Deformation Characteristics and Genesis of the Xinkailing-Keluo Complex in NE China
摘要: 新开岭-科洛杂岩位于中国东北地区的嫩江-黑河构造带中,其变形规律与成因一直是制约东北地区乃至邻区构造演化的关键问题之一.据详尽的野外调查,系统分析了岩石宏观糜棱面理、矿物拉伸线理、“A”型褶皱、不对称褶皱、眼球状旋转构造和显微书斜式、眼球状旋转等构造样式.构造解析及运动学分析反映杂岩带两侧整体分别向NW及SE向的伸展滑脱特征;杂岩带内黑云斜长片麻岩及侵入糜棱岩中的闪长玢岩锆石U-Pb(LA-ICP-MS)定年及区域对比研究结果显示,其韧性变形变质作用时代为中侏罗世(167 Ma),变质峰期时限为170~163 Ma,中侏罗世晚期(163 Ma)暴露于地表.新开岭-科洛杂岩具上盘盖层、拆离韧性剪切带及下盘核杂岩3层式结构特征.核内为大面积分布的花岗岩类,地层时代远比核外地层偏新,并无“古老”的变质岩;拆离韧性剪切带变形温度约400~500℃,其变质强度达绿片岩相,后期发生明显退变质作用.新开岭-科洛岩浆核杂岩主要是在岩浆底侵、花岗岩岩体强力侵位引起地壳隆升的伸展构造背景下形成.Abstract: Xinkailing-Keluo complex, located in Nenjiang-Heihe tectonic belt, NE China, has fully undergone regional tectonic movement and therefore recorded plentiful evolution information. Its residual deformation signatures and genetic mechanisms could provide key clues about regional tectonic evolution history of not only the adjacent region but also the whole north-east area of China. Based on detailed field survey, this paper conducted systematic studies on different types of structure units, foliation of mylonite rock, stretching lineation of minerals, A-type fold, asymmetrical fold, augen-shaped rotational structure and microscopic book skew structure.The results revealed a significant fact two wings of the complex have the extension of NW and SE respectively, The mineral of zircon have been identified from internal biotite-plagioclase gneiss and intrusive dioritic-porphyrite body in mylonite country rock.Its U-Pb dating of zircon and regional study both indicated these deformation mainly occurred during Middle-Jurasic (167 Ma), and reached metamorphic peak during 170-163 Ma.Then it was uplifted by tectonic movement and exposed to the ground in late Middle-Jurasic. Xinkailing-Keluo complex was composed of three layers architecture, the upper cap rock, middle zone and lower complex.The internal part is mainly composed by granite, which are much younger than its outer part.The metamorphic temperature ranged from 400 to 500 degree, reaching extent of greenschist facies and was followed by retrograde metamorphism. Later, the regional uplift happened due to the granite magma underplating and the Xinkailing-Keluo magmatic core complex formed under regional stretch tectonic background.
Key words:
- Xinkailing-Keluo complex /
- zircon U-Pb age /
- magmatic core complex /
- magma underplating /
- NE China /
- tectonics
图 2 新开岭-科洛地区地质简图
1.第四系;2.中生代地层;3.新生代火山岩;4.中生代火山岩;5.晚古生代地层;6.早古生代地层;7.片岩类;8.晚古生代花岗质杂岩;9.片麻岩类;10.新开岭岩群;11.中生代花岗质杂岩;12.兴华渡口岩群;13.深熔花岗岩;14.白垩纪花岗岩;15.侏罗纪花岗岩;16.晚古生代花岗岩;17.早古生代花岗岩;18.实测断裂;19.推测断裂;20.拆离断层;21.逆断层;22.韧性剪切带;23.构造剖面位置;24.地层产状;25.变质岩产状;26.糜棱面理产状;27.年龄及文献;图据黑龙江省区域地质调查所, 2013, 中华人民共和国1:250 000万区域地质调查报告嫩江县幅(M51C003004),哈尔滨
Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of Xinkailing-Keluo area
图 5 新开岭-科洛杂岩岩石野外及显微照片
Fig. 5. Field outcrops and photomicrographs of the rocks from the Xinkailing-Keluo complex
表 1 新开岭-科洛杂岩锆石LA⁃ICP⁃MS U⁃Pb同位素数据(D0014)
Table 1. LA⁃ICP⁃MS U⁃Pb composition of zircon samples of the Xinkailing⁃Keluo complex (D0014)
测点号 Th U Th/U 比值 比值 比值 年龄(Ma) 年龄(Ma) 年龄(Ma) (10-6) 207Pb/
206Pb1σ 207Pb/
235U1σ 206Pb/
238U1σ 207Pb/
206Pb1σ 207Pb/
235U1σ 206Pb/
238U1σ D0014-1 18.88 870.31 0.02 0.049 56 0.001 75 0.172 66 0.005 88 0.025 26 0.000 36 174 53 162 5 161 3 D0014-2 155.85 975.25 0.16 0.051 32 0.001 71 0.221 59 0.007 36 0.031 32 0.000 45 254 50 203 6 199 5 D0014-3 292.75 249.81 1.17 0.050 07 0.002 93 0.220 19 0.012 72 0.031 89 0.000 52 198 103 202 11 202 5 D0014-4 210.24 330.78 0.64 0.051 71 0.002 06 0.321 26 0.012 64 0.045 05 0.000 70 273 62 283 10 284 6 D0014-5 10.47 384.28 0.03 0.049 52 0.003 59 0.183 11 0.013 17 0.026 81 0.000 44 173 132 171 11 171 5 D0014-6 10.32 438.53 0.02 0.049 44 0.002 42 0.189 69 0.009 19 0.027 82 0.000 44 169 83 176 8 177 5 D0014-7 19.91 770.43 0.03 0.049 50 0.001 90 0.187 81 0.007 11 0.027 51 0.000 42 172 60 175 6 175 5 D0014-8 153.22 260.78 0.59 0.052 35 0.002 19 0.340 20 0.014 21 0.047 12 0.000 75 301 65 297 11 297 8 D0014-9 220.11 828.03 0.27 0.050 07 0.001 86 0.208 98 0.007 68 0.030 27 0.000 46 198 57 193 6 192 5 D0014-10 28.01 278.51 0.10 0.049 93 0.003 23 0.215 01 0.013 72 0.031 22 0.000 56 192 112 198 11 198 6 D0014-11 141.12 243.65 0.58 0.052 17 0.002 63 0.346 94 0.017 23 0.048 22 0.000 79 293 83 302 13 304 8 D0014-12 192.65 368.48 0.52 0.052 08 0.002 58 0.345 92 0.016 94 0.048 16 0.000 77 289 83 302 13 303 8 D0014-13 293.7 631.15 0.47 0.051 15 0.001 83 0.283 22 0.009 97 0.040 15 0.000 62 248 53 253 8 254 6 D0014-14 77.52 133.74 0.58 0.052 04 0.003 44 0.345 88 0.022 47 0.048 19 0.000 91 287 114 302 17 303 9 D0014-15 63.03 475.33 0.13 0.050 07 0.002 79 0.221 20 0.012 19 0.032 03 0.000 52 198 97 203 10 203 5 D0014-16 9.44 451.25 0.02 0.049 85 0.003 39 0.184 06 0.012 40 0.026 77 0.000 46 188 122 172 11 170 5 D0014-17 5.33 606.29 0.01 0.051 33 0.002 77 0.172 06 0.009 15 0.024 30 0.000 40 256 92 161 8 155 5 D0014-18 4.92 179.33 0.03 0.049 30 0.004 51 0.176 00 0.015 89 0.025 88 0.000 53 162 164 165 14 165 5 D0014-19 4.59 314.27 0.02 0.049 14 0.003 19 0.181 07 0.011 56 0.026 72 0.000 48 155 111 169 10 170 5 D0014-20 5.81 531.01 0.01 0.049 70 0.002 57 0.183 10 0.009 32 0.026 71 0.000 44 181 87 171 8 170 5 D0014-21 1.41 171.19 0.01 0.049 48 0.005 55 0.179 96 0.019 97 0.026 37 0.000 58 171 208 168 17 168 6 D0014-22 7.75 752.69 0.01 0.049 57 0.001 95 0.178 91 0.006 89 0.026 17 0.000 42 175 60 167 6 167 5 D0014-23 151.81 330.01 0.46 0.052 42 0.002 45 0.338 88 0.015 53 0.046 87 0.000 78 304 74 296 12 295 8 D0014-24 185.81 416.14 0.45 0.051 37 0.002 26 0.299 92 0.012 96 0.042 33 0.000 69 257 69 266 10 267 6 D0014-25 200.96 450.67 0.45 0.050 15 0.002 24 0.218 89 0.009 53 0.031 65 0.000 55 202 69 201 8 201 5 表 2 新开岭-科洛杂岩锆石LA⁃ICP⁃MS U⁃Pb同位素数据(D0002)
Table 2. LA⁃ICP⁃MS U⁃Pb composition of zircon samples of the Xinkailing⁃Keluo complex (D0002)
测点号 Th U Th/U 比值 比值 比值 年龄(Ma) 年龄(Ma) 年龄(Ma) (10-6) 207Pb/
206Pb1σ 207Pb/
235U1σ 206Pb/
238U1σ 207Pb/
206Pb1σ 207Pb/
235U1σ 206Pb/
238U1σ D0002-1 202.78 447.58 0.45 0.050 01 0.001 52 0.230 11 0.006 23 0.033 15 0.000 57 209 36 210 5 210 5 D0002-2 18.300 27.19 0.67 0.049 02 0.011 21 0.178 42 0.038 66 0.026 76 0.000 81 155 349 167 33 167 8 D0002-3 59.730 405.06 0.15 0.050 12 0.002 34 0.173 74 0.005 63 0.025 06 0.000 42 174 48 163 5 162 3 D0002-4 542.98 791.52 0.69 0.049 02 0.001 02 0.175 25 0.003 85 0.026 54 0.000 46 163 26 164 3 164 3 D0002-5 403.66 1 044.6 0.39 0.055 40 0.001 14 0.204 16 0.004 35 0.027 14 0.000 4 163 92 170 6 170 3 D0002-6 653.82 2 118.6 0.31 0.111 02 0.002 67 0.370 14 0.006 67 0.024 18 0.000 32 246 147 148 9 142 3 D0002-7 114.32 337.37 0.34 0.049 21 0.002 56 0.178 43 0.006 92 0.026 31 0.000 43 165 63 167 6 167 3 D0002-8 230.89 454.92 0.51 0.052 02 0.001 34 0.316 61 0.008 31 0.044 53 0.000 68 293 33 279 6 278 6 D0002-9 1 562.9 2 200.9 0.71 0.108 13 0.002 18 0.399 53 0.007 12 0.027 21 0.000 41 216 167 161 11 158 3 D0002-10 497.49 516.01 0.97 0.066 24 0.002 31 0.249 47 0.006 39 0.027 43 0.000 42 447 145 192 11 172 5 D0002-11 198.48 249.76 0.80 0.049 15 0.002 67 0.173 21 0.008 58 0.025 52 0.000 43 161 86 162 7 162 3 D0002-12 40.10 126.54 0.32 0.049 07 0.004 31 0.174 86 0.013 56 0.026 34 0.000 48 164 141 164 12 164 5 D0002-13 884.55 1 627.9 0.54 0.051 31 0.001 61 0.175 14 0.003 82 0.026 81 0.000 44 184 26 164 3 162 3 D0002-14 14.54 467.84 0.03 0.049 24 0.001 21 0.173 69 0.005 14 0.025 26 0.000 40 169 42 163 4 162 3 D0002-15 114.46 281.56 0.41 0.056 21 0.001 08 0.220 31 0.006 52 0.032 43 0.000 52 205 41 202 5 202 5 D0002-16 96.36 177.1 0.54 0.052 03 0.002 39 0.212 73 0.009 71 0.031 51 0.000 51 194 77 196 8 196 5 D0002-17 21.58 116.57 0.19 0.049 13 0.003 16 0.168 47 0.011 36 0.025 46 0.000 43 147 115 158 10 158 5 D0002-18 280.92 184.17 1.53 0.073 82 0.003 79 0.260 51 0.012 32 0.024 26 0.000 47 191 233 163 15 161 5 D0002-19 304.64 444.66 0.69 0.196 00 0.004 62 0.670 23 0.013 84 0.025 41 0.000 41 189 199 122 11 128 3 D0002-20 143.34 987.56 0.15 0.059 01 0.001 16 0.309 65 0.006 53 0.038 46 0.000 51 576 23 274 5 240 5 D0002-21 42.37 166.05 0.26 0.049 81 0.003 58 0.173 97 0.009 91 0.026 57 0.000 42 159 99 163 9 163 5 D0002-22 27.54 67.92 0.41 0.097 31 0.009 51 0.356 83 0.031 14 0.027 87 0.000 65 206 188 149 12 159 5 D0002-23 207.95 156.46 1.33 0.063 53 0.004 26 0.231 65 0.013 74 0.027 61 0.000 52 705 98 210 11 169 5 D0002-24 197.13 310.01 0.64 0.052 71 0.001 37 0.338 31 0.009 13 0.047 53 0.000 76 299 35 296 7 295 6 D0002-25 427.69 943.85 0.45 0.051 19 0.001 51 0.179 36 0.004 42 0.026 14 0.000 41 223 31 167 4 164 3 -
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