Properties and Sources of Ore-Forming Fluids in Sefu Gold-Copper Deposit, Quxu County, Tibet, China
摘要: 色甫金铜矿是新近在冈底斯南缘新生代斑岩成矿带内揭示的一个叠加于热液脉型铜矿上的浅成低温热液型金矿.详细的野外地质调查显示,色甫金铜矿和邻近的鸡公西矿区范围内先后经历了早始新世磁铁矿化、晚始新世-早渐新世与韧性剪切活动有关、早中新世钼矿化和铜矿化以及稍晚的金矿化等多期热液活动.对各期流体活动形成的石英中流体包裹体的岩相学、显微测温、显微激光拉曼和氢-氧同位素分析显示,与磁铁矿化有关的流体为岩浆热液混合建造水的高温、高盐度富水流体;与钼矿化有关的流体为岩浆热液与大气降水混合的高温、高盐度富水流体;与铜矿体形成有关的流体为具有岩浆贡献的中高温含CO2低盐度流体与大气降水来源的低温低盐度富水流体混合的产物;与金矿体形成有关的流体为具有岩浆贡献的中温含CO2±CH4±N2的中低盐度流体与大气降水来源的低温低盐度富水流体混合的产物.利用流体包裹体显微测温对其捕获温压估算的结果显示,铜矿体和钼矿化体形成前,该地区有过1.5~4.1 km的剥蚀,之后至金矿体形成前时有过近6 km的剥蚀,金矿体形成后剥蚀为0.8~1.2 km.矿区后续工作应优先针对近南北向断裂中赋存的蚀变岩型金矿开展工作.Abstract: Sefu deposit is a newly discovered Au-Cu deposit in Gangdese porphyry Cu belt. Its Au orebodies are epithermal type and superimposed on the vein type Cu orebodies. According to detailed geological survey, five periods of hydrothermal activity are distinguished in and around Sefu and Jigongxi. They are Early Eocene magnetite mineralization, Late Eocene-Early Oligocene ductile shearing related one, Early Miocene molybdenum and copper mineralization, and gold mineralization at last. Petrography, microthermometry, laser Raman spectroscopy together with hydrogen and oxygen isotope analysis are conducted on the fluid inclusions in quartz formed during these five periods. It is found that fluid related to magnetite mineralization is the mixture of magma originated aqueous fluid of high temperature, high pressure, high salinity, and formation water. Fluid related to molybdenum mineralization is the mixture of meteoric water and magma originated aqueous fluid of high temperature, high pressure, and high salinity. Fluid related to copper mineralization is the mixture of medium-high temperature, low salinity fluid and containing medium density CO2, which was originated from magma, and low temperature, low salinity fluid which is from meteoric water. Fluid related to gold mineralization is the mixture of medium temperature, low salinity fluid with low density CO2, CH4 and N2, which was originated from magma, and medium temperature, low salinity fluid, which is from meteoric water. Estimation results of trapping temperature and pressure based on microthermometry also show 1.5-4.1 km erosion had happened before molybdenum and copper mineralization, and 6 km erosion had happened before gold mineralization. After gold mineralization, 0.8-1.2 km erosion had happened. Exploration should focus more on gold orebodies in the near north-south striking faults in Sefu area in future.
图 1 色甫金铜矿大地构造位置及南冈底斯主要铜矿床和金矿床分布略图
Fig. 1. Tectonic location of Sefu gold-copper deposit and main copper deposits and gold deposits in southern Gangdese metallogenic belt
图 4 色甫金铜矿和鸡公西矿区矿体露头和矿石野外照片
Fig. 4. Field photographs of orebody outcrop and ores in Sefu gold-copper deposit and Jigongxi ore spot
图 7 色甫金铜矿和鸡公西矿区流体包裹体镜下照片
Fig. 7. Microphotographs of fluid inclusions in Sefu and Jigongxi
图 9 H2O-CO2±NaCl体系相分离深度-温度特征
Fig. 9. Characteristics of phase separation depth-temperature field for H2O-CO2±NaCl fluid system
图 10 色甫金铜矿区金矿石中流体包裹体捕获温压图解
Fig. 10. Trapping temperature-pressure diagram of fluid inclusions in gold ores of Sefu gold-copper deposit
图 11 色甫金铜矿区金矿石和铜矿石中流体包裹体盐度-均一温度图
Fig. 11. Salinity-homogenization temperature diagram for fluid inclusions in ores of Sefu gold-copper deposit
图 13 色甫金铜矿区铜矿石中流体包裹体捕获温压图解
Fig. 13. Trapping temperature-pressure diagram of fluid inclusions in copper ores of Sefu deposit
图 14 鸡公西矿区含辉钼矿石英脉中ADV类流体包裹体Tm-Th图解
Fig. 14. Tm-Th diagram for ADV type fluid inclusions in quartz veins containing molybdenite from Jigongxi deposit
图 15 色甫金铜矿矿区与韧性剪切活动有关的石英脉中流体包裹体捕获温度-压力图解
变质相范围据Frost and Frost(2014);等容线据Rodder(1984)及其中文献
Fig. 15. Trapping temperature-pressure diagram of fluid inclusions in quartz related to ductile-shearing activity in Sefu
图 16 色甫金铜矿和鸡公西矿区流体δD-δ18O图解
Fig. 16. δD-δ18O diagrams of fluid in Sefu and Jigongxi deposit
图 17 色甫金铜矿和鸡公西矿区流体压力-温度演化图
变质相范围据Frost and Frost(2014)
Fig. 17. P-T evolution path of fluid in Sefu and Jigongxi deposit
表 1 色甫金铜矿和鸡公西矿区热液脉体特征
Table 1. Summaried hydrothermal veins'characteristics of Sefu gold-copper deposit and Jigongxi mine spot
期次 分布区域 受控构造 金属矿化 围岩蚀变 流体包裹体类型 Ⅰ 鸡公西矿点 始新世黑云母花岗岩与昌果组接触带 磁铁矿化;矽卡岩型、含钾长石-石英-磁铁矿脉型 钾长石化、石榴子石矽卡岩化、角岩化、硅化 ADV Ⅱ 色甫铜金矿区和鸡公西矿点 近东西走向北倾切割昌果组片理的韧-脆性断裂 暂未见 硅化、绿帘石化、白云母化、绿泥石化 AC2 Ⅲ1 鸡公西矿点 近东西走向南倾正断层 星点状辉钼矿化 硅化、钾长石化、电气石化 ADV Ⅲ2 色甫铜金矿区 近东西走向南倾正断层 脉状黄铜矿化、黄铁矿化,风化为孔雀石、褐铁矿 硅化、绿泥石化 AV+AC1+C1 Ⅳ 色甫铜金矿区 近南北走向东倾走滑断层 黄铁矿化、金矿化 黄铁绢英岩化 AV+AC3+C2 表 2 色甫金铜矿和鸡公西矿区流体包裹体显微测温结果
Table 2. Summaried fluid inclusion microthermometric results of Sefu gold-copper deposit and Jigongxi ore spot
热液期次 类型 大小
(%)Te Tm, CO2 Tm, cal Th, CO2 Tm, ice Tm Th, l-v 盐度
(% NaCleqv)(℃) Ⅰ ADV 8~15 11 20~30 / > 470 395~480(L) \ Ⅱ AC2 6~14 16 20~30 / -56.8~-57.1 8.2~8.6 15.4~22.9(L) / / 185~237(L) 2.81~3.57 Ⅲ ADV 8~17 11 10~40 / / / / / 210~483 231~450(L) 32.39~57.49 Ⅳ AC1 5~15 5 40~45 / -56.8~-57.3 8.1~9.2 24.1~29.0(L) / / 287~306(L) 1.63~3.76 Ⅳ C1 4~10 26 / / -56.8~-57.4 / 11.8~17.1(L) / / / / Ⅳ AV 4~11 28 15 -22.7~-23.8 / / / -2.7~-8.7 / 181~347(L) 4.49~12.51 Ⅴ AC3 5~25 13 60~80 / -58.5~-69.3 -5.2~6.2 25.6~31.1(V) / / 184~273(L) 7.14~19.41 Ⅴ C2 5~18 35 / / -57.9~-68.5 / 17.5~24.3(V) / / / / Ⅴ AV 5~15 22 5~20 -22.7~-23.5 / / / -0.4~-4.1 / 226~333(L) 0.70~6.59 表 3 色甫金铜矿和鸡公西矿区石英和磁铁矿的O同位素以及石英中流体包裹体的H同位素组成分析结果
Table 3. Analysis results for oxygen isotopes of quartz and magnetite and hydrogen isotopes of fluid inclusions in quartz of Sefu gold-copper deposit and Jigongxi ore spot
热液期次 矿物 样品编号 δ18O矿物(‰) T*(℃) δ18OH2O(‰) δDH2O(‰) Ⅰ 磁铁矿 D1035B20 0 622 \ / 磁铁矿 D1035B21 -0.7 622 \ / 石英 D1035B21 6.6 622 5.78 -82.3 Ⅱ 石英 D1010B1 7.8 397 3.67 -92.7 石英 D1010B2 9.8 397 5.67 -91.5 石英 D1018-2B1 8.2 397 4.07 -88.9 石英 D1013B1 9.5 397 5.37 -93.4 Ⅲ 石英 D1037OT1 6.7 570 5.35 -92.5 石英 D1104-1B1 8.8 570 7.45 -81.3 石英 D1033B2 8.7 570 7.35 -86.9 石英 D1033B3 10.3 570 8.95 -89.3 石英 D1079B2 11.2 570 9.85 -91.1 石英 D1608B1 12.7 570 11.35 -86.8 石英 D1612B1 12.3 570 10.95 -71.5 Ⅳ 石英 D1024B2 9.9 331 4.04 -88.6 石英 D1070B1 9.2 331 3.34 -86.8 石英 D1078B2 8.5 331 2.64 -86.1 石英 D1602B1 11.2 331 5.34 -93.2 石英 D1605B2 9.4 331 3.54 -91.1 石英 ZK002-41 11 331 5.14 -82.9 Ⅴ 石英 D1022-2B2 9.4 270 1.34 -85.5 石英 D1040B2 9.8 270 1.74 -78.7 石英 D1045-1B1 10.1 270 2.04 -71.5 石英 D1045-5B2 10.3 270 2.24 -79.2 石英 ZK002-42 10.2 270 2.14 -74 注:T*.据显微测温结果和磁铁矿-石英氧同位素温度计估算的流体包裹体的平均捕获温度;\.未获得相关数据;/.未测. -
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