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    刘力 何生 翟刚毅 陈科 刘早学 王亿 韩元佳 董田

    刘力, 何生, 翟刚毅, 陈科, 刘早学, 王亿, 韩元佳, 董田, 2019. 黄陵背斜南翼牛蹄塘组二段页岩岩心裂缝脉体成岩环境演化与页岩气保存. 地球科学, 44(11): 3583-3597. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.142
    引用本文: 刘力, 何生, 翟刚毅, 陈科, 刘早学, 王亿, 韩元佳, 董田, 2019. 黄陵背斜南翼牛蹄塘组二段页岩岩心裂缝脉体成岩环境演化与页岩气保存. 地球科学, 44(11): 3583-3597. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.142
    Liu Li, He Sheng, Zhai Gangyi, Chen Ke, Liu Zaoxue, Wang Yi, Han Yuanjia, Dong Tian, 2019. Diagenetic Environment Evolution of Fracture Veins of Shale Core in Second Member of Niutitang Formation in Southern Limb of Huangling Anticline and Its Connection with Shale Gas Preservation. Earth Science, 44(11): 3583-3597. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.142
    Citation: Liu Li, He Sheng, Zhai Gangyi, Chen Ke, Liu Zaoxue, Wang Yi, Han Yuanjia, Dong Tian, 2019. Diagenetic Environment Evolution of Fracture Veins of Shale Core in Second Member of Niutitang Formation in Southern Limb of Huangling Anticline and Its Connection with Shale Gas Preservation. Earth Science, 44(11): 3583-3597. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.142


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2019.142

    国家自然科学基金面上项目 41672139

    国家"十三五"科技重大专项 2016ZX05034-002-003

    国家基础地质调查项目 DD20160185


      刘力(1995-), 男, 硕士研究生, 专业方向为非常规页岩气地质



    • 中图分类号: P618

    Diagenetic Environment Evolution of Fracture Veins of Shale Core in Second Member of Niutitang Formation in Southern Limb of Huangling Anticline and Its Connection with Shale Gas Preservation

    • 摘要: 岩心观察鄂西黄陵背斜南翼下寒武统牛蹄塘组二段黑色页岩中发育构造挤压成因的高角度裂缝和顺层裂缝.选取不同产状的典型裂缝脉体样品,薄片镜下观察发现高角度裂缝中充填方解石脉,顺层裂缝中充填方解石-白云石复合脉.通过阴极发光、流体包裹体分析以及微区原位元素测定,开展了裂缝脉体成岩环境演化研究,分析了不同产状裂缝对页岩气层局部封闭性的影响.阴极发光结果表明,高角度方解石脉和顺层方解石-白云石复合脉均为2期流体活动形成.根据流体包裹体分析,高角度方解石脉早期成脉流体主要为变质较深的地层卤水,晚期成脉流体混入了低矿化度流体,而顺层方解石-白云石复合脉2期成脉流体均未受低矿化度流体的改造.利用不同阴极发光的裂缝脉体碳酸盐矿物的微区原位微量元素测定结果,对铁锰含量、稀土元素(REE)和氧化还原判别参数分析显示,高角度方解石脉成岩环境经历了由还原环境向氧化环境转化,而顺层方解石-白云石复合脉的成岩环境长期保持了较为还原的环境.因此认为,高角度裂缝对页岩气层的局部封闭条件可能产生破坏作用,从而造成页岩气一定程度的散失,而顺层裂缝对局部封闭条件的破坏作用相对有限,裂缝发育特征及其经历的成岩演化过程研究可为页岩气层自封闭和页岩气微观保存条件的评价提供依据.


    • 图  1  黄陵背斜构造位置及采样井位

      Fig.  1.  Structure location and the location of sampling well of Huangling anticline

      图  2  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井牛蹄塘组地层综合柱状图及页岩段裂缝发育特征

      Fig.  2.  Stratigraphic columnar section and shale fracture development of Niutitang Formation of Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      图  3  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井高角度方解石脉岩相学及阴极发光特征

      Fig.  3.  Characteristics of petrography and cathodoluminescence of high-angle calcite vein from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      图  4  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井顺层方解石-白云石复合脉岩相学及阴极发光特征

      Fig.  4.  Characteristics of petrography and cathodoluminescence of bed-parallel calcite-dolomite composite vein from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      图  5  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体盐水包裹体和甲烷包裹体形态与产出特征

      a.高角度方解石脉早期形成的方解石中的盐水包裹体,Tm≈-20 ℃,ZD1井272.25 m,单偏光;b.高角度方解石脉早期形成的方解石中的甲烷包裹体,ZD1井272.25 m,单偏光;c.高角度方解石脉晚期形成的方解石中的盐水包裹体,Tm≈-0.5 ℃,ZD1井272.25 m,单偏光;d.顺层方解石-白云石复合脉早期形成的方解石中的盐水包裹体,Tm≈-21.5 ℃,ZD1井314.76 m,单偏光;e.顺层方解石-白云石复合脉早期形成的方解石中的甲烷包裹体,ZD1井314.76 m,单偏光;f.顺层方解石-白云石复合脉晚期形成的白云石中的盐水包裹体,Tm≈-20.1 ℃,ZD1井314.76 m,单偏光

      Fig.  5.  Shapes and occurrences of saline inclusions and methane inclusions in fracture veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      图  6  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体甲烷包裹体激光拉曼谱图

      Fig.  6.  Laser Raman spectra of methane inclusions in fracture veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      图  7  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体盐水包裹体均一温度与盐度分布特征


      Fig.  7.  Homogenization temperature and salinity distribution characteristics of brine inclusions in fracture veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      图  8  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体稀土配分模式


      Fig.  8.  REE distribution patterns of fracture veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      图  9  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体氧化还原环境判别参数分布特征


      Fig.  9.  Distribution characteristic of discriminant parameters of reductive environment of fracture veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      图  10  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井埋藏史-抬升-热演化史图及成脉古流体活动时间与深度


      Fig.  10.  History of burial-uplifting-thermal evolution and the activity time and depth of vein forming paleo fluid of Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      表  1  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体样品信息

      Table  1.   Sample information of fracture veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      样品编号 采样层位 深度(m) 脉体类型 脉体产状
      ZD1-3 牛蹄塘组二段 272.25 方解石脉 高角度
      ZD1-5 牛蹄塘组二段 314.76 方解石-白云石复合脉 顺层
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      表  2  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体Fe2+、Mn2+含量(10-6)

      Table  2.   Contents of Fe2+ and Mn2+ in fracture veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline(10-6)

      样品编号 ZD1-3 ZD1-5
      测试点编号 ZD1-3-1 ZD1-3-2 ZD1-3-3 ZD1-3-4 ZD1-5-1 ZD1-5-2 ZD1-5-3 ZD1-5-4
      Mn2+ 332.733 2 271.246 0 150.856 2 161.001 4 462.024 7 1 438.253 4 1 543.967 6 510.752 2
      Fe2+ 4 956.668 3 2 635.823 0 2 147.313 6 2 381.884 9 3 535.675 7 64 135.281 5 57 772.807 7 3 478.833 0
      Fe2+/Mn2+ 15 10 14 15 8 / / 7
      阴极发光强度 强度较弱 中等强度 强度较弱 强度较弱 中等强度 不发光 不发光 中等强度
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      表  3  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体微量元素含量(10-6)

      Table  3.   Contents of trace elements in fractured veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      样品编号 ZD1-3 ZD1-5
      测试点编号 ZD1-3-1 ZD1-3-2 ZD1-3-3 ZD1-3-4 ZD1-5-1 ZD1-5-2 ZD1-5-3 ZD1-5-4
      La 13.342 6 6.667 9 0.035 8 0.020 0 2.384 6 4.180 0 6.208 1 3.974 6
      Ce 37.525 9 11.761 1 0.056 8 0.063 9 5.474 9 11.960 3 17.965 7 9.644 7
      Pr 5.086 2 1.327 1 0.006 0 0.013 5 0.862 9 1.970 0 2.947 1 1.525 2
      Nd 25.444 8 5.171 1 0 0 3.836 9 9.739 3 14.307 6 7.484 2
      Sm 5.988 0 1.056 8 0.037 4 0 0.968 6 2.086 3 3.088 9 1.760 1
      Eu 2.038 5 0.279 9 0.000 9 0 0.804 9 1.365 2 1.861 7 2.182 2
      Gd 6.727 5 0.727 6 0 0.012 5 1.077 5 1.926 5 2.731 4 1.526 4
      Tb 1.077 3 0.125 2 0.002 9 0 0.262 5 0.210 3 0.286 8 0.186 8
      Dy 7.374 4 0.689 6 0.029 4 0.005 9 1.849 6 0.882 1 1.116 9 1.110 2
      Ho 1.484 7 0.118 1 0 0.005 1 0.381 7 0.122 0 0.136 3 0.227 4
      Er 3.282 3 0.424 1 0.006 8 0.021 4 1.026 0 0.242 0 0.212 2 0.552 3
      Tm 0.397 6 0.042 9 0 0.003 7 0.145 7 0.028 5 0.012 8 0.096 6
      Yb 2.333 1 0.204 4 0.023 5 0.011 4 1.206 5 0.036 3 0.014 0 0.422 0
      Lu 0.304 4 0.039 5 0.007 0 0 0.147 5 0.003 4 0.002 2 0.074 4
      V 12.621 1 2.240 8 0.082 7 0.098 6 1.643 8 1.874 0 2.565 9 1.203 5
      Cr 1.609 7 1.697 4 0.535 2 0.560 9 0.725 8 0.208 5 0.526 7 0.563 4
      Co 0.006 3 0.011 4 0.079 7 0.046 5 0.014 6 0.014 5 0.029 8 0.026 1
      Ni 0.325 5 0.745 8 0.131 1 0.116 6 0.466 6 6.940 5 6.635 8 0.822 0
      Th 0.006 9 0.005 2 0.000 5 0.003 2 2.546 5 0.001 5 0.008 8 1.648 2
      U 0.021 2 0.013 1 0 0.002 0 8.287 3 0.029 0 0.088 0 4.195 1
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      表  4  黄陵背斜南翼ZD1井裂缝脉体微量元素特征参数(10-6)

      Table  4.   Characteristic parameters of trace elements in fracture veins from Well ZD1 in southern limb of Huangling anticline

      样品编号 ZD1-3 ZD1-5
      测试点编号 ZD1-3-1 ZD1-3-2 ZD1-3-3 ZD1-3-4 ZD1-5-1 ZD1-5-2 ZD1-5-3 ZD1-5-4
      V/Cr 7.840 5 1.320 1 0.154 5 0.175 7 2.264 8 8.986 9 4.871 5 2.136 0
      Ni/Co 51.339 8 65.272 8 1.645 9 2.506 3 31.971 5 477.442 2 222.963 3 31.461 3
      U/Th 3.078 1 2.550 0 / 0.625 8 3.254 4 19.894 6 9.961 0 2.545 3
      V /(V+Ni) 0.974 9 0.750 3 0.386 8 0.458 1 0.778 9 0.212 6 0.278 8 0.594 2
      ∑REE 112.407 2 28.635 3 0.206 5 0.157 5 20.429 8 34.752 2 50.891 8 30.767 0
      ∑LREE 89.425 9 26.264 0 0.136 9 0.097 4 14.332 7 31.301 0 46.379 2 26.570 9
      ∑HREE 22.981 3 2.371 3 0.069 6 0.060 0 6.097 1 3.451 2 4.512 7 4.196 0
      ∑LREE/∑HREE 3.891 2 11.075 7 1.966 4 1.622 9 2.350 8 9.069 5 10.277 5 6.332 4
      δCe 0.992 2 0.861 1 0.844 7 0.848 2 0.831 3 0.907 8 0.914 8 0.853 2
      δEu 1.410 1 1.401 6 / / 3.459 2 2.989 7 2.814 0 5.845 2
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