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    王正和 邓敏 程锦翔 张海全

    王正和, 邓敏, 程锦翔, 张海全, 2018. 康滇古陆西侧断裂及岩浆活动对油气保存条件的影响:以盐源盆地为例. 地球科学, 43(10): 3616-3624. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.225
    引用本文: 王正和, 邓敏, 程锦翔, 张海全, 2018. 康滇古陆西侧断裂及岩浆活动对油气保存条件的影响:以盐源盆地为例. 地球科学, 43(10): 3616-3624. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.225
    Wang Zhenghe, Deng Min, Cheng Jinxiang, Zhang Haiquan, 2018. Influence of Fault and Magmatism on Oil and Gas Preservation Condition, to the West of Kangdian Ancient Continent: Taking Yanyuan Basin as an Example. Earth Science, 43(10): 3616-3624. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.225
    Citation: Wang Zhenghe, Deng Min, Cheng Jinxiang, Zhang Haiquan, 2018. Influence of Fault and Magmatism on Oil and Gas Preservation Condition, to the West of Kangdian Ancient Continent: Taking Yanyuan Basin as an Example. Earth Science, 43(10): 3616-3624. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.225


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.225

    中国地质调查局项目 DD20160176


      王正和(1976-), 男, 博士, 高级工程师, 主要从事沉积层序及油气地质勘探方面的研究

    • 中图分类号: P624

    Influence of Fault and Magmatism on Oil and Gas Preservation Condition, to the West of Kangdian Ancient Continent: Taking Yanyuan Basin as an Example

    • 摘要: 盐源盆地复杂的断裂体系及频繁的构造与岩浆活动对盆地内页岩气及常规油气保存的影响有待探讨.通过对断裂、岩浆活动与两套主要烃源岩生排烃史的匹配性分析,认为:(1)盐源盆地的边界断裂及其伴生的次级断裂在喜马拉雅期均有活动,且其活动作用主要是破坏早期的油气藏,并对油气的空间配置进行再次调整,对自生自储的原位页岩气保存主要起破坏作用;(2)盐源盆地内部北东向与北西向两组褶皱中仍然可能残留保存相对较完好的构造圈闭,并且可能富含气和轻质油;(3)盐源盆地及邻区所发育的海西期、印支期、燕山期及喜山期4期岩浆活动对盐源盆地中油气生成与运移的有利作用在于催熟烃源岩,加速其生油气,并提供潜在的运移通道;不利作用在于会破坏有利圈闭或先期油气藏,且烃源岩中的岩浆底辟会对自生自储的原位页岩气保存起破坏作用.


    • 图  1  盐源盆地综合柱状图


      Fig.  1.  The comprehensive stratigraphic column of Yanyuan Basin

      图  2  盐源盆地主要烃源岩生烃演化及岩浆活动期次

      Fig.  2.  The hydrocarbon-generation evolution of the major source rocks and the magmatism phases in Yanyuan Basin

      图  3  盐源盆地及邻区构造、地层、岩浆及油气苗分布

      Fig.  3.  The structure, strata, magma and oil & gas show distribution in Yanyuan Basin and its adjacent areas

      图  4  奥陶系印支期顺层侵入岩(补底拉打剖面)

      Fig.  4.  The Indosinian interbed intrusive rocks along Ordovician, Budilada Section

      图  5  志留系龙马溪组喜山期穿层侵入岩(大槽子剖面)

      Fig.  5.  The Himalayan intrusion rock that impaled Silurian Longmaxi Formation, Dacaozi Section

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