Paleoclimate Recorded by Phytolith in Anguli-Nuur Lake since Mid-Late Holocene
摘要: 河北坝上地区位于东亚季风边缘区和农牧交错带,季风强弱的变化深刻影响着该地区人类文明的发展.为了重建河北坝上地区中-晚全新世以来的气候演化过程,剖析气候变化与人类文明发展的关系,以坝上地区安固里淖湖为研究对象,通过对该湖沉积剖面植硅体的分析,并结合孢粉组合特征,恢复了安固里淖地区5 000 cal.a BP以来的气候演变历史.结果显示,在千年尺度上该区域气候总体呈冷干趋势,但在5 030~3 070 cal.a BP时期气候相对湿润,千年尺度上气候的变化主要受控于北半球太阳辐射量的变化.在百年尺度上安固里淖地区经历了7次冷干事件,分别发生于4 500 cal.a BP、4 100~3 800 cal.a BP、3 500 cal.a BP、3 000 cal.a BP、2 100 cal.a BP、1 100 cal.a BP和800~270 cal.a BP左右,这7次冷干事件对应于东亚季风减弱阶段,主要受到了北半球高纬气候和太阳活动的共同影响.该区人类文明的演化敏感响应于气候变化,气候温湿期以农业文明为主,气候冷干期以草原文明为主.Abstract: Bashang area of Hebei Province is located in the East Asian monsoon-margin region and the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry. East Asian monsoon variability significantly affects the development of human civilization within its area of influence. In order to reconstruct the climate changes in Bashang area and understand the interactions between past climate and human civilization, a continuous 120 cm sediment profile was recovered from Anguli-Nuur Lake based on phytolith and pollen analysis. The results show that the climate in this region was gradually becoming cold and dry during the last 5 000 years, which is related to the weakening of East Asian monsoon produced by gradual variations of solar radiation. However, the climate was relatively wet during the periods of 5 030-3 074 cal. a BP. On the centennial scale, Anguli-Nuur has experienced seven obvious cold and dry events, which occurred during ~4 500 cal. a BP, 4 100-3 800 cal. a BP, ~3 500 cal. a BP, ~3 000 cal. a BP, ~2 100 cal. a BP, ~1 100 cal. a BP and 800-270 cal. a BP. The cold and dry events are consistent with the weakening stage of East Asian monsoon that is probably affected by high latitude climate and the solar activities. In this region, the development of human civilization is sensitive to climate change. Agriculture civilization is relatively developed during warm and humid stage, and grassland civilization appears during cool and arid stage.
Key words:
- Bashang area of Hebei Province /
- Anguli-Nuur Lake /
- phytolith /
- pollen /
- Mid-Late Holocene /
- cluster analysis /
- climatic evolution
图 4 安固里淖剖面植硅体、孢粉百分含量以及温暖指数曲线变化
Fig. 4. Phytolith and pollen percentage composition diagram (%), warmth index in the Anguli-Nuur Lake profile
图 5 安固里淖与周边古气候记录、65°N太阳辐射、亚洲季风模式、太阳活动及北大西洋极端冷事件的对比
a.亚洲季风模式据Chen et al.(2008);b.东亚季风边缘区干旱指数据郭超等(2014);c.65°N太阳辐射据Berger and Loutre(1991);d.公海磁化率据Chen et al.(2015);e.达里湖木本花粉含量据Wen et al.(2017);f.岱海木本花粉含量据Xiao et al.(2004);g.安固里淖温暖指数;h.安固里淖蒿藜比(A/C);i.大气残留Δ14C据Reimer et al.(2013);j.北大西洋磁铁矿锈斑颗粒含量据Bond et al.(2001)
Fig. 5. Correlations of Anguli-Nuur and the surrounding paleoclimate records, July insolation at 65°N, Asian monsoon model, solar activity and extreme cold events in the North Atlantic
表 1 安固里淖剖面AMS 14C测年结果
Table 1. Results of AMS 14C dating in the Anguli-Nuur Lake profile
测年物质 深度(cm) AMS 14C年龄(a BP) 树轮校正中值年龄
(cal. a BP, 2σ)碳库效应校正年龄
(cal. a BP)有机质 18 2080±30 2060 60 有机质 56 2450±30 2670 670 有机质 82 3010±30 3310 1310 有机质 120 6130±40 7030 5030 -
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