Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of High-Mg Volcanic Rock Xenoliths in Jianshui Area, Southeast Yunnan, China
摘要: 在滇东南建水地区发现产于峨眉山玄武岩中的高镁火山岩包体, 这对于地幔柱的形成演化具有重要研究意义.对这些包体进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、地球化学和岩矿分析.高镁火山岩包体具斑状结构, 致密块状构造, 斑晶主要为贵橄榄石和透辉石.13颗锆石U-Pb LA-ICP-MS加权平均年龄为259±2 Ma(MSWD=1.9), 显示与寄主岩石同期形成.包体岩石具有高镁(Mg#=68~75)、低硅(SiO2=45.11%~45.93%)特征, 轻稀土元素(LREE)、高场强元素(HFSE)富集而重稀土元素(HREE)亏损, 属于亚碱性、拉斑玄武岩系列, 具有板内玄武岩(IPB)特征.火山岩包体的原始岩浆起源于石榴子石二辉橄榄岩低程度部分熔融的产物, 岩浆演化过程中发生了橄榄石和单斜辉石的分离结晶作用, 在侵位上升过程中未受明显的地壳混染作用.该高镁火山岩的存在, 显示地幔柱除了垂直上升运动外, 在地球深部不同的边界还有多次侧向扩展移动, 表明滇东南晚二叠世存在峨眉山地幔柱的一个分支-地幔枝活动.Abstract: It reports for the first time the presence of a suite of high-Mg volcanic xenoliths in Jianshui area of Southeast Yunnan, western Yangtze platform, China, which provides new insights into mantle plume activity in the platform during the Permian. Zircon U-Pb dating, geochemistry and petrology of the xenoliths were studied to assess the petrogenetic origin and geodynamic setting of these high-Mg volcanic rocks in this paper. The high-Mg volcanic xenoliths are porphyritic texture and contain only large phenocrysts of olivine, which show as dense mass, develop as lenticulars in the Permian Emeishan basalts in Jianshui area, Southeast Yunnan. The igneous zircons from the volcanic xenoliths yield a weighted age of ca. 259±2 Ma that is interpreted to be the formation age of the magmatic protolith, which is the same as the host rocks of the Emeishan basalts. The volcanic xenoliths are characterized by low SiO2, moderate TiO2 and high Mg#. All the volcanic xenoliths are enriched in LREE but depleted in HREE. The geochemical characteristics of the xenoliths show that they belong to sub-alkali basalts and intra-plate tholeiitic basalts, suggesting that the primary magma of the high-Mg volcanic rock is likely produced by low partial melting of garnet lherzolite. The original magma may have undergone the process of fractional crystallization of olivines and clinopyroxenes. The original magma has not been affected obviously by crustal material contamination in the emplacement and uplifting. The high-Mg volcanic xenoliths may origin from riched-mantle and may be the product of the main stage of the mantle plume activity. All above indicates that there was a mantle branch developed in the study area in Late Permian. It is proposed that several mantle branches have not only ascending motion but also lateral movement while the thermal melting mantle plume arrives at the boundary of mantle and crust.
图 1 峨眉山玄武岩分布(a)和云南建水县研究区地质略图(b)
改自何斌等(2006).F1.怒江断裂; F2.柯街断裂; F3.澜沧江断裂; F4.金沙江-哀牢山断裂; F5, F6, F7.甘孜-理塘断裂; F8.龙门山-箐河断裂; F9.炉霍-道孚断裂; F10.雅砻江-绿汁江断裂; F11.安宁河-益门断裂; F12.普渡河-小江断裂; F13.罗泽河-紫云断裂; F14.师宗-弥勒断裂; 1.第四系; 2.新近系; 3.三叠系; 4.二叠系; 5.石炭系; 6.泥盆系; 7.南华系; 8.峨眉山玄武岩; 9.晚石炭世玄武岩; 10.断裂; 11.采样位置
Fig. 1. Distribution of Emeishan basalts (a) and geological sketch map of Jianshui area, Yunnan (b)
图 5 高镁火山岩包体TAS分类和AFM图解
a.底图据Le et al.(1986); b.底图据Ivrine and Baargar(1971)
Fig. 5. TAS (a) and AFM diagrams (b) for the high-Mg volcanic xenoliths
图 6 高镁火山岩包体原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图(a)和球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分图(b)
标准值据Winchester and Floyd(1977)
Fig. 6. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element spider diagram (a) and chondrite-normalized REE diagram (b) for the high-Mg volcanic xenoliths
图 7 Nb/Th-Zr/Nb(a)和Zr/Y-Nb/Y图解(b)
Fig. 7. Nb/Th-Zr/Nb(a) and Zr/Y-Nb/Y (b) diagrams for the high-Mg volcanic xenoliths
图 8 峨眉山玄武岩高镁包体(La/Sm)-(Sm/Yb)图解
底图据Lassiter and Depaolo(1997).PM.原始地幔;DMM.亏损地幔;CLM.大陆岩石圈地幔;LC.下地壳;CC.整个地壳;UC.上地壳
Fig. 8. (La/Sm)-(Sm/Yb) diagram for the high-Mg xenoliths in Emeishan basalt
表 1 高镁火山岩包体锆石U-Pb年龄测试分析结果
Table 1. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb analytical results of the high-Mg volcanic xenoliths
点号 Pb 232Th(10-6) 238U(10-6) Th/U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 比值 1σ 比值 1σ 比值 1σ 年龄(Ma) 1σ 年龄(Ma) 1σ 年龄(Ma) 1σ 1 8 74 207 0.36 0.050 6 0.002 3 0.225 3 0.011 0 0.032 1 0.000 6 391 176.8 288 24.5 262 4.9 2 30 557 7 097 0.79 0.053 3 0.004 0 0.226 4 0.016 3 0.030 6 0.000 4 326 61.3 258 6.5 252 3.2 3 22 231 538 0.43 0.051 1 0.001 6 0.231 6 0.007 3 0.032 6 0.000 4 364 82.9 266 9.6 255 4.3 4 26 371 683 0.54 0.055 7 0.002 3 0.230 4 0.008 2 0.030 0 0.000 5 393 90.3 273 38.4 258 3.1 5 40 569 1 040 0.55 0.051 6 0.001 3 0.215 3 0.005 4 0.030 0 0.000 3 543 51.3 282 6.4 250 4.9 6 23 281 575 0.49 0.050 0 0.001 5 0.220 9 0.006 3 0.031 9 0.000 4 503 86.2 275 87.7 257 3.6 7 16 131 429 0.30 0.047 0 0.002 5 0.200 0 0.010 8 0.030 6 0.000 7 478 72.3 280 151.3 258 4.3 8 16 204 363 0.56 0.053 2 0.001 8 0.250 7 0.008 4 0.034 0 0.000 5 363 77.4 282 8.8 271 3.8 9 22 299 535 0.56 0.053 9 0.001 6 0.235 7 0.007 6 0.031 4 0.000 4 521 338.6 282 63.4 261 8.7 10 25 242 613 0.39 0.050 7 0.001 2 0.234 7 0.005 8 0.033 4 0.000 4 171 144.3 252 19.1 258 2.6 11 21 251 525 0.48 0.053 5 0.002 1 0.228 8 0.009 2 0.030 8 0.000 5 190 151.1 257 17.5 261 5.0 12 21 235 541 0.43 0.051 4 0.001 8 0.221 8 0.007 5 0.031 2 0.000 4 387 96.1 276 37.4 262 4.1 13 16 175 361 0.49 0.052 2 0.001 5 0.245 1 0.007 2 0.034 1 0.000 4 477 41.1 288 13.7 267 5.0 14 61 145 447 0.32 0.067 4 0.002 3 1.056 2 0.034 0 0.112 7 0.001 3 850 71.1 732 16.8 689 7.8 15 60 174 352 0.49 0.065 2 0.001 7 1.233 1 0.033 1 0.136 8 0.001 3 789 55.6 816 15.1 827 7.3 16 58 84 344 0. 42 0.071 2 0.001 6 1.448 0 0.034 4 0.146 1 0.002 2 965 46.3 909 14.3 879 12.3 17 47 76 113 0.67 0.108 1 0.002 0 4.922 1 0.098 2 0.327 3 0.003 9 1 768 38.1 1 806 16.9 1 825 18.8 18 133 130 238 0.55 0.166 7 0.002 8 9.573 2 0.220 8 0.412 1 0.009 3 2 524 28.9 2 395 21.3 2 225 42.5 19 26 56 34 1.68 0.159 2 0.005 7 9.902 2 0.358 3 0.451 2 0.008 1 2 447 59.4 2 426 33.4 2 401 35.9 表 2 二叠纪高镁火山岩包体主量元素及峨眉山玄武岩岩石化学平均组成(%)
Table 2. Major element data for high-Mg volcanic xenoliths and the mean data from Emeishan basalt (%)
序号 SiO2 MgO FeO Fe2O3 Al2O3 Na2O K2O CaO TiO2 MnO P2O5 H2O+ CO2 Mg# LOI 本文测试数据 D02-1 45.11 10.46 8.05 5.22 13.12 2.16 0.81 9.91 2.29 0.23 0.31 1.96 0.04 69.80 1.13 D02-2 45.86 10.79 8.11 4.62 13.18 2.17 0.77 9.69 2.22 0.22 0.31 1.66 0.11 70.41 0.86 D02-3 45.14 11.12 9.15 3.45 12.93 2.27 0.67 10.01 2.16 0.22 0.28 2.20 0.10 68.40 1.27 D02-4 45.28 10.92 9.05 3.51 13.11 2.31 0.68 9.93 2.18 0.22 0.29 2.15 0.06 68.30 1.22 D02-5 45.93 10.76 8.15 4.52 13.17 2.21 0.77 9.66 2.23 0.22 0.32 1.63 0.12 70.21 0.85 D02-6 45.79 10.75 8.05 4.57 13.06 2.17 0.75 9.73 2.23 0.22 0.31 1.92 0.10 70.40 1.17 D02-7 45.78 10.35 6.21 6.66 13.06 2.16 0.75 9.83 2.22 0.21 0.32 1.89 0.11 74.91 1.33 D02-8 45.77 10.81 8.05 4.71 13.19 2.15 0.76 9.72 2.23 0.22 0.31 1.68 0.08 70.50 0.88 D02-9 45.76 10.28 6.12 7.01 13.05 2.18 0.76 9.79 2.22 0.22 0.32 1.92 0.06 75.11 1.33 D02-10 45.93 10.76 8.15 4.52 13.17 2.21 0.77 9.66 2.23 0.22 0.32 1.63 0.12 70.20 0.85 D02-11 45.79 10.41 6.31 6.62 13.08 2.14 0.75 9.85 2.21 0.22 0.29 1.87 0.12 74.70 1.33 D02-12 45.88 10.29 6.18 6.78 13.06 2.16 0.76 9.86 2.23 0.22 0.31 1.88 0.07 74.81 1.29 D02-13 45.91 10.31 6.25 6.54 13.08 2.14 0.76 10.03 2.21 0.21 0.32 1.85 0.08 74.60 1.25 D02-14 45.76 10.28 6.11 7.01 13.05 2.18 0.76 9.79 2.22 0.22 0.31 1.92 0.06 75.00 1.33 峨眉山玄武岩 1 48.11 6.27 8.68 4.61 13.36 2.74 1.15 8.16 2.93 0.18 0.31 2 49.95 6.07 7.82 5.82 13.86 2.92 1.29 8.69 3.01 0.21 0.41 3 48.45 4.61 8.66 5.16 13.74 2.62 1.28 8.21 3.07 0.17 0.33 4 48.17 6.06 7.61 5.74 13.58 2.65 0.87 9.23 2.78 0.19 0.31 5 47.22 6.59 7.94 4.73 12.83 2.91 1.11 9.47 3.21 0.18 0.35 6 49.07 7.01 12.05 12.92 3.14 0.84 8.75 2.42 0.18 0.28 55.53 3.64 注:序号1~2数据分别来源于文献(潘杏南等,1987)中204、608个样品的平均值;3数据来源于文献(熊舜华和李建林,1984)中62个样品的平均值;4数据来源于文献(陈智梁和陈世瑜,1987)中114个样品的平均值;5数据为本人在收集文献(侯增谦等,1999;宋谢炎等,2001)中选取的53个样品的平均值;6数据来源于文献(肖龙等,2003)中25个样品的平均值.本文测试数据由自然资源部武汉地质矿产测试中心化学实验室测试完成,Mg#=Mg/(Mg+Fe2+). 表 3 高镁火山岩包体的微量和稀土元素地球化学数据(10-6)
Table 3. Trace and rare earth element data for the high-Mg volcanic xenoliths (10-6)
D02-1 D02-2 D02-3 D02-4 D02-5 D02-6 D02-7 D02-8 D02-9 D02-10 D02-11 D02-12 D02-13 D02-14 Sc 31.41 31.09 31.37 30.65 31.23 31.63 31.57 31.15 30.35 31.02 30.92 29.85 31.45 30.39 Co 57.96 58.29 57.41 60.44 57.85 58.93 58.92 57.62 58.59 58.76 57.83 59.99 60.89 58.91 Cu 43.92 43.15 42.27 44.95 42.71 42.87 43.34 42.10 45.03 43.95 41.92 43.31 46.59 42.61 Zn 100.71 92.01 91.97 101.72 91.99 100.11 98.15 93.33 97.55 98.83 94.69 100.92 102.51 97.81 Rb 21.45 20.97 21.36 24.36 21.17 25.38 23.61 22.42 24.98 23.61 23.44 25.05 23.67 24.29 Zr 122 112 114 116 113 123 117 113 121 122 113 116 116 115 Nb 23.180 21.120 18.660 20.735 19.890 21.170 21.440 19.195 21.250 21.210 19.730 20.540 20.930 20.140 Hf 3.630 3.150 3.160 3.215 3.160 3.470 3.140 3.165 3.310 3.390 3.170 3.320 3.110 3.250 Ta 1.870 1.620 1.370 1.465 1.490 1.520 1.540 1.412 1.470 1.510 1.430 1.460 1.470 1.450 Pb 2.740 2.480 3.080 3.855 2.730 3.150 2.610 2.995 2.730 2.980 2.910 3.470 4.240 3.190 Th 2.930 2.530 2.340 2.460 2.440 2.510 2.520 2.381 2.510 2.520 2.420 2.410 2.510 2.410 U 0.51 0.48 0.48 0.52 0.49 0.54 0.48 0.471 0.47 0.51 0.46 0.53 0.51 0.49 Ba 334 349 310 344 329 302 330 317 388 345 3242 381 307 353 Cr 580 700 673 648 686 609 615 633 596 603 593 671 625 632 Ni 192 215 207 211 211 202 202 206 200 201 205 207 215 206 Sr 321 297 298 346 298 330 329 318 331 330 338 345 347 342 V 272 260 254 277 257 275 270 258 267 271 263 277 276 270 Nb/U 45.450 43.990 38.880 40.320 40.590 39.210 45.040 40.745 44.930 41.410 42.610 38.610 42.030 41.110 (Th/Ta)N 0.760 0.750 0.820 0.805 0.780 0.810 0.790 0.815 0.820 0.820 0.810 0.790 0.820 0.810 La 15.430 15.090 14.760 15.650 15.370 15.870 16.040 15.265 15.960 16.010 15.770 15.850 15.450 15.110 Ce 31.950 31.910 30.810 31.640 31.860 32.670 33.060 31.735 32.870 32.890 32.660 31.990 31.290 29.910 Pr 4.760 4.650 4.520 4.685 4.650 4.820 4.870 4.635 4.850 4.840 4.750 4.740 4.630 4.490 Nd 20.27 19.72 19.36 20.065 20.07 20.85 20.91 19.92 20.88 20.83 20.48 20.29 19.84 19.21 Sm 4.85 4.75 4.56 4.81 4.75 5.04 5.02 4.765 5.03 4.96 4.97 4.84 4.78 4.57 Eu 1.76 1.72 1.71 1.815 1.72 1.82 1.84 1.76 1.83 1.85 1.81 1.82 1.81 1.68 Gd 4.620 4.540 4.510 4.555 4.560 4.720 4.720 4.580 4.720 4.570 4.650 4.630 4.480 4.320 Tb 0.710 0.710 0.690 0.715 0.720 0.730 0.730 0.705 0.730 0.720 0.720 0.720 0.710 0.680 Dy 3.85 3.76 3.62 3.83 3.81 3.88 3.98 3.78 3.93 3.88 3.94 3.87 3.79 3.64 Ho 0.720 0.710 0.720 0.715 0.710 0.740 0.750 0.730 0.750 0.730 0.740 0.720 0.710 0.670 Er 1.84 1.76 1.75 1.86 1.78 1.89 1.92 1.82 1.91 1.86 1.89 1.85 1.87 1.76 Tm 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.24 Yb 1.610 1.550 1.560 1.605 1.540 1.630 1.630 1.595 1.650 1.650 1.630 1.620 1.590 1.520 Lu 0.24 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.21 Y 16.990 16.640 16.330 17.115 16.960 17.240 17.560 16.810 17.410 17.550 17.270 17.210 17.020 16.320 ∑REE 92.870 90.530 89.040 92.340 92.010 95.140 95.980 91.775 95.560 95.280 94.510 93.420 91.260 87.980 (La/Nb)N 0.690 0.790 0.730 0.805 0.860 0.780 0.790 0.755 0.790 0.770 0.780 0.830 0.780 0.760 -
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