Experiments on Friction and Non-Steady Slip for Shale
摘要: 龙一1亚段页岩是川南页岩气开发的主要目的层,实践表明水平井单井产气量对井轨迹所在小层较为敏感.龙一1亚段页岩各层脆性矿物组分、弹性模量变化幅度小,采用常规页岩脆性评价方法和模型不能有效评价川南龙一1亚段各小层页岩的可压性,借鉴地震学地震成核原因研究思路,提出利用稳态-非稳态破坏特征来表征各小层可压性.优化设计一种页岩剪切摩擦、稳态-非稳态特性实验方法,利用川南页岩地面露头进行线切割制样开展相关实验测试,分析研究页岩摩擦系数受层理性构造、矿物组分、法向应力大小的影响,表征量化不同矿物组分下的页岩稳态-非稳态特征,确定了速度弱化向速度强化转换的粘土矿物含量临界值.以川南昭通YS108井区龙一1亚段页岩储层为例,对各小层可压性进行整体评价,得到:龙一11~2层较易开启剪切滑移,且易形成网状裂纹,储层整体可压性好;龙一13层较难开启剪切滑移,但裂纹为单一裂纹、网状裂纹过渡状态,储层整体可压性较差;龙一14层较易开启剪切滑移,但裂纹则呈现单一状态,储层整体可压性较差.Abstract: L11 sub-section shale reservoir is the major production layer in the South Sichuan shale gas block. For the horizontal well production, different well paths in the different layers can show quite big production gap, which may be due to the different shale crushabilities. However, the elastic modulus and brittle minerals for different layers in L11 sub-section have not shown much difference, so it is still impossible to evaluate the shale brittleness sufficiently with the conventional methods and models, Based on studies on the cause of earthquake, the steady & non-steady state failure is introduced to characterize the crushability for the different L11 layers in this paper. The new friction and steady & non-steady state experiments were designed to replace the conventional fault gauge testing method for the L11 outcrop samples. Firstly, the influence of the lamination, mineral constituents and normal stress on the friction for shale was studied and analyzed. Secondly, the steady & non-steady state behavior was characterized and quantified by the calculated a-b value for the shale with different mineral constituents. Thirdly, the critical value from velocity-weakening to velocity-strengthening was established by the overlay method. Taking Well YS108 field in Zhaotong shale block as the example, the different crushabilities for different layers were analyzed and discussed. It is found that L111-2 layers have better crushability that can cause the shear slide easily and generate the map cracking, while the L114 layers have worse crushability that generates the single cracking or cause the shear slide difficultly.
Key words:
- shale /
- friction /
- steady state /
- non-steady state /
- crushability /
- petroleum geology
图 6 五峰组和龙马溪组平行层理、垂直层理页岩在不同水平应力加载速度下的摩擦系数-位移曲线
a.五峰组平行层理页岩在不同水平应力加载速度下的摩擦系数-位移曲线; b.五峰组垂直层理页岩在不同水平应力加载速度下的摩擦系数-位移曲线; c.龙马溪组平行层理页岩在不同水平应力加载速度下的摩擦系数-位移曲线; d.龙马溪组垂直层理页岩在不同水平应力加载速度下的摩擦系数-位移曲线
Fig. 6. The testing plots between friction factor and displacement in different loading velocities for the parallel and vertical bedding samples from Wufeng Formation and Longmaxi Formation
表 1 四组试样全岩矿物XRD衍射测试数据
Table 1. The whole-rock analysis data of the four shale samples by XRD diffraction
组别 矿物种类和含量(%) 粘土矿物总量(%) 石英 钾长石 斜长石 黄铁矿 脆性矿物 白云石 方解石 碳酸盐岩矿物 五峰平行 27.9 0.4 2.2 3.4 33.9 13.6 39.1 52.7 13.4 五峰垂直 28.6 0.6 4.3 2.4 35.9 11.4 38.3 49.7 14.4 龙马溪平行 33.3 0.2 4.9 3.7 42.1 12.6 25.5 38.1 19.8 龙马溪垂直 38.3 0.5 5.0 4.3 48.1 9.2 27.4 36.6 15.3 表 2 五峰组平行层理页岩的a-b值计算表
Table 2. The values of a-b for the parallel bedding shale from Wufeng Formation
速度(μm/s) 摩擦系数 a-b 10 0.616 / 3 0.616 0 10 0.610 -0.004 98 30 0.610 0 3 0.630 -0.008 69 10 0.622 -0.006 64 平均值 -0.007 95 表 3 五峰组垂直层理页岩的a-b值计算表
Table 3. The values of a-b for the vertical bedding shale from Wufeng Formation
速度(μm/s) 摩擦系数 a-b 3 0.675 / 10 0.668 -0.005 81 30 / / 10 / / 3 / / 10 0.672 / 30 0.662 -0.009 1 平均值 -0.007 46 表 4 龙马溪组平行层理页岩的a-b值计算表
Table 4. The values of a-b for the parallel bedding shale from Longmaxi Formation
速度(μm/s) 摩擦系数 a-b 10 0.643 / 30 0.640 -0.002 73 10 0.649 -0.008 19 30 0.644 -0.004 55 10 / / 30 / / 10 / / 平均值 -0.005 16 表 5 龙马溪组垂直层理页岩的a-b值计算表
Table 5. The values of a-b for the vertical bedding shale from Longmaxi Formation
速度(μm/s) 摩擦系数 a-b 10 0.663 / 30 0.663 0 10 0.670 -0.006 37 3 0.670 0 10 0.670 0 30 0.670 0 3 0.670 0 平均值 -0.006 37 表 6 YS108井区龙一1亚段地应力状态
Table 6. The crustal stress state of L11 sub-section in the YS108 well block
井区 小层 顶深(m) 底深(m) Sv(g/cm3) Shmax(g/cm3) Shmin(g/cm3) 水平地应力非均匀系数 YS108 龙一14 2 483.52 2 495.70 2.52 2.98 2.26 0.32 龙一13 2 495.70 2 502.78 2.52 2.75 2.22 0.24 龙一12 2 502.78 2 509.54 2.52 3.15 2.31 0.36 龙一11 2 509.54 2 511.01 2.53 3.10 2.32 0.34 五峰 2 511.01 2 516.05 2.52 3.06 2.39 0.28 -
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