Remote Sensing Study of Dongting Lake Beach Changes before and after Operation of Three Gorges Reservoir
摘要: 为研究三峡水库运行前后洞庭湖洲滩面积的变化特征及原因,利用1994-2016年128个时相的多平台卫星遥感数据,结合城陵矶多年水位观测资料、洞庭湖的多年泥沙出入资料,建立水位与洲滩面积的关系曲线.结果表明,三峡水库运行后,洞庭湖水位和洲滩面积的变化幅度小于运行前,二者呈线性关系.洞庭湖洲滩面积在不同时间段线性趋势不同,总体呈先扩张后萎缩的特征.与三峡水库运行前相比,三峡水库运行后同一水位下洞庭湖洲滩面积更大;且水位越高,增幅越大.三峡水库运行前,洞庭湖泥沙处于不断淤积的状态;运行后,泥沙淤积量降低直至负数,洲滩高程以1.59 mm/a的速率降低.三峡水库的运行和湖砂开采,是影响洞庭湖洲滩面积变化的重要原因.Abstract: Based on the multi-platform satellite remote sensing data of 128 time-phases, the variation characteristics and causes of the beach in Dongting Lake before and after the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) during 1994-2016 were analyzed in this study. The results show that after the operation of the TGR, the variation range of Dongting Lake water level and beach is smaller than that before the operation, and presents linear relationship. The linear trend of Dongting Lake beach is different in different time periods, showing the characteristics of first expansion and then contraction. Compared with before TGR operation, Dongting Lake beach under the same water level is larger after TGR operation. The higher the water level, the greater the increase. Before the operation of the TGR, Dongting Lake was continuously silted up. After the operation, the sediment deposition has decreased to a negative, and the elevation of beach decreases at a rate of 1.59 mm/a. The operation of TGR and lake sand mining are important influence factors for the change of Dongting Lake beach.
表 1 各时段特征同水位下的洲滩面积对比
Table 1. The area of beach in characteristic water level and each period
时间段 关系式 特征水位下的洲滩面积 特征水位下的洲滩面积变幅 20.00 23.58 30.00 20.00 23.58 30.00 1994.5—2003.6 S1 = -144.09H+5132.6 2 250.8 1739.9 809.9 +28.6 +108.6 +265.9 2003.7—2016.12 S4 = -120.36H+4686.6 2 279.4 1848.5 1075.8 2003.7—2010.12 S2 = -117.74H+4627.4 2 272.6 1851.1 1095.2 +36.5 0.0 -65.4 2011.1—2016.12 S3 = -127.93H+4867.7 2 309.1 1851.1 1029.8 注:S.水位高程,m;H.洲滩面积,km2. 表 2 近60年洞庭湖泥沙出入量变化对比
Table 2. The variations of sand in Dongting Lake for nearly 60 years
时间段(年) 年均入湖泥沙 年均出湖泥沙 年均泥沙淤积量 长江入湖泥沙 四水入湖泥沙 合计 1956—1968 20453.92 3124.77 23578.69 5874.62 17 704.07 1969—1980 10856.58 3762.42 14619.00 4153.08 10 465.92 1981—1993 10019.15 2324.54 12343.69 3053.54 9 290.15 1994—2002 6131.89 1741.00 7872.89 2349.22 5 523.67 1956—2002 12374.77 2801.26 15176.03 3979.70 11 196.83 2003—2010 1234.25 962.25 2196.50 1680.00 516.50 2011—2015 510.86 686.90 1197.76 2326.00 -1 128.24 注:单位为104 t. -
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