Soil Engineering Division of Geological Units Based on the Combination of Stratigraphic Age and Lithological Association for Wuhan Metropolitan Area
摘要: 第四纪地质是工程地质的基础,第四纪沉积物的地层时代、岩性组合等是土体工程地质单元划分的重要依据.通过武汉市地貌、第四纪地质特征(地层、成因、岩性等)及土体工程地质性质等综合调查和分析,提出基于"地层时代+岩性组合(岩石地层单位)+岩性层"的武汉市工程地质单元体划分原则.根据城市建设的需要,将武汉市都市发展区土体工程地质单元体分为3级:单元层(1)、亚单元层(1-1)、基本单元层(1-1-1),其划分的控制因素依次为:地层时代、岩性组合(岩石地层单位)、岩性层.据此划分出工程地质单元层6个、亚单元层14个、基本单元层28个.并对各个工程地质单元体的特征进行了分析.Abstract: Stratigraphic age, lithological association and other parameters of Quaternary sediment are important basis of soil engineering division of geological units. Based on the comprehensive survey and integrated analysis of geomorphology features, the Quaternary geological characteristics (e.g. stratigraphic sequences, strata genesis and lithological characters, etc.) and the soil engineering geological properties, the zonation principle of soil unit of Wuhan Metropolitan Area is proposed as the combination of stratigraphic age, lithological association and stratigraphic sequences. In order to meet the requirements of the city construction, soil engineering of geological units of Wuhan Metropolitan Area is divided into three levels:unit layer (1), sub-unit layer (1-1), and basic unit layer (1-1-1). And the division of control factors is stratigraphic age, lithological association (rock stratigraphic units) and stratigraphic sequences, respectively. According to the above division principle, it is proposed that soil engineering division of geological units of Wuhan Metropolitan Area could be divided into 6 unit layers, 14 sub-unit layers, and 28 basic unit layers. In addition, the characteristics of each geological unit are also analyzed, respectively.
表 1 武汉市都市发展区工程地质单元划分
Table 1. Division of engineering geological units in Wuhan Metropolitan Area
单元层及编号 划分依据 亚单元编号 划分依据 基本单元层编号 划分依据 工程力学性质 承载力特征值fak (kPa) 压缩模量Es(MPa) 第一单元层(1) 现代沉积层 1-1 人工填土 (1-1-1) 杂填土层 (1-1-2) 素填土层 1-2 自然冲淤层 (1-2-1) 冲积砂土层 (1-2-2) 淤泥(塘泥)层 40~70 1.8~2.5 第二单元层(2) 全新世地质体(Q4) 2-1 黏土类 2-1-1 粉土层 90~120 6.0~8.5 2-1-2 密实黏土 100~150 4.5~6.5 2-1-3 黏性土层 80~100 3.8~4.5 2-1-4 淤泥质土、淤泥 60~80 2.5~3.5 2-1-5 黏土、砂土互层. 90~130 6.0~9.0 2-2 砂层 2-2-1 粉砂 110~150 9.0~13.0 2-2-2 粉细砂层 150~250 13.0~23.0 2-2-3 细砂层 250~320 23.0~30.0 2-3 砾卵石层 2-3-1 中粗砂夹砾石层 300~400 18.0~25.0 2-3-2 砾卵石层 350~450 23.0~28.0 第三单元层(3) 晚更新世(Q3)地质体 3-1 青山组 3-1-1 细砂层 50 — 3-2 下蜀组 3-2-1 砂质黏土层 200~300 8.5~11.0 3-2-2 黏性土层 330~500 14.0~19.0 3-2-3 夹碎石黏性土 400~500 15.0~20.0 第四单元层(4) 中更新世(Q2)地质体 4-1 辛安渡组 4-1-1 黏性土层 300~400 12.0~16.0 4-1-2 砂土层 250~350 14.0~21.0 4-1-3 砾卵石层 320~400 20.0~26.0 4-2 王家店组 4-2-1 网纹红土 330~450 14.0~18.0 4-2-2 网纹残坡积土 400~500 15.0~20.0 第五单元层(5) 早更新世(Q1)地质体 5-1 东西湖组 5-1-1 黏性土层 330~450 14.0~18.0 5-1-2 粉细砂 160~240 14.0~22.0 5-1-3 含砾中粗砂层 250~350 14.0~21.0 5-2 阳逻组 5-2-1 含砾黏性土 330~450 14.0~18.0 5-2-2 中粗砂、砾砂 300~400 20.0~26.0 第六单元层(6) 第四纪(Q)地质体 6-1 坡积土 200~300 20.0~28.0 6-2 残积土 200~300 8.0~15.0 6-3 赭土 -
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