Reservoir Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Granite Buried Hill in Songnan Low Uplift, Qiongdongnan Basin
摘要: 研究花岗岩潜山储层特征及控制因素为琼东南盆地下一步潜山勘探提供依据,综合已钻井录井资料、壁心资料、测井资料、薄片资料及地球化学资料,识别风化壳并刻画储层特征.研究结果表明松南低凸起及周缘花岗岩受长期风化影响,纵向分带明显,由表及里依次发育粘土风化带、砂砾质风化带、裂缝带和基岩带.通过元素测井、成像测井、常规测井结合可以很好的识别潜山风化壳及纵向结构特征.纵向上不同风化层储集空间特征显著差异,依次发育孔隙型、裂缝-孔隙复合型、孔隙-裂缝复合型及裂缝型4种储集空间,以裂缝-孔隙型储集为主的砂砾质风化带物性最好,自砂砾质风化带以下,随埋深增加,风化减弱,储层物性依次变差.松南低凸起周缘花岗岩侵入体形成于三叠纪初期,自燕山期构造抬升,长期古隆起暴露、断裂及节理发育是其厚层优质风化壳型潜山储层发育的主要原因.同时,由于潜山后期埋深浅,经过压实、胶结等成岩作用影响弱,是凸起周缘潜山储层发育的重要原因.为下一步潜山领域勘探提供地质支撑.Abstract: Study the reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of granite buried hillis the basis for further exploration of buried hill in Qiongdongnan Basin. Reservoir characteristics are studied by combining with Logging data, sidewall core, microphotograph, and geochemical data. It's found that the granite of Songnan low uplift was affected by long-term weathering and the vertical zoning is obvious. Clay weathering zone, gravel weathering zone, fracture zone and fresh bedrock zone are developed from the surface to the inside. The characteristics of basement weathering crust and longitudinal structure can be well identified by combining element logging, imaging logging and conventional logging. The Reservoir space characteristics of different weathering layers are significant differences.Four types of reservoir spaces are successively developed:pore, fracture-pore complex, pore-fracture complex and fracture type, The sandy gravel weathering zone dominated by fracture-pore reservoirs has the best physical properties. Below the sandy gravel weathering zone, as the burial depth increases, weathering weakens and reservoir physical properties deteriorate in turn and the reservoir physical properties getting worse. Long-term Paleo-high background and Faults development because of stress concentration release around Songnan low uplift, Thick weathering crust is developed. Shallow burial and weak diagenetic remake is the main reason for the development of weathering crust reservoir.Providing geological support for further exploration in buried hill area.
图 4 典型壁心及显微薄片照片
a. YLB-A井,2 909.6 m,粘土矿物为主,残余角砾零星分布;b. YLB-A井,2 909.6 m,基质支撑,Φ=17.3%,K=0.94 mD;c. YLB-A井,2 947.0 m,砂砾状结构;d. YLB-A井,2 947.0 m,花岗岩角砾;e. YLB-A井,2 990.0 m,黑云母花岗岩;f. YLB-A井,2 990.0 m,黑云母花岗岩,Φ=8.3%,K=12.5 mD,孔隙-裂缝型;g. YLB-A井,3 039.0 m,蚀变花岗岩,长石等不稳定矿物蚀变为粘土矿物,壁心松散破碎;h. YLB-A井,3 039.0 m,蚀变花岗岩,裂缝型
Fig. 4. Typical photographs and Microphotographs of sidewall core
表 1 松南低凸起花岗岩主要成分分布范围
Table 1. Distribution range of main components, in Songnan low uplift
深度(m) 烧失量(%) SiO2(%) Al2O3(%) CaO(%) Fe2O3(%) K2O(%) MgO(%) MnO(%) Na2O(%) P2O5(%) TiO2(%) 全碱含量Na2O+K2O 里特曼指数σ 铝饱和指数 分类 岩性(TAS分类) 2 947 7.1 61.55 13.02 7.47 3.35 2.69 0.79 0.09 3.40 0.02 0.52 6.09 2.00 0.59 偏过铝质 闪长岩 2 986 7.4 61.64 15.43 1.98 5.80 2.18 1.02 0.08 3.85 0.10 0.49 6.03 1.95 1.25 强过铝质 闪长岩 2 999 7.2 62.70 15.81 0.79 3.69 4.63 0.37 0.05 3.99 0.20 0.62 8.62 3.77 1.21 强过铝质 石英二长岩 3 006 9.9 56.26 20.37 1.19 4.35 4.33 1.19 0.04 0.53 0.59 1.28 4.86 1.78 2.64 强过铝质 辉长闪长岩 3 016 9.3 65.60 13.36 1.28 1.65 4.60 0.52 0.02 3.07 0.14 0.41 7.67 2.60 1.08 过铝质 石英二长岩 3 022 7.1 60.86 16.44 1.98 1.60 7.02 0.30 0.02 4.07 0.15 0.40 11.10 6.89 0.92 偏过铝质 正长岩 3 033 7.4 62.46 14.58 3.30 3.15 4.01 0.79 0.05 3.70 0.11 0.46 7.70 3.05 0.89 偏过铝质 石英二长岩 3 039 7.9 64.34 16.59 2.34 1.54 5.10 0.92 0.03 0.55 0.14 0.56 5.65 1.49 1.55 强过铝质 花岗闪长岩 3 045 8.3 62.63 14.54 3.51 3.45 4.84 0.92 0.05 1.31 0.13 0.29 6.15 1.93 1.05 过铝质 闪长岩 3 054 8.3 66.33 13.47 1.60 1.67 3.77 0.49 0.04 3.70 0.16 0.48 7.47 2.39 1.03 过铝质 石英二长岩 3 061 9.1 61.13 16.74 0.77 1.65 4.03 0.43 0.02 5.51 0.15 0.44 9.54 5.02 1.13 强过铝质 正长岩 3 066 9.6 66.97 11.38 1.89 2.75 3.76 0.67 0.05 2.46 0.12 0.37 6.22 1.61 0.98 偏过铝质 花岗闪长岩 -
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