Ore-Forming Fluids Signature and Evolution in the Qiagong Fe Skarn Deposit of the Gangdese Belt, Tibet: Implications for Fe-Pb Mineralization
摘要: 目前关于恰功矽卡岩型铁矿床的流体演化过程及成矿机制,尤其是铁-铅矿体的成矿作用尚缺研究.对不同阶段的主要矿物进行包裹体均一温度-盐度、激光拉曼光谱分析以及H-O同位素测试.进矽卡岩阶段包裹体均一温度为400~550℃;盐度为15.5%~20.9% NaCleqv,其中S型盐度高达56.5% NaCleqv;气液相成分均为H2O.退化蚀变阶段包裹体均一温度为350~420℃;盐度集中于14.1%~16.6% NaCleqv,少量为2%~8% NaCleqv,而S型包裹体盐度亦高达55.8% NaCleqv;气液相成分均为H2O,液相富含HCO3-和CO32-.石英-方铅矿阶段包裹体均一温度范围为238~343℃,对应盐度为3.1~13.9% NaCleqv,其中含CO2三相包裹体完全均一温度集中在290~310℃,盐度为1.6%~11.2% NaCleqv.石英-方解石阶段包裹体均一温度与盐度分别为242~360℃和1.7%~11.8% NaCleqv,气液相成分均为H2O.H-O同位素显示:进矽卡岩阶段δDH2O为-106.4‰~-113.2‰,δ18OH2O为6.2‰~8.0‰;退化蚀变阶段δDH2O为-84.8‰~-130.1‰,δ18OH2O为2.7‰~5.5‰,退化蚀变阶段δ18OH2O值相对进矽卡岩阶段低;石英-方铅矿阶段δDH2O为-95.3‰~-103.8‰,δ18OH2O为-1.6‰~-0.7‰;石英-方解石阶段δDH2O为-67.4‰~-101.0‰,δ18OH2O为-0.8‰~0.6‰.结果表明流体整体具有从高温、中-高盐度逐渐向低温、低盐度演化的特征,矽卡岩期成矿流体来源于岩浆出溶;矽卡岩期流体的不混溶作用并与围岩发生反应是磁铁矿沉淀的重要机制,石英-方铅矿阶段流体温压下降是方铅矿沉淀的根本原因.Abstract: There is still lack of research on the evolution of ore-forming fluids and ore-forming mechanism of the Qiagong Fe skarn deposit in the Gangdese Belt,especially the mineralization of the iron-lead ore body. We studied the homogenization temperature,salinity,laser Raman spectroscopy and H-O isotopic compositions of major minerals in different stages. The homogeneous temperatures of the fluid inclusions that in the prograde stage range from 400 to 550℃,and the salinities vary from 15.5% to 20.95% NaCl eqv. Besides,the salinity of S-type fluid inclusion in this stage is up to 56.5% NaCleqv. Both the vapor and the liquid phases in these fluid inclusions are H2O. The homogeneous temperatures of fluid inclusions during the retrograde stage range from 350℃ to 420℃,and the salinities are primarily concentrated in 14.1%-16.68% NaCleqv,partly in 2%-8% NaCleqv. However,the salinity of type-S inclusion is up to 55.8% NaCleqv. Both the vapor and the liquid phases in these fluid inclusions are H2O. In addition,the liquid phase is also rich in HCO3- and CO32-. The homogeneous temperatures of the fluid inclusions in quartzgalena stage are 238-343℃,corresponding to the salinities of 3.1%-13.9% NaCleqv. Additionally,the total homogenization temperatures of CO2-bearing three-phase fluid inclusions are 290-310℃,corresponding to the salinities of 1.6%-11.2% NaCl eqv. Lastly,during the quartz-calcite stage,the homogeneous temperatures and salinities of the fluid inclusions vary in 242-360℃ and 1.7%-11.8% NaCl eqv respectively. The component of liquid phase in fluid inclusion is dominated by H2O,as well as the vapor phase. The H-O isotopes show that the δDH2O and δ18OH2O are-106.4‰—-113.2‰ and 6.2‰-8.0‰ during the prograde stage,and -84.8‰—-130.1‰ and 2.7‰-5.5‰ during the retrograde stage,respectively. The δ18OH2O compositions in the retrograde stage are lower than those in the prograde stage. The δDH2O and δ18OH2O are -95.3‰—-103.8‰ and -1.6‰—-0.7‰ in the quartz-galena stage and -67.4‰—-101.0‰ and -0.8‰-0.6‰ in the quartz-calcite stage,respectively. These data indicate that the fluids evolved from high temperature,medium-high salinity to low temperature and low salinity. The ore-forming fluids are mainly derived from magma exsolution in skarn stage. The fluid immiscibility and wall-rock interaction during skarn stage are the main mechanisms of magnetite precipitation. Decreased pressure and temperature during quartz-galena stage might be the prime reasons for precipitation of galena.
Key words:
- fluid inclusion /
- H-O isotopes /
- laser Raman /
- skarn deposit /
- Qiagong /
- Tibet /
- ore deposit
图 1 研究区区域构造简图(a)和恰功矿区地质图(b)
图a据高顺宝(2015)修改;图b据李应栩等(2011)修改. DLJT.打加南-拉马野加-江当乡断裂带;GLNT.噶尔-隆格尔-南木林断裂带;SNJS.狮泉河-嘉黎断裂带;SMMLT.沙莫勒-麦拉-米拉山-洛巴堆断裂带
Fig. 1. Regional structure diagram of the study area (a) and the geological map of Qiagong mining area (b)
图 2 恰功铁矿床矿物特征及野外照片
a.被磁铁矿交代的黄绿色石榴石及充填其上的石英、方解石;b.黄铁矿交代石榴石呈浸染状构造;c.石英脉切割绿泥石化及绿帘石化的石榴石矽卡岩;d.磁铁矿交代石榴石的残余并结晶出阳起石、方解石、石英;e.退化蚀变阶段的石英、方解石及呈柱状、放射状的阳起石;f.绿泥石化的石榴石矽卡岩中见少量镜铁矿;g.灰岩被矽卡岩交代残余形成的角岩化;h.磁铁矿中见黄铁矿及后期表生赤铁矿化;i.金云母及局部表生氧化成赤铁矿的磁铁矿;j.石英-方解石脉体,脉体核部为方解石,边部为石英;k.石英-方铅矿阶段的石英及块状方铅矿;l.断裂带上的铅矿化. Grt.石榴石;Chl.绿泥石;Lim.灰岩;Act.阳起石;Cal.方解石;Qz.石英;Ep.绿帘石;Phl.金云母;Ig.镜铁矿;Hm.赤铁矿;Gn.方铅矿;Pb.铅
Fig. 2. Ore minerals and field photos of Qiagong iron ore deposit
图 4 恰功铁矿床显微岩相学特征
a.石榴石及辉石共生;b.石英脉切穿绿帘石矽卡岩;c.绿帘石、绿泥石交代石榴石;d.阳起石交代石榴石;e.磁铁矿交代石榴石及少量磁铁矿被氧化成赤铁矿;f.磁铁矿交代石榴石形成的骸晶结构(BSE图);g.镜铁矿交代绿泥石;h.石英与方铅矿共生;i.方铅矿交代黄铁矿(BSE图). BSE.背散射;Grt.石榴石;Di.辉石;Ep.绿帘石;Chl.绿泥石;Cal.方解石;Qz.石英;Mt.磁铁矿;Hm.赤铁矿;Ig.镜铁矿;Gn.方铅矿;Py.黄铁矿;Gr~50.钙铝榴石含量为50%
Fig. 4. Micro-petrographic characteristics of Qiagong iron ore deposits
图 5 恰功铁矿床流体包裹体岩相学特征
a.进矽卡岩阶段石榴石中富气包裹体(V型);b.进矽卡岩阶段石榴石中含石盐子晶包裹体(S型);c.退化蚀变阶段阳起石中呈负晶形的包裹体;d.退化蚀变阶段含子晶包裹体与富气相包裹体共生;e.石英-方铅矿阶段的石英中局部从富液相包裹体至富气相包裹体的富集,表明流体发生沸腾作用;f.石英-方铅矿阶段的石英中见大量CO2三相包裹体;g.石英-方解石阶段的石英内部包裹体结构构造;h.石英-方解石阶段的方解石中富气相包裹体(V型)和富液相包裹体(W型);i.石英-方解石阶段的破碎石英中见次生CO2三相包裹体呈带状分布. L.液相;V.气相;Hal.石盐子晶;Op.未知不透明矿物;LCO2.液相CO2;LH2O.液相水;VH2O.气相水;VCO2.气相CO2;P.原生包裹体;PS.假次生包裹体;S.次生包裹体;S型.含子晶±暗色矿物包裹体;V型(VH2O).气相成分为H2O的富气相包裹体;W型(LH2O, VH2O).气液相成分都为H2O的富液相包裹体;L型(LH2O).液相成分为H2O纯液相包裹体
Fig. 5. Petrographic characteristics of fluid inclusions in Qiagong iron ore deposits
图 10 恰功铁矿床氢-氧同位素组成
底图据Hedenquist and Loweenstern(1994)
Fig. 10. Hydrogen-oxygen isotope composition of Qiagong iron ore deposit
表 1 西藏恰功铁矿床各阶段流体包裹体测试结果
Table 1. Test results and pressure estimation of fluid inclusions at different stages of Qiagong iron ore deposit
阶段/寄主矿物 类型 原/次生 数量 气泡消失温度(℃) 石盐消失温度/冰点(℃) 盐度(% NaCleqv) 均值 范围 均值 范围 均值 范围 阶段Ⅰ Grt W P 17 468 400~550 -15.0 -13.0~-18.0 18.6 15.5~20.9 V P 6 487 410~515 -15.7 -13.5 ~-17.0 19.1 17.3~20.2 S P 5 505 485~520 475 465~486 56.5 55.1~57.8 W S 7 241 225~307 -8.0 -7.0~-9.0 11.7 10.4~12.8 阶段Ⅱ Ep W P 16 401 312~515 -9.7 -2.8 ~-15.0 12.9 4.6~18.6 V P 5 432 336~485 -9.8 -3.1~-12.5 13.4 5.1~16.3 S P 2 478 476~480 466 465~466 55.2 55.1~55.3 Act W P 26 390 345~510 -8.5 -1.4~-12.5 12.1 2.4~16.4 V P 3 355 354~355 -11.8 -11.0~-12.5 15.7 15.0~16.4 S P 3 492 454~520 460 435~485 56.8 51.4~57.8 阶段Ⅲ Qz W P 33 268 238~343 -5.4 -3.5~-10.0 8.2 5.7~13.9 V P 5 267 254~285 -4.3 -1.8~-7.1 6.8 3.1~10.6 C 盐度 CO2笼合物 初熔(℃) 熔化(℃) 部分均一(℃) P 14 297 248~315 5.0 -55.9 7.3 27.8 阶段Ⅳ Qz W P 54 268 242~341 -5.0 -1.0~-8.1 7.3 1.7~11.8 S 12 239 210~252 -5.3 -3.4~-6.8 8.2 5.6~10.2 Cal W P 12 294 245~360 -4.3 -2.0~-6.5 7.0 3.4~9.9 注:各矿物及包裹体类型缩写详见图 2和图 5;测试数据均值为算术平均值. 表 2 恰功铁矿床氢-氧同位素测试结果
Table 2. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope test results of Qiagong iron ore deposit
阶段 样品号 矿物 δDV-SMOW(‰) δ18OV-SMOW(‰) δ18OH2O(‰) 均一温度(℃) 阶段Ⅰ QG-45 石榴石 -106.4 3.4 6.2 490 QG15-25 石榴石 -113.2 5.2 8.0 490 阶段Ⅱ QG15-38 绿帘石 -103.1 4.6 5.2 427 QG15-40 绿帘石 -107.0 2.7 3.3 427 QG15-23 阳起石 -84.8 4.7 5.9 410 QG15-39 阳起石 -94.6 5.5 6.7 410 QG-67 磁铁矿 -130.1 4.2 11.8 400 QG-66 磁铁矿 -126.2 3.3 10.9 400 阶段Ⅲ QG15-62 石英 -95.3 7.6 -0.7 265 QG15-63 石英 -103.8 6.7 -1.6 265 阶段Ⅳ QG15-16 石英 -98.0 8.9 0.6 265 QG15-16 方解石 -67.4 4.1 -0.8 300 QG15-40 石英 -101.0 7.7 -0.6 265 -
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