Hydrochemical and Isotopic Markers of Groundwater Flow Systems in the Kashgar Delta Area in Xinjiang
摘要: 新疆喀什三角洲地下水“水质型”缺水问题较为突出,开展地下水流系统研究具有实际意义.采用水化学和环境同位素年龄测试法,在对喀什三角洲地下水含水系统划分基础上,对地下水化学和循环更新特征进行了分析研究.结果表明:三角洲含水系统由山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水、河流冲积平原潜水和河流冲积平原承压水构成.沿地下水流向,水化学类型演化为HCO3·SO4-Ca→SO4-Ca→SO4·Cl-Mg·Na→SO4·Cl-Na,TDS增高,水质趋向盐化.山前倾斜冲洪积平原为溶滤-径流区,河流冲积平原为径流-累盐区.研究区地下水更新速率为0.03%~16.35%·a-1,具有山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水>河流冲积平原潜水>河流冲积平原承压水的特征.利用3H估算得出,山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水年龄为8~49 a,平均值为29 a;河流冲积平原潜水年龄为14~>50 a,其中上部潜水平均年龄为24 a,下部潜水平均年龄大于50 a.利用14C估算得出,河流冲积平原潜水为476~33 623 a,平均值为8 106 a;河流冲积平原承压水为5 186~34 578 a,平均值为30 043 a,与潜水比为“更古老”的水.综合以上特征得出,喀什三角洲地下水含水系统可以划分为2个更新速率较快的局部水流系统(Ⅰ1和Ⅰ2)和一个循环滞缓的区域水流系统(Ⅱ).Abstract: The shortage of groundwater caused by poor water quality is more prominent in the Kashgar delta of Xinjiang, so it is practical significance to study groundwater flow system. Based on the divisions of groundwater aquifer system in Kashgar delta, the characteristics of the groundwater hydrochemistry and cycle regeneration were analyzed using hydrogeochemistry and environmental isotope age test methods. The research results show that the delta aquifer system consists of unconfined groundwater in piedmont sloping alluvial-diluvial plain, unconfined groundwater in river alluvial plain and confined groundwater in river alluvial plain. The evolution of groundwater hydrochemistry types is HCO3·SO4-Ca→SO4-Ca→SO4·Cl-Mg·Na→SO4·Cl-Na along the groundwater flow direction. With the increased TDS, the groundwater quality tends towards salinization. Piedmont sloping alluvial-diluvial plain is the main dissolution-runoff zone and the river alluvial plain is main runoff-accumulation salt zone. The groundwater renewal rate in the study area is 0.03%~16.35%·a-1, which is characterized by unconfined groundwater in piedmont sloping alluvial-diluvial plain > unconfined groundwater in river alluvial plain > confined groundwater in river alluvial plain. Estimated by 3H, the age of unconfined groundwater in piedmont sloping alluvial-diluvial plain is 8~49 a, with an average of 29 a.The age of unconfined groundwater in river alluvial plain is 14~ > 50 a, in which the average age of upper unconfined groundwater is 24 a, and the average age of lower unconfined groundwater is > 50 a. Estimated by 14C, the age of unconfined groundwater in river alluvial plain is 476~33 623 a, with an average of 8 106 a. The age of confined groundwater in river alluvial plain is 5 186~34 578 a, with an average of 30 043 a, being "older" than unconfined groundwater. Based on the above characteristics, the groundwater aquifer systems in Kashgar delta are divided into two local flow systems (Ⅰ1 and Ⅰ2) with faster renewal rate and a regional flow system (Ⅱ) with slow circulation.
Key words:
- Kashgar delta in Xinjiang /
- hydrogeochemistry /
- isotope age /
- renewal rate /
- groundwater flow system /
- hydrogeology
表 1 地下水化学参数与频数分布
Table 1. Hydrochemical parameters and frequency distribution in groundwater
水文地质单元 指标 统计值 按地下水质量标准限值分组(个) 最大值 最小值 平均值 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ 2Ⅴ 4Ⅴ 8Ⅴ 16Ⅴ 32Ⅴ 山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水(n=49) pH 8.42 7.26 7.88 49 0 0 0 TDS(mg·L-1) 3 163.8 291.5 1 136.0 1 9 17 13 9 0 0 0 0 0 总硬度(mg·L-1) 1 306.2 170.9 524.3 0 14 10 10 14 1 0 0 0 0 Na+(mg·L-1) 759.3 14.5 189.3 20 12 4 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 Ca2+(mg·L-1) 265 28.4 112.7 — — — — — — — — — — Mg2+(mg·L-1) 176.9 4.4 59.2 — — — — — — — — — — Cl-(mg·L-1) 822.6 14.2 229.8 7 21 8 5 1 7 0 0 0 0 HCO3-(mg·L-1) 1 294.9 24.4 185.0 — — — — — — — — — — SO42-(mg·L-1) 1 239.3 101.9 440.5 0 6 13 4 14 12 0 0 0 0 河流冲积平原潜水(n=78) pH 8.28 7.11 7.78 78 0 0 0 TDS(mg·L-1) 44 130.4 280.4 6 404.8 2 6 23 16 13 5 0 7 6 0 总硬度(mg·L-1) 10 619.8 158.4 1 871.8 0 10 13 13 17 10 5 9 1 0 Na+(mg·L-1) 13 916.7 31.2 1 645.9 21 14 5 13 9 3 0 5 7 1 Ca2+(mg·L-1) 1 707.2 34.1 262.0 — — — — — — — — — — Mg2+(mg·L-1) 2 272.5 15.3 296.4 — — — — — — — — — — Cl-(mg·L-1) 20 210.5 22.7 2 027.0 9 25 8 11 3 9 0 0 8 5 HCO3-(mg·L-1) 756.8 59.8 265.2 — — — — — — — — — — SO42-(mg·L-1) 9 611.8 92.2 1 779.8 0 5 9 8 19 14 8 3 11 1 河流冲积平原承压水(n=275) pH 8.52 7.23 7.86 274 1 0 0 TDS(mg·L-1) 21 966.2 246.5 2 900.8 3 23 76 55 58 38 16 6 0 0 总硬度(mg·L-1) 10 239.1 48.2 1 187.6 13 47 42 29 62 49 28 5 0 0 Na+(mg·L-1) 5 115.4 14.1 571.7 46 38 30 50 59 32 13 7 0 0 Ca2+(mg·L-1) 1 769.7 9.3 197.7 — — — — — — — — — — Mg2+(mg·L-1) 1 187.7 3.2 163.9 — — — — — — — — — — Cl-(mg·L-1) 6 044.6 19.8 617.7 23 75 32 21 55 41 16 10 2 0 HCO3-(mg·L-1) 1 320.9 48.8 223.7 — — — — — — — — — — SO42-(mg·L-1) 9 173.6 39.7 1 231.4 1 17 34 25 69 54 40 29 6 0 表 2 地下水3H年龄估算结果
Table 2. Estimation of 3H age in groundwater
水文地质单元 分布范围(a) 样本数n(个) 占比(%) 平均值(a) 山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水(n=28) 0~10 1 3.6 8 10~30 19 67.9 24 30~50 8 28.5 44 > 50 — — — 河流冲积平原潜水(n=37) 0~10 — — — 10~30 18 48.6 22 30~50 2 5.4 40 > 50 17 46.0 — 河流冲积平原承压水(n=27) 0~10 — — — 10~30 — — — 30~50 — — — > 50 27 100.0 — 表 3 地下水更新速率估算结果
Table 3. Estimation of groundwater renewal rate
水文地质单元 分布范围(%·a-1) 样本数n(个) 占比(%) 平均值(%·a-1) 山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水(n=28) 10~16.35 2 7.2 13.80 5~10 13 46.4 6.20 0~5 13 46.4 3.83 河流冲积平原潜水(n=37) 10~16.35 — — — 5~10 17 45.9 6.70 0~5 20 54.1 1.10 河流冲积平原承压水(n=27) 10~16.35 — — — 5~10 — — — 0~5 27 100.0 0.02 表 4 地下水14C年龄估算结果
Table 4. Estimation of 14C age in groundwater
水文地质单元 分布范围(a) 样本数n(个) 占比(%) 平均值(a) 河流冲积平原潜水(n=14) 50~1 000 2 14.3 602 1 000~10 000 10 71.4 4 506 10 000~33 623 2 14.3 33 609 河流冲积平原承压水(n=14) 50~1 000 — — — 1 000~10 000 1 7.1 5 186 10 000~34 578 13 92.9 31 955 表 5 不同地区地下水14C年龄对比
Table 5. Comparison of 14C age in groundwater in different areas
地区 参考文献 取样深度(m) 14C年龄(a) 最大年龄比值 宁夏银川平原 苏小四等(2006) 70~250 0~8 750 0.25 北京市潮白河冲积扇 翟远征等(2013) 100~200 2 000~12 000 0.35 甘肃黑河流域 阮云峰等(2015) 70~150 0~14 000 0.40 宁夏固原 黄小琴等(2014) 100~180 2 000~23 800 0.69 山东鲁北平原 杨丽芝等(2009) 300~350 2 620~25 470 0.74 青海柴达木盆地 刘峰等(2014) < 180 0~28 000 0.81 新疆喀什三角洲 本文 < 350 476~34 578 1.00 河北平原 卫文等(2011) 250~550 673~35 200 1.02 -
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