Rare Metal Enrichment in Leucogranite within Nariyongcuo Gneiss Dome, South Tibet
摘要: 拿日雍措穹窿(错那洞穹窿)位于北喜马拉雅穹窿的东部,穹隆内花岗岩种类较多,有淡色花岗岩、含石榴子石淡色花岗岩、片理化淡色花岗岩、含石榴子石和含绿柱石伟晶岩.这些花岗岩为经历了斜长石、锆石、独居石、磷灰石、富Ti矿物等分离结晶作用而形成的高度演化花岗岩,相对于维氏世界花岗岩平均值,富集Bi、Cs、Li、Sn、Be、Pb、B、W、Ta等稀有金属成矿元素,略贫Nb元素.同时,围岩也相对富集稀有金属元素.全岩地球化学分析表明,引起拿日雍措穹隆淡色花岗岩富集稀有金属成矿元素的因素是分离结晶作用和热液交代作用.高度演化淡色花岗岩在喜马拉雅造山带广泛分布,铌铁矿、钽铁矿、锡石和绿柱石等稀有金属矿物已在多处露头被识别,暗示了喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩是未来稀有金属矿产勘探的重要靶区.Abstract: The Nariyongcuo gneiss dome, located to eastern Tethyan Himalaya, consists of many types of granites, containing twomica granite, foliated leucogranites, garnet-bearing leucogranite, garnet-bearing pegmatite, and beryl-bearing pegmatite. All the Nariyongcuo leucogranites are evolved granites and resulted from various degrees of collective fractional crystallization of plagioclase, zircon, monazite, apatite and Ti-rich mineral phases. Comparing with Victorinox value of granites, these granites are enriched in rare metal elements of Bi, Cs, Li, Sn, Be, Pb, B, W, Ta, but relatively depleted in Nb. In addition, the wall rocks are also enriched in rare metal elements. Whole rock geochemical data imply that fractional crystallization and hydrothermal metasomatism resulted in rare metal mineralization within the Nariyongcuo gneiss dome. In the Himalayan belt, high evolved granites are widely distributed, and commonly contain rare metal-bearing minerals (niobite, tapiolite, cassiterite, beryl), suggesting that the Himalaya belt could be another new important target for the exploration of race metal deposits.
Key words:
- South Tibet /
- Nariyongcuo gneiss dome /
- leucogranite /
- rare metals /
- beryl /
- petrology
图 5 拿日雍措片麻岩穹窿内各类淡色花岗岩的主量元素和微量元素特征
(a)SiO2-K2O、(b)A/CNK-A/NK、(c)Hf-Zr/Hf、(d)Eu/Eu*-Sr、(e)Ba-Rb/Sr和(f)Zr/Hf-Nb/Ta,(f)中的灰色的阴影区域来自文献Ballouard et al.(2016)
Fig. 5. Concentrations and ratios of main and trace elements for all kinds of leucogranites in the Nariyongcuo gneiss dome
图 6 拿日雍措片麻岩穹窿内各类淡色花岗岩的原始地幔标准化蜘蛛网图(a, b)和球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分图(c, d)
原始地幔标准化值和球粒陨石标准化值来源于Sun and McDonough(1989)
Fig. 6. Primitive mantle (PM) -normalized trace element (a, b) and chondrite-normalized rare earth element (c, d) distribution patterns for all kinds of leucogranite in the Nariyongcuo gneiss dome
图 7 拿日雍措片麻岩穹窿内各类围岩的原始地幔标准化蜘蛛网图(a, b)和球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分图(c, d)
原始地幔标准化值和球粒陨石标准化值来源于Sun and McDonough(1989)
Fig. 7. Primitive mantle (PM)-normalized trace element (a, b) and chondrite-normalized rare earth element (c, d) distribution patterns for all kinds of wall rocks in the Nariyongcuo gneiss dome
图 9 拿日雍措片麻岩穹窿内各类岩石的稀有金属(a)Pb、(b)Li、(c)Bi和(d)Cs与SiO2的关系图解
图中图例与图 8相同
Fig. 9. Selected rare metals (a) Pb, (b) Li, (c) Bi and (d) Cs plotted against SiO2 for all the rocks in the Nariyongcuo gneiss dome
表 1 拿日雍措片麻岩穹隆内所采样品的位置、岩性和序号
Table 1. Location and lithology of samples in the Nariyongcuo gneiss dome
位置 岩性 样品号 岩体 淡色花岗岩 T0388-1到T0388-10、T0701-3、T0701-4、T0701-6、T0701-9、
T1138-A1到T1138-A3、T1138-B1到T1138-B4含石榴子石淡色花岗岩 T1137-GLG1、T1137-GLG2、T1137-GLG3 片理化淡色花岗岩 T1138-C1到T1138-C4、T1138-D1 含石榴子石伟晶岩 T1138-F2、T1138-F3 含绿柱石伟晶岩 T1137、T0388-11 围岩 黑云母片麻岩 T0701-1、T0701-2、T0701-5、T0388-9B、T0388-10B、
T0388-10C、T0388-13石墨片岩 T0701-7、T0701-8、T0701-P1到T0701-P4、T0388-P 石榴角闪岩 T0388-12、T1136-2到T1136-9 混合岩化石榴角闪岩 T1137-A1、T1137-A2、T1137-A3 含石榴子石的石英岩 T0701-GN1、T0701-GN2、T0387-2 含电气石石英岩 T1137-2 电气石岩 T0701-T、T1137-1 矽卡岩 T1138-E1、T1138-F1 -
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