Carbonate Reservoirs Cycles and Assemblages under the Tectonic and Palaeogeography Control: A Case Study from Sichuan Basin
摘要: 四川盆地海相碳酸盐岩油气勘探突破不断,多个大气田群已初具雏形,并呈现出储集体集群分布的特点,而储集体集群结构及时空分布尚待探讨.在前人研究基础上,结合对四川盆地海相碳酸盐岩沉积储层等综合研究,系统探讨了四川盆地构造古地理演化控制下的碳酸盐岩旋回及集群类型、结构以及主控因素.以稳定碎屑岩层系和大型不整合面等为界,划分出8个垂向碳酸盐岩旋回,各旋回储集体构成具有差异性.总体而言,震旦系-下奥陶统、中二叠统-中三叠统的多个包含白云岩的储集体旋回更为有利;结合构造、古地理及储集体的时空配置,划分出板块边缘稳定的台缘礁滩储集体集群、持续迁移型古隆起及周缘岩溶和颗粒滩白云岩储集体集群、板块内部潮坪背景下的藻云岩和台内滩储集体集群、板块内部断裂相关的台缘和台洼礁滩相白云岩储集体集群、缓坡型灰岩致密型及岩溶型储层储集体集群等类型.稳定白云岩的存在对储集体集群起到了重要的控制作用,早期油气充注对白云岩储层保存影响明显;不同储集体集群受到了构造、海平面变化及岩相古地理的联合影响,表生岩溶、TSR、热流体活动成为特定地区储集体形成的影响因素.Abstract: The oil/gas exploration of marine carbonate rocks in Sichuan basin has achieved a lot of breakthroughs. Several large gas field clusters have been gradually presented, and have shown the clumped distribution characteristics of carbonate reservoirs, while the assemblage structure of the reservoirs and its spatial and temporal distribution remain to be further discussed. Based on previous studies, combined with the comprehensive research on marine carbonate reservoirs in Sichuan Basin, the types, texture, and major controlling factors of carbonate cycles and assemblages under the control of tectonic and paleogeography have been systematically studied. Limited by stable clastic rock strata and large unconformity surfaces, eight carbonate cycles are divided in this paper, and each cycle has different reservoir compositions.The cycles include dolomite favorable for reservoirs such as ones of Sinian to Lower Ordovician, and Middle Permian to Middle Triassic.Combined with the tecotonic space-time distribution, and lithofacies paleography of reservoirs, carbonate rock assemblages are divided into several vertical cycles including:(1) stable platform edge reefs and shoals reservoirs on the edge of Upper Yangtze plate, (2) supergene karstification and grain beach dolomite around continuous migration paleo-uplift, (3) algal dolomite and intra-platform shoals under the background of tidal flat in the plate, (4) reef and beach dolomite reservoirs on the both sides of platform margin and intra-platform depression controlled by faults in the plate, and (5) dense limestone and karst reservoirs of carbonate ramp. It is suggested that carbonate reservoirs assemblages are controlled by dolomite which has been protected by early oil and gas charging. Carbonate reservoirs assemblages are influenced by tectonics, sea-level, and lithofacies paleography. And other factors such as karst, TSR, and hot fluids etc. influence carbonate reservoirs in local area.
Key words:
- carbonate reservoirs /
- reservoir assemblage /
- Craton /
- paleo-uplift /
- intracratonic sags /
- Paleozoic /
- Sichuan Basin /
- petroleum geology
图 1 四川盆地及周缘海相碳酸盐岩层系综合地层柱状图
地层系统、二级层序、海平面变化及构造旋回和构造运动等据陈洪德等(2012)和刘树根等(2016)修改.岩性剖面因资料缺失, 仅部分标注, 且未体现地层接触关系; 岩石地层名称总体针对油气突破地区相关层系进行了重点分区标注; 储集体类型之间存在交互
Fig. 1. The comprehensive geologic column of marine carbonate in Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas
图 2 四川盆地海相碳酸盐岩不同构造期古隆起及主要台缘和台洼礁滩带分布
古隆起分布据李晓清等(2001), 许效松和汪正江(2003), 谷志东等(2016)
Fig. 2. An overview of paleo-uplifts during the different tectonic stages and main reefs and shoals on the both sides of platform margins and intra-platform depression during the Later Permian Changxing period to Early Triassic Feixianguan period
表 1 四川盆地海相碳酸盐岩储层类型划分
Table 1. Classification of marine carbonate reservoir types in Sichuan Basin
储层类型 储集空间类型 典型发育层位 备注 大类 亚类 储层叠合 油气影响 储层(以白云岩为主) 台内滩(包括潮缘滩)储层 粒间溶孔、晶间(溶)孔、微裂缝 如下寒武统龙王庙组、中上寒武统娄山关群、奥陶系等礁滩 可存在表生岩溶影响 台缘带礁滩储层 粒间溶孔、晶间(溶)孔、微裂缝 如中二叠统栖霞组和茅口组、上二叠统长兴组、下三叠统飞仙关组、嘉陵江组、中三叠统雷口坡组等 台洼边缘礁滩储层 粒间溶孔、晶间(溶)孔、微裂缝 如上二叠统长兴组德阳-武胜台洼两侧、灯影组等 潮坪白云岩储层 膏云坪、云坪、微生物岩(藻云坪等)等 晶间(溶)孔、微裂缝 如上震旦统灯影组、第三统-芙蓉统娄山关群、下三叠统、嘉陵江组、中三叠统雷口坡组等 可存在表生岩溶影响, 往往与台内滩储层组合 目前发现的油气藏普遍存在古油藏, 是储层得以保存的重要条件之一 岩溶储层 埋藏岩溶 断溶体岩溶 孔、洞、缝 如拉张槽内灯影组二段和四段岩溶, 茅口组等 白云岩层系更为普遍, 滩相储层叠合更有利 目前发现的油气藏普遍存在古油藏, 是储层得以保存的重要条件之一 岩溶储层 表生岩溶 断层不发育岩溶 孔、洞、缝 如上震旦统灯影组二段和四段、上石炭统黄龙组、中二叠统茅口组、中三叠统雷口坡组顶等 白云岩层系更为普遍, 滩相储层叠合更有利 其他储层 裂缝型储层等 如宝塔组等 一般与其他储层伴生, 部分可归入断溶体储层 碳酸盐岩碎屑岩混积型储层 如川中古隆起东部边缘的龙王庙组、桐梓组等 可与白云岩类储层共存 -
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