Land Cover Change on Beach of Dongting Lake's Beach
摘要: 为了解20世纪70年代以来洞庭湖区湖泊洲滩地表覆盖变化,基于1978年以来的多源中分辨率遥感影像,对洲滩地表覆盖情况进行了监测,利用决策树分类方法解译,结合地理国情普查数据验证了解译精度.结果表明:近40年来,杨树和芦苇地是1978年以来变化最大的地表覆盖,二者呈此消彼长的增减状态,2007—2015年分布面积基本相当,2015年至今杨树面积大幅度减少,芦苇面积维持稳中有增的趋势.2002年以前,洞庭湖洲滩总体呈扩张趋势,2002年之后,洲滩面积趋于稳定.目前,芦苇和湖草占洞庭湖洲滩总面积的2/3.洞庭湖自然保护区内欧美黑杨主要分布于南洞庭湖自然保护区,芦苇主要分布于东洞庭湖和南洞庭湖自然保护区.洞庭湖区湖泊洲滩的人工利用程度在2015年后大幅减小,但仍有48.57%,亟待进一步控制.Abstract: In order to understand the land cover change of beach in the Dongting Lake since the 1970s, it has been systematically monitored based on various remote sensing images since 1978 in this study. Results show that poplar and reed land have experienced the largest changes of land cover in the past 40 years,showing a complementary relationship with one increased with decrease of the other. After 2007, the distribution area of poplar and reed land has been basically same. Till 2015, the distribution area of poplar land has been substantially reduced,and the distribution area of the reed land has been steadily increased. Before 2002, the beach area of Dongting Lake has been increased,after that,the area tends to be stable. Reed land and lake grass are two most covered categories in the Dongting Lake,which is 2/3 of the total beach area. In Dongting Lake Nature Reserve area,populus nigra is widely distributed in the Nature Protection Zone of South Dongting Lake,reed is widely distributed in the Nature Protection Zone of East and South Dongting Lake. Since 2015, the artificial usage of the beach in the Dongting Lake is decresed to 48.57%,but further control measures are urgently needed.
Key words:
- beach /
- land cover change /
- remote sensing technology /
- Dongting Lake /
- hydrogeology
表 1 遥感数据源
Table 1. Remote sensing data source
序号 数据源 获取时间(年-月-日) 空间分辨率(m) 城陵矶水位(m) 波段组合(R/G/B) 1 MSS 1978-12-17 79 20.45 3(R)/4(G)/1(B) 2 TM 1987-12-06 30 19.93 5(R)/4(G)/3(B) 3 TM 1998-12-20 30 20.66 5(R)/4(G)/3(B) 4 ETM 1999-12-15 30 21.78 5(R)/4(G)/3(B) 5 ETM 2002-01-05 30 20.56 5(R)/4(G)/3(B) 6 CBERS-1 2007-12-23 19.5 20.42 3(R)/4(G)/2(B) 7 ETM 2015-01-14 30 20.41 7(R)/5(G)/4(B) 8 ETM 2016-12-20 30 20.66 7(R)/5(G)/4(B) 9 HJ-1 2018-12-30 30 20.96 3(R)/4(G)/2(B) 表 2 各类地表覆盖类型遥感影像标志
Table 2. The signs of land cover type
代码 类型 遥感影像标志 1151 杨(柳)树林地 深绿色,块状,影纹较粗呈斑状、颗粒状,人工栽种的杨树行列较规则,边界轮廓明显,一般紧邻堤坝而远离湖泊水域,大部位于常水位以上. 1152 芦苇地 呈绿色(生长期)、白色(收割后)、黑色(火烧),块状或条带状的规则形态,多网格状道路、沟渠等人工活动痕迹,多生于低湿地或浅水中. 1153 芦杂草地 呈浅绿色或草黄色(冬季),块状或条带状分布,影纹较杨树细,细斑或点状,人工痕迹较少. 1154 湖草地 呈亮绿色或草黄色(冬季),蠕虫状或破布状的不规则形态,影纹较光滑细密,一般人工干预痕迹较少. 1155 白泥洲 呈暗红色、白色、浅红色等,块状或条带状分布,影纹光滑,一般靠近湖泊或河道的水面分布. 1156 耕作利用地 呈绿色、白色、褐色等杂色,块状或条带状规则形态,影纹粗糙,有道路、沟渠等分布. 1157 房屋建筑地 呈暗红色、白色,一般分布于堤坝边沿,呈带状或块状分布,形状规则,斑状或斑块状影纹. 1158 鱼池 呈蓝色或黑色,块状或带状分布,一般由堤坝或土坎分割呈规则长方形块状. 1159 沟渠 分布于洲滩中的条带状水体. 1032 坑塘 分布于洲滩上的斑状、块状的形状不规则的水体. 表 3 洞庭湖区湖泊洲滩地表覆盖面积(km2)
Table 3. The land cover of beach in Dongting Lake
监测时间 杨树 芦苇 芦杂草 湖草 白泥洲 耕作地 房屋 鱼池 沟渠 坑塘 洲滩面积 1978-12 28.26 1 092.00 29.07 96.30 510.60 15.63 64.96 1 836.53 1987-12 1 203.31 329.70 0.31 7.57 284.20 4.07 0.66 18.55 76.74 1 925.15 1998-12 602.05 993.70 11.06 73.01 196.00 1.41 0.76 13.01 39.68 51.05 1 981.77 1999-12 1 253.82 415.40 10.90 115.10 165.30 1.09 6.45 41.40 30.86 2 040.39 2002-01 1 061.66 633.20 41.80 40.11 165.70 0.88 2.04 3.33 51.31 88.12 2 088.15 2007-12 883.64 904.00 47.04 29.10 124.00 1.34 1.03 31.76 30.47 17.96 2 070.25 2015-01 885.93 788.10 54.41 99.64 160.33 4.42 1.49 26.56 29.38 34.15 2 084.44 2016-12 340.45 680.39 174.41 581.24 172.44 3.63 1.52 37.21 29.81 37.26 2 058.36 2018-12 152.92 715.06 220.21 637.66 184.85 2.99 1.65 41.36 30.46 40.17 2 027.33 表 4 洞庭湖自然保护区欧美黑杨与芦苇覆盖面积(km2)
Table 4. The land covers of populus nigra and reed in Dongting Lake
监测区域 欧美黑杨 芦苇 2015-01 2016-12 2018-12 2015-01 2016-12 2018-12 东洞庭湖 核心区 0.27 0.23 0 24.02 24.34 24.37 缓冲区 0.86 1.69 4.31 55.96 59.21 59.86 实验区 7.08 7.92 5.27 129.68 129.79 129.37 南洞庭湖 核心区 30.30 17.14 0 69.64 69.66 82.55 缓冲区 80.43 45.70 23.81 80.40 80.53 94.31 实验区 178.53 102.49 62.23 74.81 74.49 76.60 横岭湖 核心区 9.62 7.20 0 33.63 33.63 36.11 缓冲区 44.27 25.68 0.24 19.86 19.89 21.17 实验区 24.60 12.41 5.45 21.11 21.72 24.04 目平湖 核心区 50.53 35.20 0 29.11 23.28 24.24 缓冲区 39.84 25.33 7.67 9.82 10.90 10.50 实验区 32.32 18.53 9.53 1.81 1.85 2.41 合计 498.65 299.52 118.51 549.85 549.29 585.53 -
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