Hydrochemistry Characteristics and Origin of Geothermal Water in Northeastern Guizhou
摘要: 目前在黔东北地区未系统地开展过地热水水文地球化学特征以及地热水来源方面的研究,存在地热水来源、补给区域、径流和排泄等特征不清等问题.在充分了解黔东北地热地质条件的基础上,采集区内15组地热水进行水化学全分析、收集12组地热水氢氧同位素和3组地热水碳同位素数据,得到了该区地热水的水化学特征和同位素特征,分析出地热水的补给来源,估算了地热水的补给高程、补给温度、热储温度、循环深度以及冷水混入比例.结果表明,受地形地貌及地质构造的影响,该区地热水总体由南向北径流,水化学类型主要为HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg、HCO3-Ca·Mg、HCO3-Na、SO4-Ca·Mg及SO4-Ca型,有益元素主要有F-和H2SiO3,沿径流方向地热水呈现pH降低、TDS增加的趋势,水化学类型则由重碳酸盐型水变为硫酸盐型水.同位素分析结果表明,该区地热水补给源为大气降水,补给区为海拔1 500~2 000 m的梵净山地区,地热水年龄为(6 400~11 570)±560 a,补给时的年平均气温为7.0~9.1℃;选用二氧化硅温标及lg(Q/K)-T法估算热储温度为45.0~107.0℃,地热水循环深度为1 000~3 000 m;硅-焓混合模型估算地热水混合前的热储温度极大值为110~200℃,地热水在上升过程中受浅部冷水混合,冷水混入比例为50%~90%.Abstract: The hydrochemical characteristics of geothermal water and the source of geothermal water have not been systematically carried out in the northeastern Guizhou, and there are problems such as unclear geothermal water sources, recharge areas, runoff and excretion. On the basis of fully understanding the geothermal geological conditions in the northeastern Guizhou, 15 groups of geothermal water in the collection area for water chemistry were analyzed, 12 groups of geothermal water hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and 3 pieces of geothermal water carbon isotope data were collected in this study, aimed to firstly obtain the water chemical characteristics and isotopic characteristics of geothermal water in this area, secondly to find the source of geothermal water and thirdly to estimate the recharge elevation, recharge temperature, heat storage temperature, circulation depth, and cold water mixing ratio of geothermal water. The results show that the geothermal water in this area mainly runs from south to north due to the topography and geological structure. The hydrochemical types of geothermal water are mainly HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg, HCO3-Ca·Mg, HCO3-Na, SO4-Ca·Mg and SO4-Ca types, the beneficial elements are mainly F- and H2SiO3, the geothermal water in the direction of runoff shows a decrease in pH and an increase in TDS, the type of water chemistry changes from bicarbonate to sulfuric acid salt-type water. The results of isotope analysis indicate that the geothermal water supply source in this area is atmospheric precipitation, and the recharge area is Fanjing Mountain area with an altitude of 1 500-2 000 m. The geothermal water age is (6 400-11 570) ±560 a, and the annual average temperature during recharge is 7.0-9.1℃. Using silica temperature scale and lg (Q/K)-T method, the heat storage temperature is estimated at 45.0-107.0℃, and geothermal water circulation depth of 1 000-3 000 m. By silicon-helium mixed model, the heat storage is estimated before the mixing of geothermal water, showing the maximum temperature at 110-200℃.The geothermal water is mixed by the shallow cold water during the ascending process, and the proportion of cold water mixed is 50% to 90%.
Key words:
- northeastern Guizhou /
- geothermal water /
- isotope /
- hydrochemistry /
- hydrogeology
表 1 黔东北地区热储单元特征
Table 1. Heat-reservoir unit in northeastern Guizhou
热储单元 热储特征及其分布 第三 盖层 二叠系上统吴家坪-长兴组 热储含水层以灰岩为主,累计厚度约400 m;上覆盖层为碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩互层,累计厚度约150 m.主要分布于研究区西南部,天然出露温泉1处,由于埋藏深度小,该热储单元热储温度较低,开发利用价值不高 储层 二叠系中统栖霞-茅口组 第二 盖层 志留系下统韩家店组-奥陶系下统湄潭组 热储层以白云岩、灰岩为主,累计厚度大于1 000 m;热储层上覆盖层为泥岩、页岩、石英砂岩等碎屑岩,累计厚度大于800 m.该热储单元是研究区地热水形成和赋存的主要层位,广泛分布于研究区内,除1处天然热泉出露于第三热储单元外,其余天然温泉和地热井全部分布于该热储单元 储层 寒武系中上统娄山关群-下统清虚洞组 第一 盖层 寒武系下统金顶山组-牛蹄塘组 分布于整个研究区,热储层以台地边缘相的硅质白云岩为主,厚度8~130 m,含水性较差 储层 震旦系上统灯影组 表 2 黔东北地区地热水水样分析结果
Table 2. Hydrochemical analysis data of the geothermal water in northeastern Guizhou
编号 类型 pH 水量(L/s) 温度(℃) δD δ18O TDS K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl- SO42- CO32- OH- F- NO3- HCO3- 偏硅酸 (mg/L) S1 温泉 7.23 4.0 41.0 -53.3 -7.83 2 272.0 11.93 171.80 396.71 83.10 257.64 1 198.18 0 0 1.79 1.81 148.85 31.85 S2 温泉 6.95 2.5 28.0 -52.9 -7.93 819.0 5.56 4.28 175.80 29.95 5.25 431.36 0 0 1.10 5.57 151.72 15.60 S3 温泉 7.56 5.3 38.8 -54.9 -8.48 1 027.7 10.98 2.33 232.71 39.51 2.70 624.78 0 0 1.74 2.27 155.38 32.50 S4 温泉 7.15 9.2 47.0 - - 1 158.0 7.46 2.26 245.60 40.03 2.75 637.98 - - 3.40 4 169.53 55.25 S6 温泉 7.37 0.83 31.0 -52.2 -8.42 1 257.5 9.39 2.56 254.83 59.14 2.38 679.62 0 0 1.96 1.60 246.02 33.08 S8 温泉 7.35 3.06 51.0 -57.2 -9.17 1 217.3 18.05 1.57 268.76 43.24 1.78 679.29 0 0 3.10 0.80 200.70 71.50 S9 温泉 7.69 3.85 32.0 -48.8 -8.24 600.4 6.30 2.40 112.67 28.95 2.01 248.81 0 0 0.90 0.86 197.46 18.93 S11 温泉 7.81 3.0 37.0 -53.2 -7.85 325.1 0.60 0.59 46.50 22.24 1.10 14.87 0 0 0.14 2.71 236.31 16.35 S14 温泉 7.91 10.0 39.0 -53.2 -8.36 428.2 3.11 2.82 78.25 14.66 4.02 87.47 0 0 0.32 2.37 202.32 32.51 S15 温泉 7.79 1.0 30.0 -57.6 -8.61 313.8 1.07 1.34 51.01 17.52 1.45 37.40 0 0 0.18 1.45 202.32 23.68 ZK1 地热井 7.78 21.3 44.2 - - 429.7 2.93 21.85 59.30 22.08 31.20 110.12 0 0 0.37 1.42 169.88 28.80 ZK2 地热井 7.23 23.1 58.0 -54.2 -8.56 988.5 17.40 3.65 307.79 53.18 4.06 856.80 - - 2.50 - 137.79 60.55 ZK4 地热井 7.16 3.62 59.0 - - 1 376.8 11.90 1.50 269.52 68.96 1.15 805.22 0 0 2.60 2.16 213.57 40.89 ZK9 地热井 8.06 8.82 43.8 -59.3 -8.89 810.3 7.49 170.20 32.74 12.05 5.05 77.50 0 - 0.60 0 504.40 31.86 ZK10 地热井 8.40 8.07 42.2 -56.4 -8.99 599.6 7.13 159.10 4.80 1.85 3.03 9.75 7.75 - 0.36 0 405.88 26.33 表 4 黔东北地区地热水补给高程及温度
Table 4. Recharge elevation and temperature statistics of geothermal water in northeastern Guizhou
编号 出露高程(m) 补给高程(m) 补给区温度(℃) S1 287.0 1 544.5 8.32 S2 340.0 1 622.5 8.40 S3 575.0 1 995.0 8.04 S4 395.0 - - S6 453.0 1 858.0 - S8 420.0 2 012.5 - S9 410.0 1 770.0 - S11 638.0 1 900.5 8.34 S14 550.0 1 940.0 8.34 S15 455.0 1 907.5 7.56 ZK1 325.0 - - ZK2 465.0 1 905.0 8.16 ZK4 457.0 - - ZK9 460.0 1 982.5 7.25 ZK10 480.0 2 027.5 - 表 3 黔东北地区地热水特征系数
Table 3. Numerical features of the geothermal water in northeastern Guizhou
编号 类型 rNa+/rCl- rCl-/r(HCO3-+CO32-) S1 温泉 1.03 2.97 S2 温泉 1.26 0.06 S3 温泉 1.33 0.03 S4 温泉 1.27 0.03 S6 温泉 1.66 0.02 S8 温泉 1.36 0.02 S9 温泉 1.84 0.02 S11 温泉 0.86 0.01 S14 温泉 1.08 0.03 S15 温泉 1.43 0.01 ZK1 地热井 1.08 0.32 ZK2 地热井 1.39 0.05 ZK4 地热井 2.01 0.01 ZK9 地热井 52.02 0.02 ZK10 地热井 81.05 0.01 表 5 黔东北地区地热水地球化学温标计算结果
Table 5. Geothermometers calculation results of geothermal water in northeastern Guizhou
编号 TSiO2(℃) Tlg(Q/K) (℃) T硅-焓 (℃) 冷水混合比例(%) S1 89.76 86.0 135.80 67.27 S2 44.38 73.0 111.86 87.10 S3 72.51 84.0 150.84 82.73 S4 94.90 95.0 185.57 82.90 S6 73.23 90.0 201.82 91.51 S8 106.72 102.0 205.00 82.92 S9 51.57 81.0 116.08 82.40 S11 46.11 47.0 76.25 65.99 S14 72.53 74.0 111.86 82.30 S15 60.07 56.0 159.41 88.84 ZK1 67.70 67.0 115.59 74.52 ZK2 99.02 92.0 163.04 72.76 ZK4 81.93 90.0 116.53 58.26 ZK9 71.72 69.0 128.64 77.91 ZK10 64.18 60.0 111.81 74.98 -
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