Study on In-Situ Sulfur Isotope Compositions of Sulfides: Implication for the Source of Pb-Zn Mineralized Body of Niutoushan in the Xiangshan Area
摘要: 近年来,在相山铀矿田的西部牛头山地区深部发现了铅锌矿化体,其成因机制不明.为探讨牛头山铅锌矿化体物质来源,开展了硫化物原位硫同位素分析研究.根据硫化物矿物之间的充填和包裹关系判断,铅锌矿化体金属硫化物形成的先后顺序是:黄铁矿形成最早,方铅矿和闪锌矿次之,细脉状黄铜矿形成最晚.利用LA-MC-ICP-MS技术对矿化体中几种金属硫化物分别进行了系统的原位硫同位素分析.结果显示:黄铁矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿、细脉状黄铜矿的δ34S值介于-4.8‰~+5.4‰之间,各硫化物矿物之间硫同位素未达到完全平衡分馏,利用黄铁矿δ34S值得到的矿化流体δ34SΣS值(总硫同位素组成)近似为+3.7‰,与共生矿物对(闪锌矿-方铅矿)图解法得到的闪锌矿和方铅矿沉淀时矿化流体的δ34SΣS值(+3.2‰)相近,表明形成牛头山铅锌矿化体的矿化流体δ34SΣS值大约为+3.7‰,为岩浆硫.结合前人的岩浆岩年龄数据,我们判断该铅锌矿化体金属硫化物的硫可能主要来自次火山岩相花岗斑岩岩浆热液.同一薄片中闪锌矿δ34S值高于共生的方铅矿,表明两者硫同位素基本平衡,利用共生矿物对(闪锌矿-方铅矿)硫同位素温度计计算得出平衡温度为197~476℃,与前人通过脉石矿物流体包裹体得到的铅锌矿化流体温度基本一致.相山火山盆地与相邻的北武夷黄岗山、梨子坑等产铅锌矿的火山盆地具有相似的成矿条件及成矿物质来源,使相山火山盆地具有良好的铅锌多金属找矿前景.
- 铅锌矿化体 /
- 硫同位素 /
- 成矿物质来源 /
- 地球化学
Abstract: In recent years, the Pb-Zn mineralization was discovered in the Niutoushan area in the west part of the Xiangshan volcanic basin. The genetic mechanism of Pb-Zn mineralization is still unclear. In order to reveal the source of the Pb-Zn mineralization, in-situ sulfur isotope analysis using laser altered-inductively coupled plasma spectra(LA-MC-ICP-MS)of sulfides is carried out. Paragenetic and crosscutting relationship between sulfide minerals formed by the hydrothermal fluids suggest that the earliest precipitated mineral was pyrite, followed by galena and sphalerite, and the chalcopyrite in fine vein shape was formed at the latest stage of the hydrothermal fluids. The analytical results of this study indicate that the δ34S values of metal sulfide minerals (pyrite, sphalerite, galena and fine-vine chalcopyrite) range from -4.8‰~+5.4‰. In term of sulfur isotopes, not all the sulfide minerals are in completely isotope equilibrium. The δ34SΣS(total sulfur isotope) value of the mineralized fluid calculated from the δ34S values of pyrite at its formation temperature is +3.7‰, which is basically consistent with hydrothermal δ34SΣSvalue obtained from the δ34S values of the paragenetic mineral pair (sphalerite-galena).Therefore, the δ34SΣSvalue of the mineralization fluid(+3.7‰) in the Niutoushan Pb-Zn mineralization indicates that the mineralization fluid was magmatic in origin. Combined with the published dating data of the magmatic rocks of the Xiangshan volcanic basin, the sulfur isotope data of this study suggest that hydrothermal fluid of the Pb-Zn mineralization may have been mainly derived from the subvolcanic magma of the granitic porphyry. The sulfur isotope values of the sphalerite minerals were higher than those of the paragenetic galena in the mineralized bodies, indicating sulfur isotope equilibrium between these two minerals. The temperatures calculated by using the sulfur isotopic compositions of these two minerals are between 197℃ and 476℃, which is consistent with the published temperatures from fluid inclusions. The metallogenic conditions and sources of ore-forming materials of the Niutoushan Pb-Zn mineralization in the Xiangshan volcanic basin are similar to those of Pb-Zn ore deposits in the Huanggangshan and Lizikeng volcanic basins in Northern Wuyi area, which hints promising prospects for Pb-Zn deposit prospecting in the Xiangshan volcanic basin.-
Key words:
- Pb-Zn mineralization /
- sulfur isotope /
- ore-forming material sources /
- geochemistry
图 2 牛头山26线矿体剖面图(据吴志坚和胡志华,2014修改)
Fig. 2. Cross-section of ore body found in exploration line No.26 in Niutoushan Pb-Zn mineralization
图 3 牛头山铅锌矿化体中主要金属硫化物的分布和结构关系(手标本a-c、显微镜照片d-i)
Fig. 3. Distribution and structure of sulfide minerals from the Niutoushan Pb-Zn mineralization
表 1 牛头山铅锌矿化体金属硫化物硫同位素组成(‰)
Table 1. The sulfur isotope compositions of sulfide minerals from the Pb-Zn mineralization (‰)
序号 样品编号 采样位置(m) 样品类型 测试矿物 δ34S(‰) 1 ZK26-101-2-1 -1 045 细脉状矿石 黄铁矿 +5.3 2 ZK26-101-2-1 -1 045 细脉状矿石 闪锌矿 +3.5 3 ZK26-101-2-2 -1 045 细脉状矿石 方铅矿 -0.2 4 ZK26-101-2-4 -1 045 细脉状矿石 黄铁矿 +3.6 5 ZK26-101-2-5 -1 045 细脉状矿石 闪锌矿 +3.8 6 ZK26-101-2-5 -1 045 细脉状矿石 方铅矿 +1.7 7 ZK26-101-4-1 -1 051 细脉状矿石 黄铁矿 +4.0 8 ZK26-101-4-1 -1 051 细脉状矿石 方铅矿 -1.7 9 ZK26-101-4-2 -1 051 细脉状矿石 黄铁矿 +5.3 10 ZK26-101-4-3 -1 051 细脉状矿石 黄铁矿 +4.5 11 ZK26-101-4-4 -1 051 细脉状矿石 闪锌矿 +4.0 12 ZK26-101-12-1-A -1 074 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +4.0 13 ZK26-101-12-1-B -1 074 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +3.7 14 ZK26-101-12-2 -1 074 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +3.9 15 ZK26-101-12-3 -1 074 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +4.0 17 ZK26-101-12-5 -1 074 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +3.8 18 ZK26-101-14-1 -1 077 块状矿石 方铅矿 +3.9 19 ZK26-101-14-1 -1 077 块状矿石 细脉状黄铜矿 -4.8 20 ZK26-101-14-2 -1 077 块状矿石 闪锌矿 +3.9 21 ZK26-101-14-2 -1 077 块状矿石 方铅矿 +2.6 22 ZK26-101-14-2 -1 077 块状矿石 细脉状黄铜矿 -0.9 23 ZK26-101-14-2 -1 077 块状矿石 闪锌矿 +5.4 24 ZK26-101-14-3 -1 077 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +3.3 25 ZK26-101-14-3 -1 077 块状矿石 细脉状黄铜矿 -3.8 26 ZK26-101-14-4 -1 077 块状矿石 细脉状黄铜矿 +1.9 27 ZK26-101-14-4 -1 077 块状矿石 闪锌矿 +3.5 28 ZK26-101-14-4 -1 077 块状矿石 方铅矿 +2.5 29 ZK26-101-15-1 -1 078 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +3.6 30 ZK26-101-15-2 -1 078 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +3.7 31 ZK26-101-15-2 -1 078 块状矿石 方铅矿 +0.1 32 ZK26-101-15-3 -1 078 块状矿石 闪锌矿 +3.4 33 ZK26-101-15-3 -1 078 块状矿石 细脉状黄铜矿 +1.4 34 ZK26-101-15-4 -1 078 块状矿石 闪锌矿 +3.7 35 ZK26-101-15-4 -1 078 块状矿石 细脉状黄铜矿 +2.6 36 ZK26-101-15-5 -1 078 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +3.6 37 ZK26-101-17-1 -1 080 块状矿石 黄铁矿 +4.4 38 ZK26-101-17-2 -1 080 块状矿石 细脉状黄铜矿 +2.0 39 ZK26-101-17-3 -1 080 块状矿石 方铅矿 +0.9 40 ZK26-101-17-3 -1 080 块状矿石 闪锌矿 +4.2 41 ZK26-101-17-4 -1 080 块状矿石 细脉状黄铜矿 +3.3 表 2 牛头山铅锌矿化体硫同位素地质温度
Table 2. Sulfur isotope geo-thermometer of sulfide from the Niutoushan Pb-Zn mineralization
样品编号 岩性 Sp(‰) Gn(‰) △Sp-Gn 平衡温度(℃) ZK26-101-2-5 细脉状矿石 3.8 1.7 2.1 316 ZK-26-101-14-2 块状矿石 3.9 2.6 1.3 476 ZK-26-101-14-2 块状矿石 5.4 2.5 2.9 229 ZK-26-101-17-3 块状矿石 4.2 0.9 3.3 197 表 3 牛头山、生米坑及蔡家坪铅锌矿床基本特征
Table 3. Typical characteristics of Niutoushan, Lengshuikeng and shengminkeng Pb-Zn deposits
矿床 牛头山 生米坑 蔡家坪 岩性 流纹英安岩 粗面斑岩 流纹斑岩 岩石类型 S型 稀土模式 轻重稀土分异明显,轻稀土富集,Eu负异常 成岩年龄 135 Ma 138 Ma 137 Ma 成矿年龄 121 Ma 135 Ma 135 Ma 成矿温度 197~476℃ 302~558℃ 292~490℃ 成矿物质来源(S同位素) 岩浆热液 岩浆热液 岩浆热液 注:牛头山成岩成矿数据引自:杨水源等(2010);成矿年龄数据与刘军港讨论获得;生米坑数据引自:罗平等(2009),张家箐等(2012);蔡家坪数据引自:代堰锫等(2011),徐庆胜等(2014). -
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