Tectonic Significance of Carboniferous-Triassic Magmatism in Langshan Area, Inner Mongolia
摘要: 华北地块北缘广泛发育石炭纪-三叠纪岩浆岩,岩浆岩的时空展布及反映的构造背景对研究古亚洲洋的俯冲增生作用具有重要的意义.然而,目前的研究集中在华北地块北缘中东部,该期岩浆活动的向西延伸有待深入研究.通过对狼山地区近年来获得的晚古生代-早中生代岩浆岩岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年龄及Hf同位素数据的综合分析,结果表明该区经历了早石炭世-晚二叠世、中-晚三叠世两期构造岩浆作用.其中,早石炭世-晚二叠世岩浆活动时限在338~251 Ma,岩性主要为辉长岩、角闪辉长岩、闪长岩、石英闪长岩、花岗闪长岩及二长花岗岩,辉长岩类的微量元素蛛网图及稀土元素配分型式与岛弧火山岩的曲线类似,花岗岩类具高Sr(>250×10-6,平均值为425×10-6)低Y(6.89×10-6~24.30×10-6)的特点.中-晚三叠世岩浆活动时限在245~228 Ma,岩性主要为正长花岗岩,花岗岩具高K2O/Na2O(1.48~1.58)、低Sr(154×10-6~49×10-6)低Yb(1.01×10-6~1.38×10-6)的特点,稀土配分曲线表现为轻稀土略富集、Eu负异常中等-强(Eu*=0.54~0.23)、重稀土平坦的近似海鸥型,总体反映了后造山花岗岩的地球化学特征.结合构造判别图解及区域地质资料,结果表明狼山地区早石炭世-晚二叠世为俯冲挤压的构造背景,中-晚三叠世则进入了后造山伸展的构造阶段.狼山地区晚古生代-早中生代发育的两期构造岩浆作用与华北陆块北缘中东部(330~265 Ma及250~200 Ma)类似,古亚洲洋的向南俯冲形成了华北陆块北缘近东西向延伸的晚古生代岩浆岩带,华北陆块与其北缘增生造山带拼贴作用的时限为二叠纪末-三叠纪初.Abstract: The Carboniferous-Triassic magmatites are widely developed in the northern margin of the North China Block. It is an effective way to study subduction and accretion of the Paleo-Asian Ocean via magmatic rocks. However, the existing research focuses on the middle-eastern part of the northern margin of the North China Block, and the westward extension of magmatic activity needs further study. Through comprehensive analysis for the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic magmatic rocks, we propose the Langshan area has experienced the obvious tectonic magmatism of the Early Carboniferous-Late Permian and Middle-Late Triassic. The Early Carboniferous-Late Permian magmatism was in 338-251 Ma, resulting in large scale regional exposure of gabbro+hornblende gabbro+diorite+quartz diorite+granodiorite+monzonitic granite rock assemblage.The trace elements and REEs characteristics of the gabbrides display affinity to arc signature, and the granitoids show characteristics of high Sr (>250×10-6, average 425×10-6), and low Y (6.89×10-6-24.30×10-6). The Middle-Late Triassic magmatism was in 245-228 Ma, resulting in large scale regional exposure of monzonitic granite+Syenite, whole rock geochemical data reveal that the granitoids are characterized by high K2O/Na2O (1.48-1.58), low Sr (154×10-6-49×10-6), low Yb (1.01×10-6-1.38×10-6) and the approximate seagull type of chondrite-normalized REE patterns, which reflects the geochemical characteristics of post-orogenic extension. Combining discrimination diagrams and regional geological data, the Langshan area was under the tectonic setting of continental margin arc during Early Carboniferous-Late Permian and post-orogenic during Middle-Late Triassic. The tectonic magmatism of Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic magmatic is similar between Langshan area and middle-eastern part of northern margin of NCC. Thus, the southern subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean formed the Late Paleozoic magmatic belt extending from east to west, and the collaged time for NCC and accretion orogenic belt was restricted to Latest Permian-Earliest Triassic.
Key words:
- tectonic magmatism /
- Late Paleozoic /
- Triassic /
- northern margin of NCC /
- Langshan area /
- geochemistry
图 1 中亚造山带东南部构造简图(a)和华北陆块北缘地质简图(b)
底图据Wang et al.(2015)略修改;虚线据张拴宏等(2010)修改
Fig. 1. The tectonic location and simplified geological map of north margin of NCC
图 2 狼山地区侵入岩分布特征
底图据Wang et al.(2015)修改;同位素测年点序号与表 1中对应
Fig. 2. Distribution characteristics of intrusive rocks in Langshan area
图 3 野外露头照片及岩相学特征
Fig. 3. Outcrop photos and photomicrographs of the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic magmatic rocks, showing the typical textures
图 5 侵入岩的TAS图解(a)、AFM图解(b)和K2O-SiO2图解(c)
图a据Middlemost(1994);图b据Kuno(1968);图c据Peccerillo and Taylor(1976).1.橄榄辉长岩;2a.碱性辉长岩;2b.亚碱性辉长岩;3.辉长闪长岩;4.闪长岩;5.花岗闪长岩;6.花岗岩;7.硅英岩;8.二长辉长岩;9.二长闪长岩;10.二长岩;11.石英二长岩;12.正长岩;13.副长石辉长岩;14.副长石二长闪长岩;15.副长石二长正长岩;16.副长正长岩;17.副长深成岩.早石炭世花岗岩、辉长岩数据来源于Liu et al.(2016)、田健等(2018, 2019a);晚石炭世-早二叠世早期数据来源于田健等(2018);中-晚二叠世花岗岩类数据来源于本文;中-晚三叠世花岗岩类数据来源于王文龙等(2017)及未发表数据;部分样品进行了U-Pb同位素测试,但未进行主微量元素测试,所以数据量少于附表 1所列
Fig. 5. TAS (a), AFM (b) and K2O-SiO2 (c) diagrams of intrusive rocks
图 6 辉长岩类微量元素蛛网图(a);辉长岩类稀土元素配分曲线(b);花岗岩类微量元素蛛网图(c)及花岗岩类稀土元素配分曲线(d)
图a据Pearce(1983);图b、c据Sun and McDonough(1989);岛弧火山岩的曲线据Luhr and Haldar(2006)和Kimura and Yoshida(2006)绘制;样品说明同图 5
Fig. 6. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element spidergrams for gabbride (a), chondrite-normalized REE patterns for gabbride (b), primitive mantle-normalized trace element spidergrams (c), and chondrite-normalized REE patterns for granitoids (d)
图 7 εHf(t)分布(a)和εHf(t)-t演化关系(b)
Fig. 7. The Distribution diagram of εHf(t) (a) and εHf(t)-t evolution diagram (b) for intrusive rocks in Langshan area
图 8 狼山地区侵入岩构造判别图解
a.Th-Hf/3-Nb/16图解,据Wood(1980);b.R1-R2图解,据Batchelor and Bowden(1985);A.N-MORB;B.E-MORB;C.OIB;D.arc-basalts;1.幔源花岗岩;2.板块碰撞前消减地区花岗岩;3.板块碰撞后隆起花岗岩;4.晚造山期花岗岩;5.非造山花岗岩;6.地壳熔融的花岗岩(同碰撞);7.造山后期花岗岩;R1=4Si-11(Na+K)-2(Fe+Ti),R2=6Ca+2Mg+Al
Fig. 8. The discrimination diagram for intrusive rocks in Langshan area
表 1 狼山地区晚古生代-早中生代岩浆岩锆石U-Pb年龄汇总
Table 1. Summary of zircon U-Pb ages of the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic magmatic rocks in Langshan area, Inner Mongolia
序号 样品号 纬度 经度 产地 岩体 岩性 年龄(Ma) 测试方法 数据来源 1 012-2TN 41°16′15.5″N 106° 28′23.6 ″E 潮格温都尔 查干呼扎勒岩体 石英闪长岩 337.9±1.0 LA-ICPMS Liu et al., 2016 2 P17-22-1 41°27′53.8″N 106°45′54.0″E 潮格温都尔 查干呼扎勒岩体 石英闪长岩 337.4±6.6 LA-ICPMS 田健等,2019a 3 TW17-32-2 41°26′00.9″N 106°49′16.4″E 潮格温都尔 查干呼扎勒岩体 花岗闪长岩 331.1±0.9 LA-ICPMS 田健等,2019a 4 TW17-45-2 41°28′33.2″N 106°45′05.9″E 潮格温都尔 查干呼扎勒岩体 角闪辉长岩 329.0±2.3 LA-ICPMS 田健等,2019a 5 12WLT-20 41°38′02.5″N 107°00′30.7″E 潮格温都尔北 希热辉长岩体 辉长岩 327.9±2.1 LA-ICPMS Wang et al., 2015 6 016-2TN 41°15′14.0″N 106°28′46.1″E 潮格温都尔 查干呼扎勒岩体 橄榄辉长岩 327.2±1.2 LA-ICPMS Liu et al., 2016 7 021-1TN 41°14′32.5″N 106°28′58.3″E 潮格温都尔 查干呼扎勒岩体 英云闪长岩 324.7±1.4 LA-ICPMS Liu et al., 2016 8 PM22(1) - - 乌拉特后旗 喇嘛浩日格岩体 花岗闪长岩 320.5±2.9 TIMS 刘晔,2012 9 12WLT-18 41°37′50.6″N 106°59′04.2″E 潮格温都尔北 准沙巴尔太岩体 辉长闪长岩 320.2±1.9 LA-ICPMS Wang et al., 2015 10 12WLT-11 41°19′57.9″N 107°31′14.5″E 狼山口 狼山口花岗质片麻岩岩体 花岗质片麻岩 307.9±1.8 LA-ICPMS Wang et al., 2016 11 PM24(1) - - 乌拉特后旗 乌勒扎尔岩体 英云闪长岩 304.0±3.4 TIMS 刘晔,2012 12 5012-1 41°12′02.2″N 106°20′53.2″E 善岱庙 查干乃呼都格岩体 花岗闪长岩 299.2±0.7 LA-ICPMS 田健等,2019b 13 - - - 潮格温都尔北 超镁铁质岩体 斜方辉石岩、橄辉岩 294.2±2.7 SHRIMP 彭润民等,2012 14 5101-1 41°12′08.5″N 106°21′05.6″E 善岱庙 查干乃呼都格岩体 花岗闪长岩 293.2±2.1 LA-ICPMS 田健等,2019b 15 1003-2 41°20′07.8″N 106°43′38.6″E 潮格温都尔 哈日陶勒盖岩体 石英闪长岩 275.3±0.7 LA-ICPMS 本文数据 16 12WLT-13 41°15′10.3″N 106°51′21.6″E 潮格温都尔 沙尔楚鲁岩体 花岗闪长岩 273.2±1.6 LA-ICPMS Wang et al., 2015 17 12WLT-08 41°18′48.4″N 107°29′02.3″E 狼山口 狼山口岩体 辉长闪长岩 272.6±2.3 LA-ICPMS Wang et al., 2015 18 1004-4 41°20′31.9″N 106°43′27.2″E 潮格温都尔 哈日陶勒盖岩体 石英闪长岩 270.1±0.8 LA-ICPMS 本文数据 19 1013-1 41°22′58.8″N 106°41′44.9″E 潮格温都尔 沙日哈达岩体 花岗闪长岩 260.0±0.7 LA-ICPMS 本文数据 20 12WLT-05 41°18′09.9″N 106°39′37.4″E 潮格温都尔 阿仑珠斯郎岩体 花岗闪长岩 259.5±1.4 LA-ICPMS Wang et al., 2015 21 12WLT-17 41°28′53.3″N 106°55′49.4″E 潮格温都尔 楚鲁庙岩体 苏长岩 254.5±1.5 LA-ICPMS Wang et al., 2015 22 1016-1 41°23′20.5″N 106°41′13.0″E 潮格温都尔 沙日哈达岩体 二长花岗岩 251.1±0.7 LA-ICPMS 本文数据 23 PM05(1) - - 乌拉特后旗 巴嘎纳达巴岩体 二长花岗岩 245.0±3.5 TIMS 刘晔,2012 24 3306-1 41°20′08.0″N 107°05′39.0″E 潮格温都尔 乌和尔图岩体 正长花岗岩 236.1±1.0 LA-ICPMS 王文龙等,2017 25 14WLT-05-1 41°30′48.5″N 107°27′27.4″E 狼山口 扎岗熬勒庙岩体 片麻状花岗岩 231.8±1.7 LA-ICPMS Wang et al., 2016 26 6756-1 41°15′07.5″N 106°32′14.0″E 潮格温都尔 德布和日勒岩体 二长花岗岩 230.2±1.5 LA-ICPMS 未发表数据 27 PM15(1) - - 乌拉特后旗 滚呼都格岩体 花岗闪长岩 227.6±4.0 TIMS 刘晔,2012 -
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