Using Deep Seismic Reflection to Profile Deep Structure of Ore Concentrated Area: Current Status and Case Histories
摘要: 深地震反射剖面技术以其探测精度高的优势被作为岩石圈精细结构研究的先锋技术, 并在全球典型矿集区结构探测中发挥了重要作用.为深入研究青藏高原碰撞造山成矿系统深部结构与成矿过程, 本文系统总结了深地震反射技术发展现状, 梳理了该技术在加拿大、澳大利亚、中国、俄罗斯、瑞典等全球多个国家的典型矿集区的应用实例, 归纳总结了地壳深部结构对矿集区控矿因素的影响, 阐述了地壳、上地幔深部结构与深部成矿过程的关系.从全球实例看, 深地震反射剖面探测成果为大型矿集区的形成提供了深部线索, 反射透明区可能是地幔流体向上运移通道, 形成矿集区的成矿物质与能量来源, 表明地幔物质参与了成矿作用; 具有很强反射特征的断裂系统, 包括大型断层、滑脱面和剪切带, 是成矿流体从下地壳向上迁移的通道; 矿集区深地震反射剖面中"亮点"反射可能是火山活动的深部岩浆上涌至中地壳后而形成的残余岩浆囊的反映.揭露精细的矿集区深部结构不但对矿集区构造历史演化的重建具有重要作用, 还对未来成矿潜力和前景靶区的确定具有重要指导意义.Abstract: Deep seismic reflection profile has been used as the pioneering technology in the study of lithosphere fine structure because of its high detection accuracy and also has played an important role in the structural detection of typical mining areas around the world. In order to study the deep structure and the metallogenic process of the collision orogenic metallogenic system on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, in this paper, the development status of deep seismic reflection technology is summarized systematically, and the application cases of this technology in typical ore concentration areas in Canada, Australia, China, Russia and Sweden are combed. The influences of deep crust structure on ore-controlling factors in ore centration areas and the relationships between the structure of crust and upper mantle at depth and the deep metallogenic process are illustrated. According to the global examples, the detection results of deep seismic reflection profile provide deep clues for the formation of large ore concentrated areas. The reflective transparent zone may be the upward migration channel of the mantle fluid, forming the mineral and energy sources of ore concentration area, indicating that the mantle material is involved in mineralization. Fracture systems characterized by strong reflectivity, including large-scale faults, detachments and crustal shear zones, are pathways through which metallogenic fluids migrate upward from the lower crust. The"bright spot"in the deep seismic reflection profiles of ore concentrated areas may be the reflection of the residual magma chamber formed after the deep magma of volcanic activity surges into the middle crust. Revealing the deep fine structure not only plays an important role in the reconstruction of the tectonic historical evolution of ore concentration area, but also has crucial guiding significance for the determination of the future metallogenic potential and the target area of the foreground.
图 2 加拿大Sudbury地区地质简图及地震反射测线位置和主要矿床分布图(a); 40线和41线地震偏移剖面(b)和联合解释剖面(c)
a据Milkereit and Green(1992); Eaton et al.(2010)修改; b、c据Wu et al.(1995); Eaton et al.(2010)
Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of Sudbury area in Canada and locations of seismic refleciton profiles and main mineral deposites (a); seismic migration profile (b) and joint interpretation profile (c) of line 40 and line 41 in Sudbury area
图 3 西澳Eastern Goldfields成矿省及深地震反射剖面测线位置图
据Goleby et al.(2004); Drummond et al.(2000a)修改
Fig. 3. Location map of Eastern Goldfields metallogenic province and deep seismic reflection profiles in western Australia
图 4 Eastern Goldfields地区91EGF01深地震反射剖面主要构造解释和部分叠加与解释剖面
据Swager et al.(1997)修改; a.深地震反射剖面主要构造解释线条图, 虚线框为b显示的地震剖面位置; b.部分叠加剖面与地质解释剖面, 箭头指示Drummond and Goleby(1993)预测的流体流动方向; D.绕射.; S.岩床
Fig. 4. Interpreted main structures and portion of stack section along the deep seismic reflection profile 91EGF01 in eastern Goldfields
图 5 Eastern Goldfields地区01AGSNY1深地震反射剖面及地质解释图
据Goleby et al.(2004)修改; a.地震剖面解释图, 显示上地壳花岗岩-绿岩带及主要剪切带反, 虚线框为b显示的地震剖面位置; b.部分偏移剖面与解释剖面; MGSZ.Mt George剪切带; KKSZ.Keith-Kilkenny剪切带; LSZ.Laverton剪切带; YSZ.Yamarna剪切带; CSZ.Celia剪切带
Fig. 5. Portion of migrated seismic section of 01AGSNY1 and geological interpretation in Eastern Goldfields area
图 6 Gawler克拉通的地质简图和地震线位置(a)和主南北地震线03GA-OD1的叠后偏移地震剖面(b)和解释线条图(c)
据Drummond et al.(2006); T.逆冲断层(thrust), BT.背逆断层(back-thrust), B1和B2.中地壳多重叠瓦构造(duplexes), 灰色实线.透明反射区(bland zone), 灰色虚线.分离南北地壳的“楔状”带, OD.Olympic Dam矿
Fig. 6. Simplified solid geology of the Gawler craton with geological boundaries with seismic lines (a) and post-stack migrated seismic data from the main north-south seismic line, 03GA-OD1(b) and line diagram showing the interpretation of the seismic data (c)
图 7 铜陵矿集区地质简图及深地震反射测线位置(a)、深地震反射叠加剖面与地震解释图(b)及线条图与地质解释剖面(c)
Fig. 7. Simplified geologic map of Tongling ore district showing the location of deep seismic reflection line (a) and stacked section (b) and line drawing of stacked section with interpretation (c)
图 8 庐枞矿集区深地震反射剖面位置示意图
据高锐等(2010); 红色线表示深地震反射剖面位置, 其中黑色线表示矿集区内加密10 m道距的部分; 1.LZ06-1线; 2.LZ06-2线; 3.LZ06-3线; 4.LZ06-4线; 底图为地势图据
Fig. 8. The location of the deep seismic profiles in Luzong deposit area
图 9 庐枞矿集区深地震反射LZ06-1剖面线条图(a), 深部构造解释图(b)和庐枞矿集区地壳地质模型(c)
Fig. 9. Line drawing of deep seismic reflection profile LZ06-1 (a), interpreted deep structure (b) and crustal structure geological model (c) of Luzong ore concentrated area
图 10 俄罗斯远东地区2-DV断面部分深地震反射深度剖面与解释图
Fig. 10. Parts of deep reflection seismic depth profile and interpretation diagram of 2-DV section of Russian far east region
图 11 瑞典北部Skellefte成矿区地质图和地震反射剖面位置
Fig. 11. Geologic map of Skellefte ore district showing the location of seismic reflection lines in northern Sweden
图 12 穿过Kristineberg矿的Profile1测线的叠加剖面(a)和浅部偏移剖面(b)及其地质解释图(c)
据Tryggvason et al.(2006)和Malehmir et al.(2007)
Fig. 12. Profile1 crossing the Kristineberg mine stack section (a) and migration section at shallow part (b) with geologic interpretation (c)
表 1 瑞典北部Skellefte成矿区地震测线及主要采集参数统计
Table 1. Seismic lines with main acquisition parameters of Skellefte mining area in northern Sweden
项目名称 测线名称 采集时间(年) 采集地区 激发方式 炮/道间距(m) 接收道数 记录长度(s) 测线长度(km) 参考文献 GEORANGE3D Profile 1 2003 西部, 邻近Kristineberg矿集区 炸药 100/25 140 20 ~25 Tryggvason et al., 2006; Profile 5 100/25 200 Ehsan et al., 2012 VINNOVA 4D Profile 2 2008 液压锤(vibsist) 25/25 240~300 20 ~13.7 Dehghannejad et al., 2010 Profile HR 10/10 ~6.3 Profile C1 2009 中部, 邻近Maurliden矿集区 液压锤(vibsist) 25/25 240~360 20 ~32 Dehghannejad et al., 2012 Profile C2 Profile C3 2010 -
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