Accumulation Characteristics and Preservation Conditions of Niutitang Formation of Lower Cambrian Series Shale Gas in West Hubei: A Case Study of Well XD1
摘要: 为了获得鄂西地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩气成藏特征,通过对XD1井储层裂缝统计,方解石脉流体包裹体测试以及寒武纪碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究.XD1井裂缝发育,以高角度剪切缝为主,裂缝大部分被方解石充填.液相包裹体成分以H2O和CH4为主,气相包裹体成分含有CO2、H2S、CH4、N2和H2.流体包裹体的均一温度显示出较大差异性,从168~293℃均有分布,且大致划分为3个区间:168~175℃低温区、185~227℃中温区和244~293℃高温区,反映出页岩气成藏具有多期次成藏的特点,大部分晚期次生包裹体处于中温区,且CH4含量较高,因此页岩气主要成藏期为晚期次生聚集成藏.获得有效碎屑锆石年龄数据178组,年龄值变化范围在2 638~330 Ma区间内,主要集中在2 638~2 010 Ma、1 997~1 516 Ma、1 450~904 Ma、890~722 Ma和699~330 Ma的5个时间段,说明XD1井经历多期构造改造.XD1井页岩气具有生烃的物质基础,但由于多期的构造运动产生大量裂缝和破裂带,导致页岩气保存条件的破坏,造成了页岩气的散失,因此,鄂西地区优选页岩气有利勘探区重点是寻找构造稳定区.Abstract: To find out the accumulation characteristics of the Cambrian Niutitang Formation shale gas in West Hubei,reservoir fracture characteristics,fluid inclusion testing of fracture-filling calcite veins,and detrital zircon U-Pb dating of Cambrian sedimentary rocks were conducted based on the data of Well XD1. This well contains developed,high-angle,mostly calcite-filled fractures. Inclusions inside the fractures include liquid inclusions typically consisting of H2O and CH4,and gas inclusions that contain CO2,H2S,CH4,N2 and H2. The fluid inclusions display a high level of divergence in their homogenization temperature,spanning from 168 to 293℃,and are roughly distinguished by three temperature intervals:168-175℃ low-temperature intervals,185-227℃ medium-temperature intervals,and 244-293℃ high-temperature intervals,suggesting a multistage history of reservoir formation. Most of the late secondary inclusions are found in the medium-temperature intervals and contain high levels of CH4,which indicates an origin of late secondary accumulation. According to the valid age data of 178 groups of detrital zircon obtained,the ages range from 2 638 to 330 Ma and mostly fall within five time intervals of 2 638-2 010 Ma,1 997-1 516 Ma,1 450-904 Ma,890-722 Ma and 699-330 Ma. It shows that XD1 has undergone multistage tectonic transformation. Well XD1 shale gas has the material basis of hydrocarbon generation. This suggests that extensive fracture and rupture zones resulting from multistage tectonic reformation in the area have led to destruction of shale gas preservation conditions,resulting in the loss of shale gas. Therefore,the stable structure regions are predicted as the favorable shale exploration areas in West Hubei.
Key words:
- West Hubei /
- Well XD1 /
- fracture characteristics /
- fluid inclusion /
- detrital zircon /
- geochronology
表 1 XD1井裂缝特征
Table 1. The statistics of fracture characteristics
切深 条数 百分比 裂缝类型 条数 百分比 充填性 条数 百分比 0~5 cm 105 25.74% 缝合线 21 2.43% 方解石充填 583 71.18% 5~10 cm 164 40.20% 剪切缝 502 58.10% 未充填裂缝 236 28.82% 10~15 cm 74 18.14% 网状缝 15 1.74% / / / 15~20 cm 35 8.58% 张扭缝 126 14.58% / / / >20 cm 30 7.35% 滑脱缝 200 23.15% / / / 合计 408 100% 合计 864 100% 合计 819 100% 表 2 鄂西地区XD1井裂缝方解石脉流体包裹体液相、气相激光拉曼分析和均一温度测试数据
Table 2. Liquid-phase and gas-phase laser Raman analysis of the fluid inclusions of calcite vein in fractures and homogenization temperatures in West Hubei
样号 深度(m) 宿主矿物 类型 成因 液相(摩尔数的相对百分含量%) 气相(摩尔数的相对百分含量%) 冰点(℃) 均一温度(℃) CH4 H2O CO2 H2S CH4 N2 H2 XD01 1 085.2 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 100 11.3 66.4 22.4 -16.2 224.7~228.3(227) XD02 1 085.2 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 0.06 99.94 4.1 8.3 71.2 16.4 -19.4 185.4~203.5(194) XD03 1 085.2 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 0.02 99.98 10.0 86.0 4.0 -17.6 240.8~250.4(244) XD04 1 085.2 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 100 14.0 86.0 -18.1 187.4~198.8(193) XD05 1 299.5 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 100 8.6 91.4 -15.8 182.3~195.8(190) XD06 1 299.5 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 早期次生 100 38.2 32.9 28.8 -12.9 289.7~299.8(293) XD07 1 326.7 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 100 10.8 79.7 9.5 -17.9 167.7~168.3(168) XD08 1 326.7 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 100 5.3 83.9 10.7 -16.4 173.7~175.4(175) XD09 1 345.0 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 0.09 99.91 24.6 23.7 43.0 8.7 -17.1 198.6~205.4(201) XD10 1 345.0 裂缝方解石脉 气液两相 晚期次生 100 43.1 56.9 -17.9 183.6~186.4(185) -
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