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    罗婷 陈继平 廖群安 王国灿 张雄华 张随安 康琴琴

    罗婷, 陈继平, 廖群安, 王国灿, 张雄华, 张随安, 康琴琴, 2020. 东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪弧后盆地:来自基性火山岩的证据. 地球科学, 45(1): 194-210. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.325
    引用本文: 罗婷, 陈继平, 廖群安, 王国灿, 张雄华, 张随安, 康琴琴, 2020. 东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪弧后盆地:来自基性火山岩的证据. 地球科学, 45(1): 194-210. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.325
    Luo Ting, Chen Jiping, Liao Qun'an, Wang Guocan, Zhang Xionghua, Zhang Suian, Kang Qinqin, 2020. A Back-Arc Basin in Eastern Tianshan, Central Asia: Evidence from Geochronology and Geochemistry of Carboniferous Basalts. Earth Science, 45(1): 194-210. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.325
    Citation: Luo Ting, Chen Jiping, Liao Qun'an, Wang Guocan, Zhang Xionghua, Zhang Suian, Kang Qinqin, 2020. A Back-Arc Basin in Eastern Tianshan, Central Asia: Evidence from Geochronology and Geochemistry of Carboniferous Basalts. Earth Science, 45(1): 194-210. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.325


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.325

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      罗婷(1987-), 女, 博士, 从事岩浆岩及其相关矿产研究工作

    • 中图分类号: P581

    A Back-Arc Basin in Eastern Tianshan, Central Asia: Evidence from Geochronology and Geochemistry of Carboniferous Basalts

    • 摘要: 中亚造山带西南缘东天山觉罗塔格造山带广泛发育石炭纪火山岩,这些石炭纪火山岩的成因和构造历史一直是该区域地质问题争论的焦点.通过对东天山觉罗塔格造山带石炭纪基性火山岩详细的岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学和Sr-Nd同位素研究,获得了如下认识:(1)东天山觉罗塔格造山带石炭纪基性火山岩分为两期爆发,早期爆发时间为336 Ma,晚期爆发时间为320 Ma.早期336 Ma基性火山岩由玄武岩、玄武安山岩及同成分的火山碎屑岩组成,显示出弧火山岩属性;晚期320 Ma基性火山岩主要由玄武岩和玄武安山岩组成,包括Ⅰ型火山岩和Ⅱ型火山岩,Ⅰ型显示出大洋中脊玄武岩属性,Ⅱ型显示出弧玄武岩特征.(2)石炭纪基性火山岩中发现的大量捕获锆石(371~3 106 Ma)年龄谱系与中天山地块显示为相似的特征,表明它们在石炭纪之前可能同属一个板块,也指示早古生代地壳可能参与了成岩过程.(3)该区域石炭纪火山岩与现今存在的Okinawa Trough和Mariana Trough弧后盆地玄武岩(BABB)很相似,从弧玄武岩向洋中脊玄武岩的演变,反映了石炭纪中天山北部弧后盆地的发展.因此推断早石炭世火山岩为弧后盆地初始裂开阶段的产物,而晚石炭世火山岩为弧后盆地弧后扩张阶段的产物.早石炭世晚期的初始裂开和晚石炭世早期的弧后扩张表明天山洋的俯冲最终结束于晚石炭世末期,包括主大洋和弧后盆地最终关闭,而最终关闭的位置很可能位于中天山以南.


    • 图  1  东天山构造简图(a); 东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩分布图(b); 东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩剖面地质图(c)


      Fig.  1.  Schematic geological map of the eastern Tianshan(a); geological map of the distribution of Carboniferous volcanic rocks in Jueluotage region, the middle part of eastern Tianashan(b); geological cross-sections of the Carboniferous strata in Jueluotage area(c)

      图  2  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩典型基性火山岩野外照片


      Fig.  2.  Field photos of Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  3  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪典型基性火山岩显微照片


      Fig.  3.  Photomicrographs (cross-polarized light) of Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  4  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb谐和年龄图及锆石阴极发光照片

      Fig.  4.  LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age concordia diagrams, weighted mean ages, and CL images of zircon for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  5  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩捕获继承锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb谐和年龄图及锆石阴极发光照片

      Fig.  5.  LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age concordia diagrams and CL images of the inherited zircons for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  6  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩捕获继承锆石年龄分布频率图(a),中天山变质基底锆石年龄分布频率图(b)

      图b据Ma et al.(2012)

      Fig.  6.  Relative probability diagrams (a) of the inherited zircon ages for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan, combining probability density distributions and histograms; distribution of zircon U-Pb ages of central Tianshan (b)

      图  7  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩Nb/Y vs. Zr/TiO2命名图解(a)和AFM分类图解(b)

      Fig.  7.  Nb/Y vs. Zr/TiO2 diagram (a) and AFM (Na2O+K2O-FeOt-MgO) diagram (b) for classification for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  8  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩微量元素原始地幔标准化配分图解及稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分图解

      标准化值据Sun and McDonough(1989);Okinawa Trough BABB、Mariana弧、Mariana Trough BABB来自于Shinjo et al.(1999)Pearce et al.(2005)

      Fig.  8.  N-MORB-normalized spidergram and REE distributions for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  9  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩初始Sr-Nd同位素图解

      二叠纪塔里木玄武岩数据来自Tang et al.(2011);东西准噶尔和阿尔泰数据来自Su et al.(2012)王方正等(2002)

      Fig.  9.  Initial Sr-Nd isotope data for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  10  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩Nb/Zr-Th/Zr图解(a)及Th/Yb-Ta/Yb图解(b)

      Mariana Trough BABB,Okinawa Trough BABB区域来源于Pearce et al.(2005)Shinjo et al.(1999)

      Fig.  10.  Nb/Zr vs. Th/Zr (a) and Th/Yb vs. Ta/Yb (b) for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  11  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩Ba/Yb-Nb/Yb图解(a)及Ba/Nb-Th/Nb图解(b)

      Okinawa Trough BABB、Mariana弧、Mariana Trough BABB区域来自于Shinjo et al.(1999)Pearce et al.(2005)

      Fig.  11.  Plots of Ba/Yb vs. Nb/Yb (a) and Ba/Nb vs. Th/Nb (b) for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  12  东天山觉罗塔格构造带石炭纪火山岩Sm/Yb-Sm变化图解

      Fig.  12.  Plots of Sm/Yb-Sm diagram for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

      图  13  La/10-Nb/8-Y/15图解(a)和Hf/3-Th-Nb构造判别图解(b)

      N-MORB. N型大洋中脊玄武岩;E-MORB. E型大洋中脊玄武岩和板内玄武岩;WPA.板内碱性玄武岩;CAB.钙碱性玄武岩;IAB.岛弧拉斑玄武岩;BABB.弧后盆地玄武岩;WPB.板内玄武岩

      Fig.  13.  Tectonic discriminant diagrams of La/10-Nb/8-Y/15 (a) and Hf/3-Th-Nb/16 (b) for the Carboniferous volcanic rocks from eastern Tianshan

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