The Isotopic Compositions of Copper and Molybdenum from Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit in the Gangdese, Tibet, and Their Significance
摘要: 选取西藏冈底斯成矿带的驱龙、达布斑岩型铜钼矿及鸡公村石英脉型钼矿为研究对象, 分别挑选含矿斑岩和石英脉中的黄铜矿、辉钼矿进行Cu、Mo同位素测定.结果表明, 西藏冈底斯斑岩型黄铜矿的δ65/63Cu介于0.01‰~0.98‰, 辉钼矿的δ97/95Mo介于-0.34‰~-0.15‰, 热液脉型矿床中辉钼矿的δ97/95Mo介于-0.35‰~-0.23‰.形成于陆-陆碰撞造山后的冈底斯斑岩型铜钼矿床的Cu同位素与俯冲带产出的斑岩型矿床中的Cu同位素组成具有一定的相似性, 均表现为单峰分布的特征.驱龙斑岩型矿床中热液脉与含矿斑岩中的δ65/63Cu具有一致性, 可能反映了二者在来源上具有一致性.在冈底斯斑岩型铜钼矿床中, 不同蚀变带具有不同的Cu、Mo同位素组成, 自蚀变中心向外, δ65/63Cu与δ97/95Mo表现出负相关趋势, 可能与成矿流体的性质密切相关.冈底斯石英脉型钼矿较斑岩型铜钼矿δ97/95Mo相对偏负, 结合两类矿床的成矿年代, 可能暗示两类矿床的成矿物质是同一源区连续演化的结果.Abstract: We present Mo and Cu isotope of molybdenite and chalcopyrite from two porphyry deposits (Qulong, Dabu) and one quartz-molybdenite vein -type deposit (Jigongcun) along the Gangdese metallogenic belt in the Tibetan Plateau.The results show that the range of δ65/63Cu in the Gangdese porphyry deposit in Tibet is between +0.01‰-+0.98‰, and the range of δ97/95Mo is between -0.34‰ to -0.15‰.The δ97/95Mo of molybdenum in the quartz-molybdenite vein-type deposit is obviously lighter, and cluster from -0.35 ‰ to -0.23‰. Two types porphyry deposits produced in different tectonic settings from the island arc and collisional orogenic belt, it is found that they have similar range of δ65/63Cu in chalcopyrite, all of which are characterized by unimodal distribution; In contrast, the hydrothermal veins and ore-bearing porphyry from the Qulong porphyry deposit have a similar range of δ65/63Cu in chalcopyrite, which suggest that the origin of Cu is consistent. In addition, in the collisional orogenic belt porphyry deposit, different alteration zones have different Cu, Mo isotopic compositions, and from the center outward of the the alteration zone, Cu-Mo isotopic has a certain negative correlation, and this relationship have close relationship with the property of mineral fluid. Comparing the range of δ97/95Mo of the quartz vein type and porphyry type of deposits in the Gangdese area, it is found that the former has a lower δ97/95Mo, which may suggest that the ore sources of the two types of deposits are consistent.
Key words:
- Gangdese metallogenic belt /
- copper isotope /
- molybdenum isotope /
- alteration zone /
- deposits /
- petrology
图 1 西藏冈底斯带斑岩型铜-钼矿分布
Fig. 1. Distribution map of the porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in Gangdese belt in Tibet
图 3 (a) 驱龙矿床的Cu同位素组成; (b)不同构造背景下斑岩型矿床的Cu同位素组成
BSE:硅酸岩地球; 热液脉:驱龙矿区的早期A脉、B脉及晚期D脉; 部分数据李振清等, 2009; Mathur et al., 2009; Wu et al., 2017
Fig. 3. Compareative of Cu isotope composition in different tectonic settings
图 5 不同矿床Mo同位素组成对比
BSE.硅酸岩地球; 部分数据引自Greber et al.(2011), Wang et al.(2016)
Fig. 5. Comparison of Mo isotopic composition in the different deposits
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