Chemical and Boron Isotopic Composition, and Significance of Tourmaline from the Cuonadong Tourmaline Granite, Tibet
摘要: 为了对西藏错那洞电气石花岗岩源区进一步约束,利用显微镜、电子探针和激光剥蚀多接收等离子质谱仪,对错那洞电气石花岗岩中电气石的形态、成分及硼同位素组成进行了研究.结果表明,错那洞电气石花岗岩中的电气石为碱族黑/铁电气石,直接结晶自富硼熔体,与熔体之间未发生明显的硼同位素分馏.电气石δ11B值主要在-6.91‰~-9.17‰之间,与大陆地壳平均δ11B值(-10‰±3‰)相近,表明错那洞电气石花岗岩主要源自变质沉积岩的部分熔融.然而,与起源于变质沉积岩的花岗岩相比,样品的δ11B值明显偏高,而与前人报道的雅拉香波淡色花岗岩(源自石榴石角闪岩部分熔融)的δ11B值相似.因此,错那洞电气石花岗岩源区中,除了变质沉积岩外,可能还混入了少量石榴石角闪岩.Abstract: In order to further constrain the source of the Cuonadong tourmaline granite, Tibet, morphology, chemical and isotopic composition of the tourmaline were studied by means of the microscope, electron probe, laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. The results indicate that the tourmaline from the Cuonadong tourmaline granite belongs to alkali group, and is schorl, which crystallized from boron-rich melts, indicating no obvious boron isotope fractionation between tourmaline and the melts has occurred.δ11B values of the tourmaline from the Cuonadong tourmaline granite range from-6.91‰ to-9.17‰, which are close to the average δ11B value (-10‰ ±3‰) of the continental crust, implying that the Cuonadong tourmaline granite was derived from partial melting of metasedimentay rock. However, δ11B values of the tourmaline from the Cuonadong tourmaline granite is much higher relative to granites derived from metasedimentary rock, and similar to δ11B values of Yardoi leucogranite reported by previous research, which was originated from garnet-amphibolite. Thus, besides metasedimentary rock, there was probably a small amount of garnet-amphibolite present in the source region of the the Cuonadong tourmaline granite.
Key words:
- Tibet /
- Himalaya /
- Cuonadong /
- leucogranite /
- tourmaline /
- Boron isotope /
- petrology /
- crust source
图 1 喜马拉雅造山带简图(a)和错那洞穹隆地质图(b)
a图据Zheng et al.(2016)修改;b图据Fu et al.(2018)和梁维等(2018)修改;图 1a方框所示为雅拉香波
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of Himalayan orogen (a) and geological map of the Cuonadong dome (b)
图 3 错那洞电气石花岗岩中电气石类别划分图
1.富Li花岗岩及相关的伟晶岩、细晶岩;2.贫Li花岗岩及相关的伟晶岩、细晶岩;3.富Fe3+石英-电气石岩(热液蚀变花岗岩);4.与Al饱和相共存的变质泥岩、变质砂岩;5.与Al饱和相不共存的变质泥岩、变质砂岩;6.富Fe3+石英-电气石岩,钙硅酸盐及变质泥岩;7.低Ca变铁镁质岩和富Cr、V变质沉积岩;8.变质碳酸盐岩和变质灰岩;9.富Ca变质泥岩,变质砂岩及钙硅酸盐;10.贫Ca变质泥岩,变质砂岩和石英-电气石岩;11.变质碳酸盐岩;12.变超铁镁质岩;据Henry and Guidotti (1985);Henry et al.(2011)
Fig. 3. Classification for the tourmalines of tourmaline granite from Cuonadong
图 4 错那洞电气石花岗岩中电气石FeO/(FeO+MgO)-MgO图解
Fig. 4. FeO/(FeO+MgO)-MgO discriminant diagram for the tourmalines of tourmaline granite from Cuonadong
图 5 错那洞电气石花岗岩中电气石硼同位素组成分布图
图据Marschall and Jiang(2011);喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩中电气石硼同位素数据引自Yang et al.(2015);Gou et al.(2017);Hu et al.(2018)
Fig. 5. Range of boron isotopic compositions of the tourmalines of tourmaline granite from Cuonadong
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