Hydrochemical Characteristics and Tracing of Nitrate Sources in Quanshui River Catchment, Hubei Province
摘要: 目前针对喀斯特山区及平原过渡带天然河流硝酸盐的来源识别与追踪的研究鲜有报道,也较少考虑湿润气候区反季节性干旱气候特征对硝酸盐迁移规律的影响.以汉江二级支流泉水河流域为例,分析了从源头喀斯特地区、中间过渡区、平原区地表水和地下水硝酸盐含量及组成的空间变化,采用氮氧同位素识别地表水和地下水硝酸盐来源,利用SIAR模型定量计算各污染源的贡献率.结果表明:土壤有机氮、污水粪便、化肥和大气沉降对地下水硝酸盐来源贡献占比分别为31.4%、20.0%、29.6%和19.0%,对地表水硝酸盐来源的比例分别为32.0%、30.0%、25.0%和13.0%,污水粪便对地表水硝酸盐贡献比例较地下水增高;坝上水样因水体较大,自净能力较强,受污水粪便的影响很小(仅为9.0%),坝上水样硝酸盐土壤有机氮、大气沉降和化肥的贡献占比分别为43.0%、11.0%和37.0%.枯水期河水主要由地下水缓慢补给,无地表径流汇入,土壤有机氮为河流主要的硝酸盐来源,河流中下游更易受人类活动影响,生活污水和化肥对河流硝酸盐贡献增大.Abstract: There are few studies on the source identification of nitrate in the natural rivers in karst area, and even fewer on the influence of the anti-seasonal arid climate on the nitrate transportation. In this paper, δ15N and δ18O isotopic tracing method is used to analyze the source of nitrate in surface water and groundwater of Quanshui River, a branch of Hangjiang River and to determine the biological and chemical transformation process of nitrate. The contribution rate of each pollution terminal element was determined quantitatively by using the model of Stable Isotope Analysis in R (SIAR). The results show that soil organic nitrogen, sewage manure, fertilizer and atmospheric subsidence contributed 31.4%, 20.0%, 29.6% and 19.0% respectively to the nitrate source of groundwater, and the proportion of nitrate source to surface water was 32.0%, 30.0%, 25.0% and 13.0%. The contribution of sewage manure to surface water nitrate is significantly higher than that of groundwater. Due to the large water body, the water in the reservoir has strong self-purification ability and is almost unaffected by sewage manure (only 9.0%).The contribution of soil organic nitrogen, atmospheric subsidence and fertilizer in the nitrate soil of the reservoir was 43.0%, 11.0% and 37.0%, respectively. In dry season, groundwater is mainly recharged slowly by groundwater. Because groundwater is affected by soil in vadose zone, soil organic nitrogen is the main source of nitrate in the river. The downstream of the river is more susceptible to human activities, and the contribution of domestic sewage and chemical fertilizer to nitrate in rivers increases.
Key words:
- nitrate pollution /
- nitrogen and oxygen isotopes /
- source identification /
- SIAR model /
- Quanshui River /
- hydrogeology
表 1 泉水河流域水体物理和化学指标及硝酸盐氮氧同位素组成
Table 1. Physical and chemical parameters and nitrate nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition of groundwater and surface water in Quanshui River catchment
样点 温度
(mg/L)pH N-NH 4 +
(mg/L)N-NO 3 −
(mg/L)N-NO 2 −
(ug/L)δ15N-NO 3 −
(‰)δ18O-NO 3 −
(mg/L)HCO 3 −
(mg/L)SO 4 2−
(mg/L)SW1 25.7 496 3.84 7.79 0.410 0.10 7 -5.18 20.16 86 280.6 21.77 6.96 48.10 2.45 4.08 3.72 GW1 21.1 993 2.06 7.08 0.410 14.11 19 7.42 15.54 149 469.7 44.52 66.29 60.55 1.54 4.25 6.21 SW2 25.2 750 6.58 7.57 0.376 2.20 9 8.24 4.85 116 420.9 36.74 22.76 60.52 1.24 4.60 4.45 GW2 19.0 779 2.32 7.31 0.239 7.06 26 15.51 -5.76 136 463.6 27.42 11.89 42.42 1.66 5.19 5.34 SW3 25.5 623 4.92 7.58 0.205 2.40 2 -1.64 23.30 96 335.5 29.35 26.86 41.34 1.62 3.97 6.05 GW3 18.8 752 1.74 7.18 0.222 10.33 47 3.42 9.92 126 372.1 30.27 34.65 59.19 1.38 4.60 5.73 SW4 29.8 585 9.39 7.54 0.462 3.20 3 -0.19 13.73 82 274.5 27.17 38.30 37.15 1.35 5.10 8.79 GW4 18.7 574 3.03 6.66 0.313 9.76 6 -5.49 22.61 98 262.3 20.77 31.17 51.33 0.90 10.36 10.59 SP 21.9 572 3.41 7.83 0.125 1.34 2 7.07 1.87 96 378.2 25.45 9.08 21.51 1.29 5.64 6.29 DAM1a 29.7 811 8.15 7.91 0.313 0.46 7 3.18 15.91 100 384.3 31.81 15.81 40.84 1.00 3.66 3.16 DAM1b 27.4 619 9.07 7.98 0.085 0.88 7 -0.24 8.90 96 347.7 31.60 14.25 44.38 1.08 3.81 3.41 DAM2a 26.7 662 8.95 7.85 0.085 2.03 22 4.42 2.77 112 372.1 32.76 20.62 42.65 1.54 3.99 4.48 DAM2b 27.1 811 8.38 7.81 0.382 1.72 15 -0.37 9.98 120 384.3 32.42 21.23 46.00 1.66 4.16 4.27 DAM3a 28.5 862 6.82 7.74 0.114 0.00 2 -1.13 26.56 106 353.8 29.79 23.47 50.24 1.48 5.13 5.23 DAM3b 26.8 764 7.88 7.78 0.245 0.29 6 2.27 10.31 99 341.6 27.66 18.70 40.52 1.49 5.26 4.81 DAM4a 27.8 747 7.72 7.97 0.194 0.21 9 1.76 17.48 98 341.6 26.98 23.97 42.40 1.68 4.54 4.98 DAM4b 26.1 589 7.93 7.73 0.228 0.50 7 3.08 20.15 88 323.3 26.22 23.95 41.80 1.57 4.61 5.27 表 2 泉水河源头至下游地表水和地下水硝态氮、氨氮浓度变化
Table 2. Changes in nitrate nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen concentration of surface water and groundwater from the source to the downstream of the Quanshui River catchment
样点 N-NO3-
(ug/L)SW1 0.10 0.410 7 SW2 2.20 0.376 9 SW3 2.40 0.205 2 SW4 3.20 0.462 3 SP 1.34 0.125 2 GW1 14.11 0.410 19 GW2 7.06 0.239 26 GW3 10.33 0.222 47 GW4 9.76 0.313 6 DAM1a 0.46 0.313 7 DAM1b 0.88 0.085 7 DAM2a 2.03 0.085 22 DAM2b 1.72 0.382 15 DAM3a 0.00 0.114 2 DAM3b 0.29 0.245 6 DAM4a 0.21 0.194 9 DAM4b 0.50 0.228 7 -
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