Gas-Bearing Capacity and Controlling Factors of Niutitang Formation Shale in Well XZD-1, Western Margin of Xuefeng Uplift
摘要: 雪峰隆起周缘是四川盆地外围页岩气勘探的重要区域,下寒武统牛蹄塘组为该区主要的页岩气层位,为深入研究页岩含气性特征,以隆起西缘湘张地1井钻井资料为基础,借助现场含气测试数据,对页岩纵向含气性进行精细描述,并以此探讨牛蹄塘组页岩气分布规律与控制因素.湘张地1井牛蹄塘组页岩气整体呈上低下高、局部富集的分布规律,受有机质含量、矿物组分、孔隙与裂缝、物性、滑脱构造等因素共同控制.下部页岩有机质和脆性矿物含量高、裂缝与孔隙较发育,气体吸附的比表面积主要由有机质孔隙提供,脆性矿物有利于孔缝的形成与保存,裂缝与孔隙的发育有效改善了储层物性,为游离气提供大量储集空间,配合存在的滑脱构造带,使下部总含气量较高,且以游离气为主,占比58%~82%,尤其底部滑脱带内吸附气含量极低,孔缝发育程度对总含气量的影响大于有机质含量,同时,孔缝分布的不均也导致气体在局部较为富集;上部页岩孔缝欠发育,有机质与脆性矿物含量均低于下部,整体含气性较差,吸附气占比略大,主要受有机质含量控制,可作为下部含气段直接有效的盖层.此外,下部页岩岩石力学脆性强、成岩作用晚、热演化程度高、抗压强度与主应力差低,具备较强的可压裂性,有利于后期改造.Abstract: The Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in Xuefeng uplift and its peripheral areas is one of major shale gas reservoirs. To explore the gas-bearing capacity of Niutitang Formation shale in this area, the vertical variations of gas-bearing capacity, distribution and controlling factors of shale gas in western margin of Xuefeng uplift were studied in detail, based on the drilling data of Well XZD-1 and the testing gas content data. The gas content of desorption in Well XZD-1 increases gradually with the increase of depth with locally high gas abundance. The gas-bearing property of Niutitang Formation shale was controlled by various factors such as organic carbon content, mineral composition, development characteristics of pore and fracture, physical property and the decollement structure. The lower shale of Niutitang Formation has high content of organic carbon and brittle minerals, well-developed natural fractures and pores. Organic matter provides the main adsorption specific surface area, the brittle minerals contribute to the formation and preservation of pores and fractures. The fracture and pore with the decollement structure have effectively improved reservoir physical property, provided a large amount of reservoir space for free gas and ensured a high gas content in the lower Niutitang Formation. And free gas is the main component, accounting for 58%-82%. In addition, the content of adsorbed gas in the bottom decollement belt is very low. The influence of pore and fracture development is greater than that of organic carbon content. And the distribution of pores and fractures result in the locally enriched gas. The pore and fracture of upper shale in Niutitang Formation are under developed, and the contents of organic matter and brittle minerals are lower. The shale gas content in the upper shale of Niutitang Formation is poor and the proportion of adsorbed gas in the total gas content is slightly larger, which is mainly controlled by organic carbon content. In addition, the lower shale of Niutitang Formation has strong fracturability, which is conducive to later fracturing transformation, because it is brittle in rock mechanics, with late diagenesis, high thermal maturity and low difference between compressive strength and principal stress.
Key words:
- gas-bearing capacity /
- controlling factor /
- Niutitang Formation /
- shale gas /
- Well XZD-1 /
- Xuefeng uplift /
- petroleum geology
表 1 湘张地1井牛蹄塘组分段特征
Table 1. Stratigraphic segmentation of Niutitang Formation in Well XZD-1
分段 顶底深度
(m)岩性 TOC
(m3·t-1)6段 1 792.8~1 807 灰黑色碳质页岩,局部含粉砂 1.19 0.33~1.45/0.86 解析气偏低 偏低 5段 1 807~1 890 黑色碳质页岩 1.46~3.15/2.20 0.56~7.02/1.73 0.01~0.08/0.04 0.01~0.08/0.03 4段 1 890~1 905 黑色碳质页岩,局部为含钙质碳质页岩 2.26 0.84~2.63/1.29 0.03~0.11/0.07 0.03~0.11/0.07 3段 1 905~1 964.1 黑色碳质页岩夹少量泥质灰岩薄层 4.35~10.50/6.08 0.56~4.03/1.26 0.12~1.59/0.68 0.18~0.95/0.54 2段 1 964.1~1 982.4 黑色碳质页岩夹薄层泥质灰岩,含硅磷钙质结核 6.16~10.3/8.60 0.80~2.14/1.24 0.35~0.55/0.45 0.43~0.70/0.57 1段 1 982.4~1 998 黑色碳质页岩、硅质页岩、云质页岩夹少量泥质灰岩 4.35~4.84/4.53 1.37~3.75/1.97 解析气偏低 无法测算 表 2 牛蹄塘组不同段页岩等温吸附数据
Table 2. Isothermal adsorption experimental data of shale at different depths of Niutitang Formation
(m)分段 Langmuir体积
(%)1 895.2 4 1.53 2.04 12.627 28.4 2.26 1 937.1 3 3.38 2.31 17.632 21.2 5.24 1 965.5 2 3.51 1.29 18.552 10.4 9.08 1 981.2 2 3.77 1.37 13.853 10.5 6.16 表 3 牛蹄塘组页岩第3段含气量、孔隙度与裂缝关系
Table 3. Relationship between gas content, porosity and fracture development of Niutitang Formation shale in the Section 3
(m3·t-1)裂缝统计 1 905.5 2.28 0.941 0.491 裂缝不发育带 1 929.7 2.10 0.800 0.370 裂缝不发育带 1 933.9 - 1.092 0.542 裂缝发育带 1 937.1 4.48 2.294 1.594 裂缝发育带 1 940.6 - 0.304 0.124 裂缝不发育带 1 943.1 2.19 1.002 0.522 裂缝发育带 1 948.0 - 1.159 0.569 裂缝发育带 1 950.2 3.78 2.141 1.191 裂缝发育带 注:“-”表示无测试数据. 表 4 岩石单轴压缩实验力学参数
Table 4. Mechanical parameters of rock uniaxial compression test
(m)所属层位 抗压强度
(GPa)泊松比 1 440.9 中寒武统 251.7 31.9 0.20 1 720.9 杷榔组 205.3 37.2 0.19 1 813.1 牛蹄塘组6段 108.4 28.0 0.20 1 937.1 牛蹄塘组3段 169.7 23.0 0.14 1 950.2 牛蹄塘组3段 115.2 24.2 0.20 1 981.2 牛蹄塘组2段 178.8 24.0 0.17 -
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