A Nanomineral Material from Thermally Treated Low Grade Natural Rhodochrosite
摘要: 通过热处理低品位菱锰矿矿石制备高活性纳米材料,并探究其催化去除NOx、吸附重金属性能.利用X射线荧光光谱仪、透射电子显微镜等研究菱锰矿矿石组成;利用X射线粉末衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜、比表面积分析仪、烟气分析仪、原子吸收分光光度计等研究菱锰矿矿石空气中热处理后结构变化及其NH3-SCR脱硝、重金属吸附效果.菱锰矿矿石主要组分为菱锰矿,含有少量黄铁矿、石英、白云石及硫酸盐.在空气中550℃煅烧1 h后,菱锰矿分解完全,产物以黑锰矿为主晶相,同时含有其他低结晶态锰氧化物;样品表面出现大量3~7 nm气孔,比表面积达到最大(31.5 m2/g).脱硝实验显示R550在170℃时脱硝效率可达到90%;吸附实验表明R550对Cd2+、Pb2+、Cu2+均有较好的吸附作用,表明低品位菱锰矿矿石在空气中550℃煅烧可获得高比表面积、高活性的纳米结构化材料,在环境污染物去除方面有潜在的利用价值.Abstract: A nanomineral material was prepared from thermally treated low grade natural rhodochrosite in this study. The composition of natural rhodochrosite was investigated by combining XRF, TEM and chemical method. The substance and structure after calcination were characterized by TG-MS, XRD, SEM, BET, and XPS. The results show that the mineral constituents of the rhodochrosite ore are rhodochrosite, quartz, pyrite and sulfate oxidized from pyrite. When the temperature increases to 550℃, the rhodochrosite calcines gradually, releasing a great amount of CO2, forming hausmannite and other species of MnOx. As a result, the porous structure (massive accumulation) occurs on the surface of rhodochrosite, which has the pore sizes in 3-7 nanometer, in particular, the maximum specific surface area is 31.5 m2/g. NH3-SCR results show that the sample R550 exhibited a high denitration performance. R550 also has a good removal efficiency of cadmium, lead and copper ions. It is indicated that the nano-porous material with better specific surface area can be prepared through calcining rhodochrosite ore at 550℃.
Key words:
- rhodochrosite /
- heat treatment /
- hausmannite /
- nano-mineral /
- specific surface area /
- heavy metal /
- environmental geology
表 1 菱锰矿矿石主要成分及含量
Table 1. Mineral and composition of natural rhodochrosite
成分 碳酸盐矿物 黄铁矿 硫酸盐 有机物 黏土 石英 含量(%) 83.7 5.1 1.3 0.4 3.1 6.4 表 2 菱锰矿矿石TEM能谱分析结果
Table 2. TEM-EDS results of natural rhodochrosite
分析点号 Mn Ca Fe Mg 晶体化学式 矿物名称 1 0.55 0.21 0.14 0.09 Mn0.55Ca0.21Mg0.09Fe0.14CO3 含钙菱锰矿 2 0.78 0.13 0.02 0.07 Mn0.78Ca0.13Mg0.07Fe0.02CO3 含钙菱锰矿 3 0.76 0.15 0.02 0.07 Mn0.76Ca0.15Mg0.07Fe0.02CO3 含钙菱锰矿 4 0.67 0.20 0.04 0.09 Mn0.67Ca0.20Mg0.04Fe0.04CO3 含钙菱锰矿 5 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 Ca0.5Mg0.5CO3 白云石 表 3 不同价态锰含量
Table 3. Conent of Mnn+
样品 Mn2+(%) Mn3+(%) Mn4+(%) 菱锰矿(℃) 51.3 35.0 13.7 550 39.4 42.4 18.2 700 35.9 48.8 15.2 表 4 菱锰矿不同温度及不同时间煅烧样品的比表面积
Table 4. Specific surface area of natural rhodochrosite and annealed products at different temperatures and time
样品号 表面积(m2/g) 煅烧30 min 煅烧1 h 菱锰矿(℃) 4.6 4.6 400 5.3 5.4 500 7.3 4.7 520 10.1 8.6 550 21.0 31.5 570 25.9 22.8 600 21.1 25.4 650 18.6 14.5 700 16.2 13.9 表 5 去除Pb2+、Cd2+、Cu2+的吸附等温模型参数
Table 5. Sorption isotherm parameters for removal of Pb2+, Cd2+ and Cu2+
Langmuir Qm(mg·g-1) KL(L·mg-1) R2 Pb2+ 343.6 1.658 0.980 Cd2+ 261.1 0.125 0.971 Cu2+ 208.6 0.114 0.993 表 6 不同吸附材料对镉、铅、铜离子吸附能力对比
Table 6. Comparison of adsorption capacities of different adsorption materials for Pb2+, Cd2+ and Cu2+
吸附物 吸附剂 适宜pH T(℃) 吸附容量(mg·g-1) 参考文献 Pd2+ ZnO with montmorillonite 5.0 室温 88.5 Sani et al.(2017) Magnetic chitosan/graphene oxide 5.0 30 79.0 Wang et al.(2016) MnO2/CNTs 7.0 50 78.7 Wang et al.(2007) R550 5.0 20 343.6 本研究 Cd2+ KMnO4-treated biomass 5.0 22 28.1 Wang et al.(2015) Nano-Pumice 6.0 25 200 Khorzughy et al.(2015) 芝麻 6.0 25 84.0 Cheraghi et al.(2015) R550 6.0 20 261.1 本研究 Cu2+ Soybean straw char 5.0 室温 172.0 Tong et al.(2011) Porphyra tenera 5.5 20 75.1 Park et al.(2016) 活性炭纤维 4.0 室温 177.1 Huang and Su(2010) R550 5.0 20 208.6 本研究 -
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