Differentiation and Coupling Model of Source-to-Sink Systems with Transitional Facies in Pingbei Slope of Xihu Sag
摘要: 为了推进西湖凹陷平北斜坡带岩性油气藏领域的勘探进程,厘清岩性体发育模式和分布规律,基于最新钻井、薄片、重矿物及覆盖全区的高精度三维地震资料,精细刻画西湖凹陷平北斜坡带源-汇系统单元,探讨构建了不同物源供给、地形格局和潮汐改造背景下源-汇系统耦合模式及其差异性.通过重矿物组分与岩屑分析,明确物源区物源组分、方向及供给强度;利用测井与岩心、地震相和多属性聚类分析明确潮汐改造作用在沉积物分布和演化上的响应.结合古地貌形态和断裂活动性,定量-半定量分析源-汇系统各单元要素间相关性,明确物源供给、地形格局和潮汐作用控制下源-汇系统耦合模式及其差异性,分别构建低物源供给-单断-潮汐改造型耦合模式、中等物源供给-古隆起与反向断阶-河控-潮控型耦合模式和高物源供给-同向断阶-河控-潮控型耦合模式.据此指出各源-汇系统内沉积体展布成因及规律,有效指导海陆过渡相背景下有利储集目标预测,为类似地质背景下油气勘探提供思路与技术方法支持.Abstract: In order to promote the exploration process of lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir in Pingbei slope of Xihu Sag and to clarify the development mode and distribution law of lithologic sand body, a comprehensive study is presented in this paper, based on the analyses of the latest drilling, thin sections, heavy minerals and high-resolution 3D seismic data of Pingbei slope in the Xihu Sag, East China Sea.The analyses of heavy mineral composition and debris show the components, orientation, and supply strength of the provenance.In addition, the analyses of logging and cores, the seismic facies and multi-attribute reveal the tidal transformation mechanism in the distribution and evolution of sediments.On the basis of quantitative and semi-quantitative analysis of various elements of Source-to-Sink (S2S) systems correlation combined with the paleogeomorphology and faults, the coupling differences of S2S systems under the control of provenance supply and tidal action are clarified.The results show that low provenance supply-single stage fault-tidal control, intermediate provenance supply-paleo-uplift and reverse step faults-river-tidal control, and high provenance supply-consequent step faults-river-tidal control coupling models are established.On this basis, the sedimentary distribution cause and law of each S2S system are systematically discussed.The establishment of different coupling models of S2S systems can provide the key directions of petroleum exploration.In addition, this study also provides reference methods and ideas for the research of S2S systems under different geological backgrounds.
图 4 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带平湖组不同源-汇单元重点井岩屑组成及差异
a.A-1井,3 509 m,E2PSQⅡ,正交偏光,变质岩岩屑;b.A-1井,3 325 m,E2PSQⅠ,正交偏光,变质岩岩屑;c.A-3井,3 239 m,E2PSQⅡ,正交偏光,火成岩岩屑;d.B-1井,3 810 m,E2PSQⅢ,单偏光,火成岩岩屑;e.B-1井,3 815 m,E2PSQⅢ,单偏光,凝灰岩岩屑;f.B-3井,4 203 m,E2PSQⅠ,正交偏光,火成岩岩屑;g.C-3井,4 202.77 m,E2PSQⅡ,正交偏光,变质岩岩屑;h.C-3井,4 202.77 m,E2PSQⅡ,正交偏光,变质岩岩屑;i.C-5井,4 471.8 m,E2PSQⅢ,正交偏光,变质岩岩屑
Fig. 4. Differences of cutting compositions under different S2S systems in the Pinghu Formation, Pingbei slope of the Xihu Sag
图 5 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带平湖组不同源-汇单元物源搬运通道地震剖面
剖面位置见图 3
Fig. 5. Sediment transport pathways of various S2S systems in the Pinghu Formation, Pingbei slope of the Xihu Sag
图 6 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带E2PSQⅠ-E2PSQⅢ层序不同源-汇单元重点井测井相与岩心相分析
Fig. 6. Logging and core facies analysis of various S2S systems in the E2PSQⅠ-E2PSQⅢ, Pingbei slope of the Xihu Sag
图 7 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带E2PSQⅠ-E2PSQⅢ层序不同源-汇单元典型地震相分析
剖面位置见图 3
Fig. 7. Seismic reflection and seismic facies characteristics of various S2S systems in the E2PSQⅠ-E2PSQⅢ, Pingbei Slope of the Xihu Sag
表 1 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带平湖组物源搬运通道参数统计
Table 1. The parametric statistics of sediment transport pathways in the Pinghu Formation, Pingbei slope of the Xihu Sag
源-汇系统 A B C 主物源通道 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 主物源方位角(°) 130 65 122 152 135 102 通道编号 V1-1 V1-2 V1-3 V2-1 V2-2 V2-3 V3 V4-1 V4-2 V4-3 V4-4 V5-1 V5-2 V6 通道宽度(m) 1 603 2 704 3 967 568 495 327 865 435 224 354 283 895 2 427 1 254 通道深度(m) 110 131 173 62 64 65 85 37 52 77 46 95 214 127 宽深比 14.57 20.64 22.93 9.16 7.73 5.03 10.17 11.75 4.30 4.59 6.15 9.42 11.34 9.87 截面积(km2) 0.176 0.354 0.686 0.035 0.032 0.021 0.073 0.016 0.011 0.027 0.013 0.085 0.519 0.159 表 2 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带E2PSQⅠ-E2PSQⅢ层序钻井岩性特征及多属性吻合率统计
Table 2. Analysis of drilling lithology characteristics and multi-attribute coincidence rate in the E2PSQⅠ-E2PSQⅢ, Pingbei slope of the Xihu Sag
层序 源汇系统 井名 岩性组合特征 含砂率 多属性 吻合率 E2PSQⅢ A A-1 厚层砂岩夹泥岩 55.8% 黄 85.7% A-2 49.4% 黄 A-3 54.8% 黄 B B-1 泥岩夹中-厚层砂岩 39.7% 黄 B-2 泥岩夹厚层砂岩 35.5% 黄 B-3 32.9% 黄 B-4 厚层砂岩与厚层泥岩互层 49.1% 黄-蓝 B-5 泥岩夹厚层砂岩 55.7% 黄-蓝 C C-1 厚层砂岩与厚层泥岩互层 45.5% 黄 C-2 厚层砂岩夹泥岩 66.3% 黄 C-3 上厚层砂岩,下泥岩 66.9% 黄 C-4 51.3% 黄-蓝 C-5 上厚层砂岩,下砂泥互层 62.6% 黄 E2PSQⅡ A A-1 厚层泥岩夹中-厚砂岩 13.6% 黄-蓝 85.7% A-2 20.7% 黄-蓝 A-3 25.0% 黄-蓝 B B-1 厚层泥岩夹中-厚砂岩 25.7% 黄 B-2 25.2% 黄-蓝 B-3 34.7% 黄-蓝 B-4 厚层泥岩夹砂岩 24.4% 黄 B-5 砂泥互层 34.3% 黄 C C-1 厚层泥岩夹厚层砂岩 22.3% 黄-蓝 C-2 砂泥互层 30.8% 黄 C-3 厚层泥岩夹厚层砂岩 49.3% 黄 C-4 34.1% 黄 C-5 砂泥互层 43.4% 黄-蓝 E2PSQⅠ B B-1 下厚层砂砾,上厚层泥 35.8% 红 95.3% B-2 厚层泥岩夹砂岩 24.8% 红-黄 B-3 28.2% 红-黄 B-4 下厚层砂岩,上厚层泥 49.6% 黄 B-5 厚层泥岩夹砂岩 20.2% 蓝 C C-1 下厚层砂岩,上厚层泥 19.4% 红-黄 C-2 泥岩夹厚层砂岩 26.2% 红-黄 C-3 25.7% 黄 表 3 西湖凹陷平北斜坡带E2PSQⅠ-E2PSQⅢ层序不同源-汇系统重点参数统计
Table 3. Parameter statistics of various S2S systems in the E2PSQⅠ-E2PSQⅢ, Pingbei Slope of the Xihu Sag
系统源 汇 母岩类型 物源通道编号 物源通道方向 水系编号 水系类型 宽深比 截面积 构造样式 地貌形态 延伸距离 沉积体面积 A 变质岩、
花岗岩V1 130 V1-1 沟谷 14.57 0.180 E2PSQⅢ 缓坡断裂 斜坡地貌 16.0 142 V1-2 20.64 0.354 E2PSQⅡ 断裂陡坡 平缓地貌 9.5 45 V1-3 22.93 0.686 E2PSQⅠ 断裂陡坡 平缓地貌 4.0 37 B 花岗岩 V2 65 V2-1 沟谷 9.16 0.035 E2PSQⅢ 斜坡地貌 29.5 270 V2-2 7.73 0.032 V2-3 5.03 0.021 V3 122 V3 断槽 10.17 0.073 E2PSQⅡ 反向断阶 古隆起 26.6 217 V4 152 V4-1 沟谷 11.75 0.016 V4-2 4.30 0.011 E2PSQⅠ 反向断阶 古隆起 28.9 195 V4-3 4.59 0.027 V4-4 6.15 0.013 C 变质岩 V5 135 V5-1 沟谷 9.42 0.085 E2PSQⅢ 正向多级断阶 斜坡地貌 31.2 348 V5-2 11.34 0.519 E2PSQⅡ 正向多级断阶 斜坡地貌 27.8 268 V6 102 V6 9.87 0.159 E2PSQⅠ 正向多级断阶 斜坡地貌 21.4 240 注:截面积和沉积体面积单位为km2;延伸距离单位为km. -
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