Varieties of Sequence Stratigraphic Configurations in Continental Basins
摘要: 不同于具有相对稳定构造-沉积背景海相盆地的层序构型,陆相盆地的层序构型具有多样性.针对陆相盆地具有局限、封闭、类型多样、控制因素多变、多物源、古地貌差异大等典型特征,提出"陆相盆地层序构型多元化体系"的观点."陆相盆地层序构型多元化体系"是指不同类型陆相盆地在多种因素综合作用下,会形成不同的层序构型、沉积充填样式,构成陆相盆地层序构型多元化体系.该体系包含经典层序构型和特征性层序构型两大类,在系统总结不同类型陆相盆地经典层序构型的基础上,进一步介绍断陷盆地非同步叠加、迁移型、陆内克拉通盆地"溯源退积"等多种新的特征性层序构型,补充、丰富了陆相盆地层序构型多元化体系.陆相盆地层序构型多元化体系反映了陆相盆地沉积动力学过程的复杂性,可以将不同类型陆相盆地所发育的不同层序构型纳入到一个统一体系,有利于陆相层序地层学研究的系统化,丰富陆相盆地层序地层理论体系.Abstract: Unlike sequence stratigraphic configuration of the established, relatively stable tectono-sedimentary regimes of the marine basins, the sequence stratigraphic configurations of continental (lacustrine) basins are variable. The varieties of sequence stratigraphic configuration systems of continental basins have been established on the basis of the unique geological characteristics of continental basins (e.g.finite sizes of the receiving area, closed basin setting, multiple basin types, complex controlling factors, multiple sediment source points and supplies, paleo-geomorphological variations, etc.) in this study, which are descibed as "complex continental basin systems create multiple sequence stratigraphic architectures and patterns under the combined influence of multiple controlling factors". The varieties of sequence stratigraphic configuration systems comprise both the classic and some special models.Multiple classic models are summarized for continental rifted, depression, foreland, and cratonic basins. There are also some established special sequence stratigraphic models documented, including non-synchronous sequence stacking models and switched sequence stratigraphic stacking models for continental rifted basins, and retrogradational sequence stratigraphic models for intra-cratonic basins. The newly proposed "variable sequence stratigraphic configuration systems" display complex sedimentary dynamics of continental basins and provide an effective scheme to describe sequence stratigraphic patterns developed in continental basins. This study may serve as an effective general reference for full characterization of complex sequence stratigraphic configurations in continental basins and enrich the sequence stratigraphic theory of continental basins.
表 1 不同类型陆相盆地层序、沉积特征对比
Table 1. Correlations of sequence stratigraphic and sedimentary characteristics in different continental lacustrine basins
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