Pollution Status and Characteristics of Main Carbonate Aquifers in Guizhou Province
摘要: 岩溶地区地下水环境脆弱,易受人类活动及区域环境变化影响.目前将岩溶水污染与污染点所在区域的地层岩性、水文地质条件等结合起来的研究较少.采用改进后的层级阶梯评价法开展贵州省区域地下水污染评价,并结合实地调查分析污染成因.结果显示二叠系栖霞-茅口组,三叠系下统嘉陵江组、夜郎组等,中统关岭组、杨柳井组等是全省污染程度最高的碳酸盐岩含水层,原因与含水层岩石类型和出露位置密切相关.含水层岩石类型与特点决定了含水介质组合类型、岩溶发育程度和污染途径污染距离,石灰岩地层天然防污能力差,以中远源径流型污染为主,白云岩地层天然防污能力较好,以近源入渗型污染为主.贵州产煤地层龙潭组上覆嘉陵江组、夜郎组,下伏栖霞-茅口组最易受煤矿开采及其化工影响,污染组分以铁、铝、锰为主;而三叠系碳酸盐岩分布区域与安顺、贵阳、遵义等大中型城市和磷化工、铝工业、锰系铁合金生产等工矿企业聚集区域重合度高,更容易受到生产生活影响,污染组分多为氨氮、重金属、耗氧量及有机污染组分.Abstract: Groundwater environment in karst areas is fragile and vulnerable to human activities and regional environmental changes. There are few studies on combining karst water pollution with stratigraphic lithology and hydrogeological conditions in the area where the pollution point is located. This Paper adopts the improved hierarchical ladder evaluation method to carry out regional groundwater pollution evaluation in Guizhou province, and analyzes the causes of pollution in combination with field investigation. The results show that the Permian Qixia Maokou Formation (22.28%), the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation and Yelang Formation (14.08%), the Middle Triassic Guanling Formation and Yangliujing Formation (13.42%) are carbonate aquifers with the highest degree of pollution in the whole province. The causes are closely related to the rock types and outcropping locations of the aquifers. The types and characteristics of aquifer rocks determine the combination type of water-bearing medium, karst development degree and pollution path pollution distance. The natural pollution prevention capability of limestone formation is mainly medium-long source runoff type, while that of dolomite formation is mainly near source infiltration type. Longtan Formation, a coal-producing formation in Guizhou, is covered by Jialing River Formation and Yelang Formation, and the underlying Qixia Maokou Formation is most vulnerable to coal mining and its chemical industry. The major pollutants are iron, aluminum and manganese. However, the distribution area of Triassic carbonate rocks has a high coincidence with large and medium-sized cities such as Anshun, Guiyang and Zunyi, and industrial, mining and industrial enterprises such as phosphorus chemical industry, aluminum industry and manganese ferroalloy production, which are more susceptible to production and life impacts. Most of the pollutants are ammonia nitrogen, heavy metals, oxygen consumption and organic pollutants.
Key words:
- Guizhou Province /
- carbonate aquifer /
- groundwater /
- pollution characteristics /
- hydrogeology
表 1 贵州省主要碳酸盐岩含水层富水性特征
Table 1. Water yield property characteristics of main carbonate aquifers in Guizhou Province
主要含水岩组 天然水点统计特征(枯季) 地下水机井统计特征 地下水富水性 点数 一般流量
(L/s)个数 最大涌水量
(m3/d)枯季径流模数 富水性等级 三叠系中统 关岭组、杨柳井组等 1 786 15.46 2 318 737 2 548 303 2.54~6.6 中等 三叠系下统 嘉陵江组、夜郎组、安顺组等 3 334 5.87~23.14 1 065 758 2 148 296.25 3.1~6 中等 二叠系上统 长兴组、合山组等 1 001 8.79~24.18 1 829 44 401 192 3~6.0 中等 二叠系中统 栖霞‒茅口组 2 503 39.01 3 069 210 1 162.7 239.4 4.0~12.0 强 石炭系上统 黄龙‒马平组、摆佐组、威宁组等 1 375 11.29~29.34 1 744 94 737 264.68 3.1~9.1 中等‒强 石炭系下统 汤耙沟组、祥摆组 245 27.83 3 348 85 855 251 4.0~6.5 中等 泥盆中上统 独山组、尧梭组等 330 5.19~7.52 334 126 751 260 2.06~4.58 中等‒弱 奥陶系下统 桐梓组、红花园组 726 18.81 904 62 968.5 264.85 3.21~8.57 中等‒强 寒武系第三统至芙蓉统 娄山关组、车夫组等 1 791 10.85 3 094 1 220 1 430 312.25 3.0~5.0 中等 寒武系第二统 清虚洞组、乌训组 707 36.79 1 834 77 1 064 220.88 3.6~6.5 中等‒强 震旦系上统 灯影组 204 14.49 262.5 27 887 400 2~5.44 中等‒弱 注:据王明章等(2015). 表 2 贵州省主要碳酸盐岩含水层污染点
Table 2. Statistics of pollution points of main carbonate aquifers in Guizhou Province
主要碳酸盐岩含水岩组 采集水样数 污染水点类型(点) 污染程度(点) 污染点所占比例(%) 地层 岩性 地下河 岩溶泉/机井 轻度 中度 重度 极重 关岭组、杨柳井组等 白云岩石灰岩互层 149 9 11 7 7 1 5 13.42 嘉陵江组、夜郎组等 白云岩石灰岩互层 213 13 17 20 8 - 2 14.08 长兴组、合山组等 石灰岩 33 2 1 1 2 - - 9.10 栖霞-茅口组 石灰岩 184 28 13 19 15 - 7 22.28 黄龙-马平组、摆佐组等 石灰岩 53 4 3 1 3 - 3 13.20 汤耙沟组、祥摆组等 白云岩石灰岩互层 24 - - - - - - - 独山组、尧梭组等 白云岩石灰岩互层 31 - - - - - - - 桐梓组、红花园组 白云岩石灰岩互层 34 1 - 1 - - - 2.94 娄山关组、车夫组等 白云岩 99 - 4 2 1 - 1 4.04 清虚洞组、乌训组 石灰岩 72 1 - - 1 - - 1.39 灯影组 白云岩 9 - - - - - - - 小计 901 58 49 51 37 1 18 11.87 表 3 贵州省主要碳酸盐岩含水层污染源与污染组分
Table 3. Statistics of pollution sources and pollution components of main carbonate aquifers in Guizhou Province
主要含水岩组 磷矿及磷化工污染点 铅锌化工污染点 铝土矿及其化工污染 煤矿及其化工污染点 锰矿及其化工污染点 生活农业污染点 复合污染点 关岭组、杨柳井组等 3 - 1 5 1 3 7 嘉陵江组、夜郎组、安顺组等 2 - 1 13 1 4 9 长兴组、合山组等 - 1 - 2 - - - 栖霞-茅口组 - 6 1 27 1 1 5 黄龙-马平组、摆佐组、威宁组等 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 桐梓组、红花园组 - - - 1 - - - 娄山关组、车夫组等 3 1 - - - - - 清虚洞组、乌训组 - - - - - 1 - 主要超标组分(次) F(3)、硫酸根(3)、总硬度(3)、Mn(3)、Fe(2)等 Pb(10)、Fe(9)、Mn(4)等 Al(3) Fe(36)、Al(30)、Mn(12)、总硬度(3)等 Mn(3)、铵根、硫酸根 铵根(7)、耗氧量(3)、亚硝酸根(1)、检出有机组分(1)等 检出有机组分(13)、Mn(7)、铵根(4)、硫酸根(3)等 小计 8 11 3 50 3 11 21 表 4 贵州省主要碳酸盐岩含水层污染途径与污染距离
Table 4. Statistics of pollution paths and pollution distance of main carbonate aquifers in Guizhou Province
地层组 污染点数量 污染途径 污染源与采样点距离(km) 径流型 入渗型 近源污染(≤1) 中远源污染(1~5) 远源污染(≥5) 关岭组、杨柳井组等 20 12 8 12 5 3 嘉陵江组、夜郎组、安顺组等 30 18 12 18 12 长兴组、合山组等 3 3 0 1 2 栖霞-茅口组 41 32 9 11 16 14 黄龙-马平组、摆佐组、威宁组等 7 4 3 3 2 2 桐梓组、红花园组 1 1 1 娄山关组、车夫组等 4 4 4 清虚洞组、乌训组 1 1 1 小计 107 70 37 51 37 19 -
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