Numerical Studies on Continental Lithospheric Breakup in Response to the Extension Induced by Subduction Direction Inversion
摘要: 为了更好的探究大洋板块运动方向反转与大陆岩石圈张裂之间的动力学关系,以数值模拟为手段来正演大洋板块的反向俯冲,同时考虑光滑洋壳、海山链、海底高原、薄弱带等构造单元加入先期俯冲时对大陆岩石圈张裂的影响.结果显示:大陆岩石圈在大洋板块反向俯冲的过程中会被拉伸减薄,并出现局部岩石圈的颈缩直至张裂、同时伴随有软流圈地幔的上涌和减压熔融等现象.此外,含有不同构造单元的洋壳参与先期俯冲会对陆缘造成不同程度的破坏,从而影响拖曳过程中大陆岩石圈的应变集中,并导致大陆岩石圈在不同时间、不同位置出现张裂.模拟结果可用于对比南海陆缘在新生代张裂中表现的穿时等特征,亦可为其他被动陆缘张裂的动力学研究提供借鉴.Abstract: In order to investigate how the extension induced by subduction direction inversion affects the continental breakup, we conduct numerical simulation to represent the subduction process in the early stage and the extension induced by subduction direction inversion in the later stage. Meanwhile, different geological bodies, such as oceanic plate with smooth surface, seamount chains, oceanic plateau and weak zone, are added in the model during the early subduction stage. Results show that the extension induced by subduction direction inversion would cause lithospheric thinning, necking and breakup, being accompanied by asthenospheric upwelling and partial melting due to decompression. In addition, the margin deforms to different degrees once the geological bodies enter the early subduction, exerting influence on the strain localization in the subsequent extension, leading to the lithospheric breakup at various locations and start timings. Our results are compatible with the characteristics of timing migration of breakup unconformity in the South China Sea margin, and also offer reference for the geodynamic studies in other passive margins.
图 1 被动拉伸模式示意图
图a为回撤模式, 改自Leng and Gurnis(2011);图b为侧向走滑模式改自Petrunin and Sobolev(2008)
Fig. 1. Sketch map of passive stretch
图 2 华南陆缘中生代晚期至新生代构造演化
Fig. 2. Sketch evolution maps of South China margin from the Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic
图 11 南海陆缘破裂不整合时间统计
数据来自Hutchison(2004),孙珍等(2011),黄奇瑜等(2012),Barckhousen et al.(2014)
Fig. 11. Timing of breakup unconformity for the South China Sea margin
表 1 模型采用的流变参数
Table 1. Material parameters used in the numerical experiments
物质 ρ0 (kg/m3) sin(φ) AD (MPa-ns-1) n V (J/(MPa·mol)) E (kJ/mol) QL (kJ/kg) Hr (μW/m3) T固 (K) T液 (K) k (W/(mK)) 沉积物(湿石英) 2 700 0.03 3.2e-4 2.3 0 154 300 2 889+17 900/(P+54)+20 200/(P+54)2,P<1 200 MPa;831+0.06P,P>1 200 MPa 1 262+0.09P [0.64+807/(T+77)]exp(0.000 04PMPa) 上陆壳 2 800 0.2 1 上洋壳 3 200 0.03 0.25 下洋壳(斜长石An75) 3 200 0.2 3.3e-4 3.2 0 238 380 0.25 973-70 400/(P+354)+77 800 000/(P+354)2,P<1 600 MPa;935+0.003 5P+0.000 006 2P2,P>1 600 MPa 1 423+0.105P [1.18+474/(T+77)]exp(0.000 04PMPa) 下陆壳 2 900 岩石圈地幔(干橄榄)软流圈地幔 3 300 0.6 2.5e+4 3.5 10 532 400 0.022 1 394+0.132 899P-0.000 005 104P2,P<100 00 MPa;2 212+0.030 819(P-10 000),P>10 000 MPa 2 073+0.114P [0.73+1 293/(T+77)]exp(0.000 04PMPa) 水化地幔(湿地幔) 3 300 0.03 2.0e+3 4.0 10 471 400 0.022 1 240+49 800/(P+323),P<2 400 MPa;1 266-0.011 8P+0.000 003 5P2,P>2 400 MPa 2 073+0.114P [0.73+1 293/(T+77)]exp(0.000 04PMPa) 参考文献 1,2 11 11 11 10,11 11 1,2 1 4,5,6,7,8 4 3,9 注:符号所代表的的含义参见文字部分.参数值Cp=1 000 J·kg-1K-1,α=3×10-5 K-1,β=1×10-11 Pa-1.参考文献:1.Turcotte and Schubert, 2002;2.Bittner and Schmeling, 1995;3.Clauser and Huenges, 1995;4.Schmidt and Poli, 1998;5.Hess, 1989;6.Hirschmann, 2000;7.Johannes, 1985;8.Poli and Schmidt, 2002;9.Hofmeister, 1999;10.Turcotte and Schubert, 2002;11.Ranalli, 1995. -
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