碱盐沼 142.36 杜慧娜等, 2016 芦苇盐沼 449.83 闽江河口 芦苇湿地 43.41(2008年) 廖稷, 2010 40.76(2009年) 若尔盖高原 泥炭湿地洼地 41.32 周文昌等, 2016 三江平原 毛果苔草沼泽 300.17 王德宣等, 2002 神农架大九湖 泥炭沼泽 10.96 本文 -
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