Metamorphism-Deformation Phases and Ar-Ar Chronological Constraints of the Lancang Group in the Middle and Southern Sections of the Lancangjiang Tectonic Belt, Western Yunnan
摘要: 澜沧群变质变形过程的厘定有助于揭示澜沧江构造带的演化历史.通过对双江-惠民地区出露的中-低绿片岩相变质岩系与高压变质岩系的"构造-变质"双重解析,发现澜沧群变质岩系:(1)以挤压体制下的褶劈理S2为区域性面理,浅变质岩系中石英脉条带代表的面理S1与层理S0产状一致,并在第2期强烈压扁后与S2近平行;(2)构造样式与变质变形期次在研究区域内基本一致,表现为二叠纪-三叠纪两期次中深构造层次透入性变形为侏罗纪-新生代浅-表层次变形所叠加;(3)高压变质岩记录了两个期次的深层次构造变形,电气石与石榴石变斑晶具有明显的两阶段生长模式,核部(M1aD1a)可能代表了峰期榴辉岩相变质作用,边部代表折返过程中的蓝片岩相(M1bD1b)阶段.高压变质岩与浅变质岩第2期(M2D2)构造层次及变形样式一致,代表折返后的挤压拼贴过程,两者的剪切型褶劈理S2均指示上盘S向的剪切滑动.结合新生代三江地区发生的近90°块体旋转,恢复第2期为上盘指向E的逆冲剪切作用.通过对幸福变质石英砂岩白云母、小黑江多硅白云母和蓝闪石的40Ar-39Ar定年,以及对前人小黑江蓝闪石40Ar-39Ar年龄的重新解释,共厘定出澜沧群4个构造阶段:(1)高压变质岩第1期晚期(D1b)蓝片岩相变质作用(~250 Ma);(2)第2期(M2D2)中层次挤压(215~214 Ma);(3)浅变质岩系第3期早期(D3a)N-S向纵弯褶皱(111.9~103.7 Ma)与晚期(D3b)逆冲(~82.28 Ma);(4)第4期近E-W向纵弯褶皱(新生代,很可能晚于59.18 Ma).Abstract: The determination of metamorphic deformation process in Lancang Group can reveal the evolution history of Lancangjiang tectonic belt. Based on the "tectonic-metamorphic" study of the medium-low glacial facies metamorphic rocks and the high-pressure metamorphic rocks exposed in the Shuangjiang-Huimin area, this paper presents the following findings on the metamorphic rocks in the Lancang Group:(1) the Fold cleavage S2 under the extrusion system is the regional foliation. The facies S1 represented by the quartz veins in the metamorphic rocks are consistent with the S0, and S1 is nearly parallel with S2 after the second stage. (2) The tectonic pattern and the metamorphic deformation period are basically the same in the resarch area, showing two-stage middle and deep tectonic stratigraphy in Permian-Triassic, which is shallow-surface deformation superposition of the Jurassic-Cenozoic. (3) The high-pressure metamorphic rocks record two periods of deep tectonic deformation, and the tourmaline and garnet have a distinct two-stage growth pattern. The core (M1aD1a) may represent the peak eclogite facies metamorphism, The edge represents the blue lithofacies (M1bD1b) stage during the exhumation process. The high-pressure metamorphic rocks are consistent with the tectonic level and deformation pattern of the second stage (M2D2) of the metamorphic rocks, which represents the process of the compressive stress after the exhumation process. Both shear-type cleavages S2 indicate that the upper disk shear sliding toward to cleavages. Combined with the Cenozoic Sanjiang area occurred near the 90° block rotation, the recovery of the second phase of the disk against the thrust of the role of E. By the 40Ar-39Ar dating of quartz sandstone muscovite in Xingfu area, phengite and blue amphibole in Xiaoheijiang, and reinterpreting the 40Ar-39Ar age of the blue amphibole in Xiaoheijiang, it is concluded that Lancang Group has 4 tectonic stages:(1) Metamorphism of blueschist facies in the first stage (D1b) of high-pressure metamorphic rocks, ~250 Ma. (2) The second phase (M2D2) is extrusion in the middle level, 215-214 Ma. (3) The shallow metamorphic rocks N-S to the longitudinal folds belong to the third stage (D3a):111.9-103.7 Ma with the late (D3b) thrust, ~82.28 Ma. (4) The fourth period near the E-W to the vertical fold:the new generation (probably later than 59.18 Ma).
Key words:
- Lancang Group /
- metamorphic series /
- metamorphic deformation /
- foliation /
- Ar-Ar dating /
- geochronology
图 1 滇西三江构造带大地构造单元划分及澜沧江构造带地质简图
Fig. 1. The general division of tectonic units in the Sanjiang orogenic belt and the geological sketch of the Lancangjiang tectonic belt in western Yunnan
图 2 临沧幸福镇-澜沧县区域地质简图(a)及澜沧群各期次构造的极射赤平投影(下半球)(b)
Fig. 2. Geological sketch along Xingfu of Lincang-Lancang (a) and the lower hemisphere stereonets of the structures of each deformation stage (b)
图 6 澜沧群变质岩系的显微变形特征和构造期次划分
图a为澜沧-上允浅变质岩系面理S2的显微特征,绢云母/白云母显微形态显示两期变形面理(与图 3c露头相邻);图b为幸福石英砂岩中面理S3对S2的置换,变质相明显高于澜沧-惠民地区(对应Ar-Ar定年样品7-20-6-DKW1);图c显示小黑江多硅白云母片岩中透入性面理S2及后期压溶面理S3,蓝闪石和榍石已明显定向,表明蓝片岩与云母片岩的混合不晚于面理S2时代;图d为多硅白云母片岩中面理S2夹持的电气石构造前变斑晶,核部富集针状蓝闪石(D1a),并被干净的边部(D1b)包围;图e显示多硅白云母片岩中面理S2夹持的石榴石构造前变斑晶,具有两个期次的自形结构,核部白云母等包裹体呈S形(D1a),边部环带干净(D1b);图f显示蓝片岩中透入性面理S2和塑性拉长后的定向蓝闪石、钠长石、绿帘石
Fig. 6. Microscopic characteristics of metamorphism/deformation and the classification of structural sequence for Lancang Group
图 7 澜沧群高压变质矿物40Ar-39Ar年龄谱及白云母Arrhenius图解
Fig. 7. 40Ar-39Ar age spectrum of the high-pressure metamorphic minerals and the Arrhenius diagram of muscovite form Lancang Group
表 1 澜沧群浅变质岩系二叠纪以后的变质变形期次划分
Table 1. The division of the multi-stage metamorphism/deformation since Permian for epimetamorphic rocks of Lancang Group
期次 变质相 变形样式及层次 时代 M1D1 澜沧-惠民:低绿片岩相,Chl+Ser+Qtz±Bi
幸福:部分达中-高绿片岩相,Mus+Ab+Qtz递进剪切流变,伴随强烈的压溶分异,绢云母或白云母定向排列构成透入性面理S1,微劈石域见石英脉条带. P2-T2 M2D2 澜沧-惠民:<低绿片岩相,±Ser±Chl
幸福:低绿片岩相压扁+简单剪切,S1褶皱形成褶劈理S2,沿劈理面指向E的剪切滑动.石英脉变形:紧闭-同斜褶皱、无根褶皱、不对称石香肠. T3 D3a 澜沧-惠民:未变质
幸福:以S2为标志面形成N-S向中常褶皱,发育较透入轴面劈理S3.103.7 Ma D3b 未变质 澜沧-惠民:近N-S向近水平逆冲断层,切割D3a褶皱
幸福:向东陡倾的逆冲断层切过D3a褶皱82.28 Ma D4 未变质 澜沧-惠民:以S2为标志面形成E-W向中常-开阔褶皱及小型逆冲断层.
(晚于59.18 Ma)表 2 小黑江高压变质岩二叠纪以后的变质变形期次划分
Table 2. The classification of metamorphism/deformation since Permian for the high-pressure metamorphic rocks in Xiaoheijiang area
期次 变质相 变形样式 时代 M1aD1a 早期变质(可能为榴辉岩相-EC?)Grt+白云母 Grt1同构造或构造后变斑晶及内部S形白云母包迹面理S1a >255 Ma M1bD1b 蓝片岩相(Ep-BS)多硅白云母片岩:Grt+Phen+Gl+Tur+Ttn;蓝片岩,Gl+Ep+Ab 多硅白云母片岩:Grt2后构造变斑晶,矩形石英条带;Tur后构造变斑晶及内部Gl包体面理S1b. 248.5~255.0 Ma M2D2 绿片岩相(GS)Bi+Ab Phen(M1D1)旋转后定向排列构成褶劈理S2,劈理域内浸染状分布Bi;Ab同构造变斑晶压力影构造,内含S1bPhen的S形包迹;石英亚晶粒及波状消光. 215~214 Ma D3 ≤低绿片岩相(GS) 近N-S向宽缓褶皱及膝褶(赵靖等, 1994a, 1994b). 111.9±0.4 Ma D4 <低绿片岩相(GS) 褶劈理S2发生近E-W向宽缓褶皱,形成轴面劈理S4. 晚白垩世? D5 未变质 倾向W或SW的低角度韧-脆性正断层. 新生代? 表 3 幸福变质石英砂岩白云母40Ar-39Ar测年同位素比值结果
Table 3. 40Ar-39Ar isotopic dating results of muscovite fractions from metamorphic quartz sandstone in Xingfu
加热阶段 T
(%)F 39Ar
(10-14 mol)39Ar(累计)
K1 700 22.046 0 0.030 4 0.368 0 0.019 2 59.30 13.077 0 0.64 4.64 59.18 0.70 0.634 4 2 740 18.946 9 0.003 8 0.351 9 0.014 1 94.11 17.835 2 1.57 16.01 80.23 0.81 0.606 6 3 780 18.502 2 0.001 9 0.047 0 0.013 1 97.01 17.949 0 1.98 30.41 80.73 0.81 0.081 1 4 820 18.833 7 0.001 8 0.064 8 0.012 9 97.16 18.299 5 2.46 48.27 82.28 0.81 0.111 8 5 860 20.006 8 0.002 0 0.093 9 0.013 5 97.00 19.407 9 3.10 70.73 87.14 0.85 0.162 0 6 900 20.941 3 0.003 4 0.134 2 0.013 6 95.22 19.942 9 1.01 78.08 89.48 0.91 0.231 3 7 950 22.833 4 0.004 9 0.120 1 0.013 8 93.64 21.383 9 1.42 88.39 95.78 0.94 0.207 1 8 1 000 24.860 4 0.005 7 0.184 4 0.013 9 93.31 23.200 0 1.16 96.80 103.70 1.00 0.317 9 9 1 050 68.725 4 0.170 3 1.200 7 0.043 9 26.91 18.510 7 0.36 99.41 83.20 1.20 2.069 9 10 1 120 88.314 7 0.215 0 2.233 2 0.055 7 28.24 24.981 6 0.08 100.00 111.40 4.10 3.850 1 注:表中下标m代表样品中测定的同位素比值;Total age=85.8 Ma;F=40Ar*/39Ar,代表放射性40Ar和39Ar的比值.样品编号为7-20-6-DKW1,单矿物为白云母,W=27.73 mg,J=0.002 550. -
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