Origin and Evolution of Ore-Forming Fluids in Luerma Porphyry Copper (Gold) Deposit from Western Gangdise
摘要: 目前冈底斯成矿带报道的斑岩型矿床主要集中在东段,而鲁尔玛斑岩型铜(金)矿为冈底斯成矿带西段新发现的铜矿,具有钾硅酸盐化、绢英岩化、青磐岩等明显的斑岩型矿床蚀变特征.其热液脉体从早到晚化分为:钾硅酸盐化脉(A脉)、石英-金属硫化物脉(B脉)以及石英-绿帘石-碳酸盐化脉(D脉).对各阶段热液脉体的的流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温、显微激光拉曼和H-O-C同位素等分析.发现A脉石英中流体包裹体的形成温度集中在390~460℃,盐度介于4.5%~21.6% NaCleqv和43.6%~59.6% NaCleqv两个区间;B脉石英中流体包裹体的形成温度集中在310~380℃,盐度介于3.6%~19.8% NaCleqv和6.0%~16.0% NaCleqv两个区间;D脉石英和方解石中流体包裹体的形成温度集中在200~320℃,盐度集中在0.4%~14.7% NaCleqv.拉曼分析表明,鲁尔玛铜(金)矿的流体包裹体含CO2、N2、CH4等气体及石盐子晶和多种金属硫化物和金属氧化物子晶.各热液脉体石英中流体包裹体的δDH2O,V-SMOW值的变化范围为-128‰~-110‰,δ18OH2O,V-SMOW值的变化范围为-9.09‰~-1.45‰,方解石的δ13CCal,V-PDB值的变化范围为-20.8‰~-19.8‰,δ18OCal,V-SMOW值的变化范围为-5.9‰~-4.9‰,展现出岩浆热液的特征,晚期还有大气降水的加入.研究结果显示,成矿流体属高温、高盐度、含CO2、N2、CH4等气体和Cu、Fe、Mo等金属元素的Ca+-Na+-Cl-H2O体系流体,具有典型的斑岩型铜矿床成矿流体的特征.成矿流体从深部封闭体系运移到浅部的开放体系,温压环境突变导致金属硫化物沉淀,形成A脉和B脉型矿化.随着成矿物质的大量析出,同时伴随着大气降水等因素的影响,流体温度、盐度迅速降低,产生D脉型矿化.Abstract: The current studies of the deposits in the Gangdese metallogenic belt is predominate in the eastern section, but the new discovered Luerma porphyry copper (gold) Deposit belongs to the western segment of Gangdise polymetallic metallogenic belt. The Luerma copper (gold) deposit developed typical porphyry deposits'hydrothermal alteration zones, which are divided as potassium-silicification zone, sericitization zone, clayization zone, and propylitization-propylitization zone from proximal to distal, respectively. Hornfels and malachite are also generally distributed in the mining area. Moreover, three main types of hydrothermal veins have been identified based on its mineral assemblages, cutting relationship and alteration features, which consist of the potassium-silicification vein (A vein), the medium-term quartz-polymetallic sulfides vein (B vein), and the epidote-carbonatation (D vein), respectively. Petrographic, microthermometric, laser Raman microprobe and H -O -C results of fluid inclusions in different hydrothermal veins. Fluid inclusions of A vein's homogenization temperatures, and salinities vary from 390~460℃, 4.5%~21.6% NaCleqv, 43.6%~59.6% NaCleqv, respectively; fluid inclusions of B vein's homogenization temperatures, and salinities, vary from 310~380℃, 3.6%~19.8% NaCleqv, 6.0%~16.0% NaCleqv, respectively; fluid inclusions of D vein's homogenization temperatures, and salinities, vary from 200~320℃, 0.4%~14.7% NaCleqv, 0.70~1.00 g/cm3, respectively. And the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen isotope test results reveals that the δDH2O, V-SMOW values of fluid inclusions in quartz veins range from -128‰ to -100‰, and δ18OH2O, V-SMOW values of fluid inclusions in quartz veins range from -9.09 ‰ to -1.45‰, the δ13CCal, V-PDB values of calcite veins range from -20.8‰ to -19.9‰, and δ18OCal, V-SMOW values of calcite veins range 9.4‰ to 10.5‰, indicating a feature of magmatic hydrothermal, but may mixtured geothermal water in late stage. In brief, the ore-forming fluid of the Luerma copper (gold) deposit is a Ca+-Na+-Cl-H2O fluid system, with high contents of CO2, N2, and CH4, high homogenization temperature, high salinity and, low-moderate density, rich in metallic elements as Cu, Fe, and Mo et al., which characteristics similar to typical porphyry copper deposits. These studies suggest that, the luerma copper ore ore-forming fluid moved from the deep closed system to the shallow open system and broke through the critical state of decompressing boiling rapidly, which occurred phase separation resulting in the precipitation of metal sulfide, forming A vein and B vein type mineralization. Afterwards, as the heavy precipitation of minerals in ore bearing hydrothermal fluid, and the mixing of atmospheric precipitation, et al., the temperature and salinity of the fluid decreased rapidly, resulting in D vein mineralization.
图 4 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿野外及镜下特征
Fig. 4. Macroscopical and microscopic graphs of Luerma copper (gold) deposit
图 5 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿床中流体包裹体的显微照片
Fig. 5. Micrographs of fluid inclusions in quartz from the Luerma copper (gold) deposit
图 7 各阶段包裹体显微照片及激光拉曼光谱
a.S1阶段含硫化物钾硅酸盐化石英脉(A脉)含子矿物三相(Ⅱ型)流体包裹体液相(H2O+CO2)拉曼特征;b.S1阶段含硫化物钾硅酸盐化石英脉(A脉)含子矿物三相(Ⅱ型)流体包裹体气相(H2O+CO2+N2+CH4)拉曼特征;c.S1阶段含硫化物钾硅酸盐化石英脉(A脉)含子矿物三相(Ⅱ型)流体包裹体子矿物(黄铁矿)拉曼特征;d. S1阶段含硫化物钾硅酸盐化石英脉(A脉)含子矿物三相(Ⅱ型)流体包裹体子矿物(辉钼矿)拉曼特征,NaCl信号;e.S2阶段含硫化物无蚀变晕石英脉(B脉)含子矿物三相(Ⅱ型)流体包裹体子矿物(方解石+赤铁矿+黄铜矿)拉曼特征;f.S2阶段韩含硫化物无蚀变晕石英脉(B脉)气液两相(Ⅰ型)流体包裹体气相(H2O+CO2+N2+CH4)拉曼特征;g.S3阶段含硫化物石英-绿帘石-碳酸盐化石英脉(D脉)含子矿物三相(Ⅱ型)流体包裹体液相(H2O)拉曼特征;h.S3阶段含硫化物石英-绿帘石-碳酸盐化石英脉(D脉)含子矿物三相(Ⅱ型)流体包裹体气相(H2O+CO2 +CH4)拉曼特征;i.S3含硫化物石英-绿帘石-碳酸盐化阶段石英脉(D脉)含子矿物三相(Ⅱ型)流体包裹体子矿物(石盐)拉曼特征;Py.黄铁矿;Cp.黄铜矿;Mol.辉钼矿;Cal.方解石
Fig. 7. Laser Raman spectra and photographs of fluid inclusions in quartz
图 8 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿成矿流体的δ18OH2O, V-SMOW-δDH2O,V-SMOW图解(a)和δ18OCal, V-SMOW-δ13CCal,V-PDB图解(b)
Fig. 8. Plots of δ18OH2O, V-SMOW-δDH2O, V-SMOW (a) and δ18OCal, V-SMOW-δ13CCal, V-PDB (b) for ore forming fluids from Luerma deposit
图 10 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿流体包裹体盐度-均一温度-压力
S1.石英-钾长石-多金属硫化物阶段;S2.石英-多金属硫化物阶段;S3.石英-碳酸盐矿物-多金属硫化物阶段;L.液相;V.气相底图据Bodnar et al.(1985)
Fig. 10. The salinity-homogenization temperature-pressure diagram from Luerma copper (gold) deposit
表 1 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿主要热液脉体类型及特征
Table 1. Major types and characteristics of hydrothermal veins in Luerma copper (gold) deposit
成矿阶段 类型 矿物组合 蚀变 形态 产出特征 Kfs(A1脉) 不规则弯曲,连续性差的脉状,脉宽:0.5~2.5 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩中 石英-钾长石-多金属硫化物阶段(S1) A脉 Qz+Kfs±Bi± Mag±Cp±Py± Mol (A2脉) 钾硅酸盐化 不规则脉状,弯曲、连续性差,裂隙中充填晚期硫化物,脉宽:0.1~2.0 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩中 Qz±Mag±Cp± Py±Mol (A3脉) 不规则脉状,弯曲、连续性差,裂隙中充填晚期硫化物,脉宽:0.5~3.0 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩和角岩化砂岩中 Qz(B1脉) 较为平直和连续的脉状、网脉状,脉宽:0.5~5.0 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩中 石英-多金属硫化物阶段(S2) B脉 Qz+Py(B2脉) 绢英岩化 较为平直和连续的脉状、网脉状,脉宽:0.5~5.0 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩和角岩化砂岩中 Qz+Py+Cp±Mol (B3脉) 较为平直和连续的脉状、网脉状,脉宽:0.5~5.0 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩和角岩化砂岩中 Cal(D1脉) 不规则脉状、网脉状,脉宽:0.1~2.0 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩和角岩化砂岩中 石英-碳酸盐矿物-多金属硫化物阶段(S3) D脉 Cal±Py±Cp±Mol (D2脉) 青磐岩化 不规则脉状、网脉状,脉宽:0.1~1.5 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩和角岩化砂岩中 Qz±Cal±Epi± Py±Cp ±Mol(D3脉) 不规则脉状、网脉状,脉宽:0.1~1.5 cm 产出于石英二长斑岩中,少量产于二长闪长岩和角岩化砂岩中 注:Qz.石英;Cal.方解石;Epi.绿帘石;Ksp.钾长石;Bi.黑云母;Mag.磁铁矿;Py.黄铁矿;Cp.黄铜矿;Mol.辉钼矿. 表 2 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿床流体包裹体显微测温结果统计
Table 2. Microthermometry results of fluid inclusions from Luerma copper (gold) deposit
成矿阶段 热液脉体类型 包裹体类型 冰消失温度 气泡消失温度 石盐子晶消失温度 均一态 范围(℃) 测点 范围(℃) 测点 范围(℃) 测点 Ⅰa -18.9~-3.1 (平均为-8.8) 69 376~476 (平均为430) 69 L Ⅰb -17.9~-2.8 (平均为-8.5) 30 391~491 (平均为422) 30 L\V 石英-钾长石-多金属硫化物阶段(S1) A脉 Ⅱa -18.7~-16.7 (平均为-17.8) 3 424~455(平均为438) 3 L±S Ⅱb 372~397(平均为369) 16 383~491 (平均为421) 16 L±S Ⅰa -15.8~-2.1 (平均为-7.5) 108 270~389(平均为337) 108 L 石英-多金属硫化物阶段(S2) B脉 Ⅰb -13.5~-1.8 (平均为-5.9) 14 294~392(平均为346) 14 L\V Ⅱa -16.5~-2.3 (平均为-8.0) 12 301~361(平均为327) 12 L±S Ⅱb 275~325(平均为298) 17 272~363 (平均为312) 17 L±S Ⅰa -10.7~-0.2 (平均为-4.3) 134 167~344(平均为250) 134 L 石英-碳酸盐矿物-多金属硫化物阶段(S3) D脉 Ⅰb -7.6~-3.2 (平均为-7.3) 3 273~294(平均为284) 3 L\V Ⅱa -9.5~-0.7 (平均为-6.4) 15 175~284(平均为219) 15 L±S 注:Ia型流体包裹体为富液两相流体包裹体,Ib型流体包裹体为富气两相流体包裹体;Ⅱa型流体包裹体为含子矿物(不含石盐子晶)三相包裹体;Ⅱb型流体包裹体为含石盐子晶(高盐度)三相包裹体;L.液态;V.气态;S.硫化物. 表 3 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿床流体包裹体激光拉曼测试结果
Table 3. Raman spectra of fluid inclusions from Luerma copper (gold) deposit
成矿阶段 热液脉体类型 包裹体类型 测试
对象成分 测点 拉曼特征峰值(cm-1) 石英-钾长石-多金属硫化物阶段(S1) 钾硅酸盐化脉(A脉) 气液两相包裹体
(Ⅰ型)液相 H2O 9 3 000~3 720 气相 H2O 8 3 000~3 720 CO2 2 1 282~1 288,1 386~1 390 N2 1 2 328~2 333 含子矿物包裹体
(Ⅱ型)液相 H2O 8 3 000~3 720 气相 H2O 5 3 000~3 720 CO2 1 1 282~1 288,1 386~13 90 CH4 1 2 913~2 919 N2 1 2 328~2 333 子矿
物Py 1 341,376,427 Cp 2 290~292 Mag 1 664 Mol 1 379 石英-多金属硫化物阶段(S2) 石英-金属硫化物脉(B脉) 气液两相包裹体
(Ⅰ型)液相 H2O 10 3 000~3 720 气相 H2O 9 3 000~3 720 CO2 1 1 282~1 288,1 386~1 390 含子矿物包裹体
(Ⅱ型)液相 H2O 12 3 000~3 720 液相
气相H2O 12 3 000~3 720 CH4 1 2 913~2 919 N2 1 2 328~2 333 子矿
物Mag 1 664 Py 1 341,376,427 Cp 2 290~292,317~320,378~381 Mol 1 379,403 Hem 1 1 312 Cal 1 1 086 石英-碳酸盐矿物-多金属硫化物阶段(S3) 石英-绿帘石-碳酸盐化脉(D脉) 气液两相包裹体
(Ⅰ型)液相 H2O 4 3 000~37 20 气相 H2O 5 3 000~3 720 CH4 1 2 913~2 919 含子矿物包裹体
(Ⅱ型)液相 H2O 12 3 000~3 720 气相 H2O 5 3 000~3 720 CO2 2 1 282~1 288,1 386~1 390 CH4 1 2 913~2 919 子矿
物Py 2 341,376,427 Cp 2 290~292,317~320,378~381 Hem 1 1 314 Cal 1 1 086 注:Mag.磁铁矿;Py.黄铁矿;Cp.黄铜矿;Mol.辉钼矿;Hem.赤铁矿;Cal.方解石. 表 4 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿石英及其流体包裹体水的氢、氧同位素组成
Table 4. δ18OH2O, V-SMOW-δDH2O, V-SMOW isotopic compositions of quartz from Luerma copper (gold) deposit
样号 成矿阶段 脉体类型 测试对象 石英
δ18OQz,V-SMOW(‰)流体包裹体H2O δ18OH2 O,V-SMOW (‰) δDH2 O, V-SMOW (‰) ZK03-12 S1 A脉 石英及包裹体H2O 8.1 -2.3 -100 ZK03-13 S1 A脉 石英及包裹体H2O 10.0 -0.4 -105 ZK03-21 S2 B脉 石英及包裹体H2O 10.9 -4.3 -108 ZK03-02 S2 B脉 石英及包裹体H2O 10.5 -1.7 -108 ZK02-08 S3 D脉 石英及包裹体H2O 8.3 -2.1 -125 ZK01-10 S3 D脉 石英及包裹体H2O 10.2 -5.6 -126 ZK01-12 S3 D脉 石英及包裹体H2O 8.6 -7.2 -128 表 5 鲁尔玛铜(金)矿热液方解石的碳、氧同位素组成
Table 5. δ18Ocal, V-PDB-δ13Ccal, V-PDB isotopic compositions of quartz from Luerma copper (gold) deposit
样号 成矿阶段 脉体类型 测试对象 δ13CCal,V-PDB (‰) δ18OCal,V-PDB (‰) δ18OH2 O,V-SMOW (‰) ZK02-29 S3 D脉 方解石 -4.9 -20.8 9.4 ZK02-25-1 S3 D脉 方解石 -5.9 -19.8 10.5 -
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