Application of Isotopic Thermochronology in Shale Gas Exploration and Development-Case from South China
摘要: 随着同位素热年代学理论体系、分析测试和模拟技术的不断完善,同位素热年代学已成为基础地质和常规油气勘探领域研究不可或缺的热点学科,但对于其在页岩气勘探开发地质评价领域中的系统应用还关注较少.通过对页岩气勘探开发综合评价体系及同位素热年代学相关理论分析,结合近年来华南地区多套页岩层系的勘探开发实践,指出同位素热年代学在页岩地层对比,页岩烃源评价中的生排烃史和构造热演化史、储集特征、保存条件评价中的核心指标(抬升剥蚀时间、剥蚀量的恢复及断裂活动期次)以及页岩可压性等多个方面的研究均可作为有效技术手段,研究表明同位素热年代学在页岩气勘探开发领域应用前景极为广阔.Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous improvement of isotopic thermochronologic theory system, the test and simulation technology, the isotopic thermochronology has become the hot subject of basic geological research and conventional oil and gas exploration field. However, the systematic application of the system in the field of geological evaluation for shale gas exploration and development is still less concerned. Therefore, based on the comprehensive evaluation system of shale gas exploration and development and the related theories of isotopic thermochronology, combined with the exploration and development practice of several shale strata in South China of recent years, this paper suggests that isotopic geochronology is the core index in shale stratigraphy correlation, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion history, tectonic thermal evolution history, reservoir characteristics, preservation condition evaluation in shale source evaluation (such as uplift and denudation time, recovery of denudation and active period of fracture) and compressible shale. These aspects can be used as effective technical method. It shows that the application of isotopic thermochronology can be widely applied to the field of shale gas exploration and development.
Key words:
- isotopic thermochronology /
- shale gas /
- exploration and development /
- South China /
- petroleum geology
图 1 华南地区典型页岩测年观察点及同位素年龄分布特征
Fig. 1. Characteristics of typical shale observation points and isotopic age distribution in South China
图 4 湘鄂西—渝东地区地层磷灰石裂变径迹热史模拟分布
Fig. 4. Thermal history simulation distribution map of apatite fission track of the formation of West Hunan-Hubei-East Chongqing area
图 5 桑木场样品磷灰石裂变径迹热史模拟
Fig. 5. Thermal history simulation of apatite fission track of Sangmuchang
表 1 焦页A井龙马溪组页岩中凝灰岩夹层锆石U-Pb同位素分析结果
Table 1. The isotopic analysis results of zircon U-Pb of the Longmaxi Formation in Jiaoye A well
样品编号 U(%) Pb(μm) 238U/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 206Pb/204Pb JYA-4-01 8.6 33.2 17.0 39.8 16.0 19.39 JYA-4-02 7.7 31.8 15.8 39.6 15.9 19.33 JYA-4-03 8.1 31.4 16.8 39.7 15.9 19.34 JYA-4-04 8.1 32.4 16.3 39.7 16.0 19.36 JYA-4-05 8.8 32.6 17.7 39.7 16.0 19.37 JYA-2-02 34.0 33.2 70.4 39.4 16.1 23.06 JYA-3-01 13.3 20.8 43.2 39.7 16.1 21.22 JYA-3-02 13.5 21.3 42.8 39.6 16.0 21.24 表 2 焦页A井龙马溪组页岩中自生伊利石K-Ar同位素分析结果
Table 2. The K-Ar isotopic analysis results of authigenic illites of the Longmaxi Formation in Jiaoye A well
样品编号 样品称重
(Ma,1σ)JYA-01 0.013 5.62 6.43 1 794.78 1.96E-07 1.68E-07 96.67 0.012 190.85±2.16 JYA-02 0.014 6.16 6.99 2 301.88 2.12E-09 1.84E-07 97.34 0.012 188.7±1.95 -
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