Analysis of Origin of Groundwater in Jianghan Plain Based on Typical Drillings
摘要: 江汉平原地下水需求量日益增加、水质持续恶化,深入探究地下水的成因,对于地下水的合理利用与评价具有重要意义.选取江汉平原腹地YLW01钻孔和汉江附近HJ007钻孔为研究对象,钻探采集原状土柱,提取孔隙水,分析其水化学和氘氧同位素特征.研究表明:YLW01孔中深层砂性土孔隙水为咸水,TDS为1 131~4 013 mg/L,粘性土孔隙水为淡水;HJ007孔孔隙水均为淡水.YLW01孔中深层砂性土孔隙水的高SO42-含量(459~2 124 mg/L),由石膏溶解形成;HJ007孔中深层孔隙水的高NO3-含量(22~315 mg/L),由土壤中硝化作用形成.孔隙水化学成分主要受矿物溶解和阳离子交替吸附作用影响,在长江和汉江带作用程度不同.氘氧同位素特征表明孔隙水来源于大气降水,且汉江带浅层地下水受到明显的地表水混合.江汉平原两个钻孔水化学与同位素的差异受长江和汉江影响带河湖相沉积环境、沉积物粒度及矿物组成所控制.Abstract: With the increasing demand of groundwater and the continuous deterioration of water quality in Jianghan plain, it is of great significance to deeply explore the causes of groundwater for rational utilization and evaluation of groundwater. Taking YLW01 in central region and HJ007 near Hanjiang river as the study objects, porewater samples were squeezed from the drilled undisturbed soil columns to analyze hydrochemical characteristics and hydrogen and oxygen isotopic characteristics. The results show that:YLW01 porewater samples of sandy soil in middle-deep depth were saline water and the total dissolved solids (TDS) ranged from 1 131 to 4 013 mg/L, while other porewater samples of clay were fresh water; HJ007 porewater samples were all fresh water. The high concentration of SO42- (459~2 124 mg/L) of YLW01 porewater in middle-deep depth sandy soil was caused by Gypsum dissolution; the high concentration of NO3- (22~315 mg/L) of HJ007 porewater in middle-deep depth was caused by nitrification in soil. The chemical composition of porewater was mainly affected by mineral dissolution and cation exchange, and the degree of action in the Yangtze and Hanjiang River zone was different. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic characteristics indicated that porewater came from atmospheric precipitation and the shallow groundwater in Hanjiang River zone was obviously mixed with surface water. The differences in chemical and isotopic concentrations of the two boreholes in Jianghan Plain were controlled by the sedimentary environment, sediment particle size and mineral composition of the Yangtze and Hanjiang River effecting zones.
Key words:
- Jianghan Plain /
- porewater /
- hydrochemical characteristics /
- groundwater /
- hydrogeoche-mical processes
表 1 孔隙水中主要组分的相关性一览表
Table 1. Correlation between main components of porewater
YLW01 HJ007 TDS Ca 2+ Mg 2+ SO42- TDS Ca 2+ Mg 2+ SO42- TDS 1 0.985** 0.970** 0.972** 1 0.721** 0.435* 0.428 Ca 2+ 1 0.944** 0.941** 1 0.442* 0.745** Mg 2+ 1 0.937** 1 0.166 SO42- 1 1 注:*在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关;**在0.01水平(双侧)上显著相关 -
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