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    冯有良 邹才能 蒙启安 吴卫安 鲁卫华 朱吉昌

    冯有良, 邹才能, 蒙启安, 吴卫安, 鲁卫华, 朱吉昌, 2018. 构造及气候对后裂谷盆地层序建造的影响:以松辽盆地西斜坡晚白垩世为例. 地球科学, 43(10): 3445-3461. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.222
    引用本文: 冯有良, 邹才能, 蒙启安, 吴卫安, 鲁卫华, 朱吉昌, 2018. 构造及气候对后裂谷盆地层序建造的影响:以松辽盆地西斜坡晚白垩世为例. 地球科学, 43(10): 3445-3461. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.222
    Feng Youliang, Zou Caineng, Meng Qi'an, Wu Weian, Lu Weihua, Zhu Jichang, 2018. Tectonic and Climatic Influences on Architecture of Sequences and Sedimentary Systems in a Post-Rift Basin: Insight from Late Cretaceous Northern Songliao Basin. Earth Science, 43(10): 3445-3461. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.222
    Citation: Feng Youliang, Zou Caineng, Meng Qi'an, Wu Weian, Lu Weihua, Zhu Jichang, 2018. Tectonic and Climatic Influences on Architecture of Sequences and Sedimentary Systems in a Post-Rift Basin: Insight from Late Cretaceous Northern Songliao Basin. Earth Science, 43(10): 3445-3461. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.222


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.222

    中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探与生产分公司科技项目 KT2017-06-02


      冯有良(1963-), 男, 高级工程师, 中国科学院大学博导(兼职), 主要从事含油气盆地分析, 石油地质勘探研究

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Tectonic and Climatic Influences on Architecture of Sequences and Sedimentary Systems in a Post-Rift Basin: Insight from Late Cretaceous Northern Songliao Basin

    • 摘要: 盆地构造运动、气候变化对后裂谷盆地源汇系统、沉积体系和层序建造影响的研究尚待深入.松辽盆地是一个富含油气的晚白垩世大型后裂谷盆地.应用构造层序分析方法,利用测井曲线、岩心观察成果、三维地震和录井资料,在泉四段(K1-2q4)至嫩江组(K2n)划分出两个二级层序和7个三级层序.这7个三级层序根据其发育的古地貌背景和气候条件,可识别出发育在二级层序底部、干旱气候环境的低可容纳空间层序建造和发育在二级层序中上部、湿润-半湿润气候条件下的高可容纳空间层序建造.高可容纳空间层序建造又可根据古地貌背景划分为缓坡和受挠曲坡折控制的高可容纳层序建造.研究区这两个二级层序及其三级层序建造特征是对盆地幕式构造运动和气候变化的响应.一个热沉降幕开始于盆地基底抬升后的沉降.基底抬升造成气候干旱、剥蚀,形成不整合,随后的沉积沉降发育低可容纳空间层序.当盆地基底沉降较快,且沉降速率大于沉积物供给速率、气候湿润、湖平面上升导致盆地可容纳空间快速增长时,发育以水进域和高位域为主的高可容纳空间层序建造.二级层序界面两侧发育的地层圈闭,沉积在高可容纳空间背景的层序其水进和高位域早期的重力流砂体为岩性油藏的主要圈闭,该类砂体在Sqqn1和Sqn1层序最为发育,在坡折带及其之下集中分布.


    • 图  1  松辽盆地构造纲要(a), 研究区测线、井位分布(b)和构造剖面图(c)

      Fig.  1.  The maps of division of structural unit (a), survey line and well distribution (b), and structural section of the Songliao Basin (c)

      图  2  松辽盆地晚白垩世层序地层划分

      介形虫、孢粉、地层年龄据Wang et al.(2002), Deng et al.(2013), Wan et al.(2013), Wang et al.(2013), Wu et al.(2013)

      Fig.  2.  The general sequence stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous Songliao Post-Rift Basin

      图  3  杜50井泉四段中下部(K1-2q4m+1)曲流河沉积岩相组合

      Fig.  3.  Lithofacies assemblage of meandering river in middle and lower part of 4th member of Quantou Formation

      图  4  岩性、典型沉积构造和沉积相柱状图

      Fig.  4.  Columns of lithology, typical sedimentary structurea and sedimentary

      图  5  过SL4地震剖面的东西向连井地震解释剖面(a)和层序格架剖面(b)

      剖面位置见图 1c, S8

      Fig.  5.  Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies interpretations on seismic profile flatted T07 seismic reflection horizon(a) and well-tied section (b) in east to west direction

      图  6  L34-T23连井地震剖面T06拉平后的层序地层解释剖面(a)及L34-L27连井层序格架剖面(b)

      剖面位置见图 1c, S6

      Fig.  6.  Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies interpretations on seismic profile (a) flatted T07 seismic reflection horizon and well-tied section (b) in East to West direction

      图  7  J66-Jin54东西向连井层序格架剖面

      剖面位置见图 1c, S9

      Fig.  7.  Sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies interpretations on well-tied section in east to west direction

      图  8  Sqq4层序底(a)和Sqy层序底(b)可容纳空间层序沉积模式

      Fig.  8.  Sequence stratigraphic patterns of sequences Sqq4 (a) and Sqy (b) in low accommodation setting

      图  9  青山口组地层厚度图


      Fig.  9.  Thickness map of Qingshankou Formation

      图  10  缓坡(a)及挠曲坡折(b)控制的高可容纳空间背景层序建造模式

      Fig.  10.  Sequence stratigraphic architecture patterns in high accommodation setting

      图  11  层序沉积充填及地层岩性圈闭模式图

      据S8(位置见图 1b)测线的地震地质解释及钻井资料编绘

      Fig.  11.  Pattern of sequence infills and prediction of stratigraphic and lithologic traps

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