The Characteristics of Geochemistry and Alteration of the Jiling Uranium Deposit in the Longshou Mountains, Gausu Province: A Case Study from Drill ZKJ29-3
摘要: 芨岭铀矿床是解析龙首山成矿带铀成矿作用的关键所在.通过地质编录、镜下观察、电子探针和地球化学特征研究,综合矿床与周边铀矿点的蚀变和地球化学特征,将热液作用分为成矿前、成矿早期、主成矿、后成矿和成矿后等5个阶段.自矿体中心向外(A→F)的6个蚀变带中Na2O、U含量递减,SiO2和Rb含量呈宽缓的"U"型,FeO和MgO在A和E带中形成双峰,而P2O5和HREE则在A和D带含量较高,TiO2、Fe2O3、CaO、MnO、CO2、Zr、V、Cs、REE等组分主要富集于B、C和D带.成矿流体是起源于岩浆演化晚期的再平衡岩浆水,富含Na+、U6+、CO32-.逆向沸腾是主要的成矿机制,pH和Eh的变化进一步促进了沥青铀矿的沉淀.以蚀变组合分带与铀矿化关系为指导,有望在龙首山成矿带中段落实一个大型铀矿基地.Abstract: The Jiling Na-metasomatic uranium deposit is one of the most important deposits in the Longshou mountains ore belt, which is a key to the research on uranium mineralization in this area. Based on the logging data, microscope analysis, electronic probe and geochemical characteristics, we divide hydrothermal process into 5 stages including premetallogenic, early metallogenic, main metallogenic, post-metallogenic and after metallogenic stage. The alteration zones can be divided into zone A to zone F from the ore center to the alteration outer, and their geochemical characteristics are as follows:Na2O and U contents decreasing distinctly from zone A to zone F; SiO2 and Rb contents show a relieved "U" type; FeO and MgO contents show bimodal in zone A and zone E, while P2O5and HREEs contents are relatively higher in zone A and Zone D; TiO2, Fe2O3, CaO, MnO, CO2, Zr, V, Cs and REEs contents are distinctly higher in zones B, C and D. The ore forming hydrothermal solution is rebalanced magma water, which is rich in Na+, U6+ and CO32-. Pitchblende was downloaded from hydrothermal solution by fluid boiling for pressure releasing suddenly, and the changing of pH and Eh promoted the conversion from U6+ to U4+. It could be hoped for a large scale uranium base are to be found under the guidance of altered mineral assemblages diagram in deep prospecting and ore forecasting.
图 4 芨岭铀矿床钻孔ZKJ29-3中各阶段蚀变岩石和主要蚀变矿物特征
Fig. 4. The characteristics of altered rocks in every stage and altered minerals in the drill ZKJ29-3 from the Jiling uranium deposit
图 5 芨岭铀矿床蚀变似斑状花岗岩中矿物共生关系图(赵如意等,2018)
Fig. 5. Mineral paragenesis in porphyritic granite of the Jiling uranium deposit
图 6 芨岭铀矿床蚀变矿物组合与分带图(赵如意等,2018)
Fig. 6. The mineral assemblages and zones picture of theJiling uranium deposit
图 7 芨岭铀矿床钻孔ZKJ29-3中蚀变似斑状花岗岩和原岩原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图和球粒陨石标准化稀土元素
配分曲线图(标准化数值据文献Sun and McDonough, 1989)
Fig. 7. The primitive mantle normalizes trace elements spider diagram(a, b) and chondrite normalized rare earth elements diagram (c, d) of altered porphyritic granite and protolith in the drill hole ZKJ29-3 from the Jiling uranium deposit
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