Re-Os Geochronology Constraints on the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Sichuan Basin
摘要: 四川盆地震旦-寒武系储层具有万亿立方米以上的油气地质储量,具有广阔的勘探前景.复杂的地质条件及多期次构造作用限制了对其油气成藏演化过程的精细刻画.近年来,流体包裹体40Ar/39Ar和烃类Re-Os同位素定年等新技术在油气成藏研究中表现出良好的潜力和广泛的应用前景.针对四川盆地深部油气成藏演化的定量解析这一问题,在总结前人对震旦-寒武系油气成藏演化地质分析的基础上,结合近期对川中威远气田、川西龙门山矿山梁古油藏和川北米仓山古油藏中沥青Re-Os同位素的定年结果,认为四川盆地震旦-寒武系油气存在~450 Ma、205~162 Ma两期成藏作用,其中天然气藏形成的关键时期为205~162 Ma.还指出了Re-Os同位素分析在定量解析油气演化研究中需要解决的关键问题,并认为烃类的Re-Os同位素定年将会推动我国成藏年代学的发展,促进诸如四川盆地等复杂地质条件深层油气成藏过程和成藏机理的研究.Abstract: The Neoproterozoic-Cambrian reservoir in the Sichuan Basin, which has stored more than one trillion cubic meters of petroleum, is an important exploration target in China.However, the complex tectonism and accumulation conditions limited the detail analysis of their hydrocarbon evolution.Recently, the isotope dating methods, like 40Ar-40Ar dating on the hydrocarbon bearing fluid inclusions and the Re-Os dating on the crude oil and bitumen, have shown good potential on constraining the key times of the petroleum system evolutions.Based on the previous understanding on the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian reservoir evolution, and integrating the bitumen Re-Os dating results on the Weiyuan gas field, the Kuangshanliang paleo-reservoir in the West Sichuan Basin and the Micang Shan paleo-reservoir in the North Sichuan Basin, this study indicates that the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian petroleum system experienced oil type reservoir formation during Caledonian (~450 Ma) and both oil and dry gas type reservoir formation during Indosinian-Yanshanian event (ca.205-162 Ma).In addition, this study also puts forward some key problems related to the Re-Os analysis on accurate constraining petroleum evolution according to our current understanding.In summary, the hydrocarbon Re-Os geochronology is helpful for the development of the petroleum geochronology and could promote the understanding of the evolution and mechanism of the deep buried marine petroleum systems.
Key words:
- hydrocarbon accumulation /
- paleo-reservoir /
- bitumen /
- hydrocarbon geochronology /
- Re-Os dating /
- petroleum geology
图 1 四川盆地震旦-寒武系天然气藏及研究涉及的古油藏分布示意图
Fig. 1. Sketch map of the Sinian-Cambrian natural gas reservoirs and paleo-reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin
图 2 四川盆地及周缘新元古界震旦系-下古生界综合柱状图
Fig. 2. Combined the Sinian-Cambrian stratigraphic sequences in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas
图 3 龙门山北段矿山梁地区油气成藏年代及其演化示意图
据Ge et al.(2018b)修改
Fig. 3. Petroleum geochronology and evolution of the Kuangshanliang paleo-reservior in the northern Longmenshan thrust belt
图 4 米仓山震旦系古油藏成藏年代及其演化示意图
据Ge et al. (2018a)修改
Fig. 4. Petroleum geochronology and evolution of the Micangshan Sinian paleo-reservior in the northern Sichuan Basin
表 1 四川盆地震旦-寒武系油气藏成藏时间总结
Table 1. Table 1Summary of reservoir-forming time of the Sinian-Cambrian reservoirs in Sichuan Basin
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