Symmetric Intergrowth of Quartz in Igneous Rocks
摘要: 矿物晶体连生是岩浆岩中晶体生长及岩石结构形成过程中的一个重要现象,可以提供岩浆演化过程信息.用电子背散射衍射技术(EBSD)分析了天堂寨花岗岩和梅川花岗闪长岩中石英晶体的结晶学取向关系.这2种岩石中石英的道芬双晶和交生(两晶体以某个相同的面重合连生)出现概率非常高.除了道芬双晶和交生外,还发现了一种特殊的石英晶体对称性连生现象.在这种特殊的对称性连生体中,考虑石英的劳埃群3 2/m(而不是石英的点群32),两晶体形成的道芬双晶的双晶面(0001)或(1010)与第3个晶体的对称面(1120)重合.这样的重合使得这3个晶体的连生体保留了道芬双晶的某些对称性.这种双晶面与第3个晶体的对称面重合的现象在我们以前报道的NH4Cl晶体聚集体和透辉石枝晶聚集体中也出现过.这种现象说明晶体的连生受控于对称性,即:晶体连生会选择对称性高的形式.由于劳埃群是与晶体空间格子的对称性相关而并不是与晶体结构的对称性相关的,所以,空间格子的对称性可能是控制晶体对称性连生的主要因素.Abstract: Crystal intergrowth (or crystal clustering) is an important phenomenon during crystal growth and textural development of igneous rocks,which can provide much information about magmatic processes. We used electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) technique and pole figures to analyze the quartz orientation relationships in Meichuan granodiorite and Tiantangzai granite. Dauphiné twins and intergrowths (by overlapping the same plane) are very abundant in these two rocks. Beside Dauphiné twins and intergrowths,we found a special kind of symmetric intergrowths among quartz crystals in these two rocks. Considering quartz's Laue Group 3 2/m (except the point group 32),Dauphiné twin plane (0001) or (1010) overlaps the symmetry plane (1120) of the third crystal in some intergrowths of quartz. The intergrowths composed by these three crystals retain some symmetry of Dauphiné twins because of the overlapping. The overlapping between twin plane and the symmetry plane of the third crystal has also been found in the aggregation of NH4Cl crystallites and diopside dendritic crystals reported in our previous work. It is reflected that symmetry controls the intergrowth of crystals. Laue Group is related to lattice symmetry but not to crystal structure symmetry. The lattice,rather than the crystal structure,plays an important role in quartz intergrowth in rocks.
图 7 NH4Cl晶体聚集体中晶体A, B, A’, B’之间的双晶关系示意(a)和透辉石枝晶聚集体中晶体1, 3, 5之间的双晶关系示意(b)
a.详细分析见Zhao et al.(2007); b.详细分析见Zhao et al.(2010)
Fig. 7. A sketch of the twin relationship among Crystals A, B, A' and B' in NH4Cl crystallite aggregation (a) and a sketch of the twin relationship among Crystals 1, 3 and 5 in diopside dendrites (b)
表 1 石英各种双晶律、交生及无关取向连生的概率
Table 1. The frequency of quartz twin laws, intergrowths and no-relationships
岩石 道芬双晶律 其他双晶律 交生 无关取向连生 天堂寨花岗岩 71 3.2 19.3 6.5 梅川花岗闪长岩 70.7 5.2 21 3.1 注:(1)表中双晶律概率为:(某双晶数×2)/所有石英单晶数,因为双晶是由两个单体组成的,所以具有双晶关系的单体数为:双晶数×2;(2)表中无关取向连生概率为:与别的晶体没有双晶和交生关系的单体数/所有石英单晶数;(3)表中交生的概率为:100 -(各种双晶概率+无关取向连生概率),因为交生概率如果按照某个交生面统计的话,会有重复计数,不太好统计, 但是,本文不报道这些道芬双晶与交生的具体情况,本文着重研究在这些石英双晶与交生中所发现的对称性连生现象. 表 2 晶体连生体的对称性(点群)
Table 2. The symmetry (point group) of the crystal intergrowths
NH4Cl晶体聚集体*透辉石枝晶聚集体 石英对称性连生体 G30 D7 D54 G50 D68 点群 6/m 2/m 2/m 2/m m m 6/m 2/m 2/m 6/m 2/m 2/m m 注:*如果在图 7a中有更多的NH4Cl晶体,它们会形成一个六方环. -
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